O TrueFit Proteína em Pó para Saúde Intestinal é um substituto de refeição em pó que se destaca pela sua formulação rica e nutritiva. Com 25g de proteína de soro de leite de alta qualidade, proveniente de vacas alimentadas com capim, este produto é uma escolha saudável e natural para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada. A proteína é livre de antibióticos e hormônios, garantindo uma fonte pura de aminoácidos essenciais que são fundamentais para o bom funcionamento do organismo.
Além de ser uma excelente opção para substituir refeições, o TrueFit também é ideal para quem deseja perder peso ou ganhar massa muscular. Com menos de 170 calorias por porção, ele proporciona uma sensação de saciedade prolongada, ajudando a controlar a fome ao longo do dia. Sua fórmula inovadora inclui 12 frutas e vegetais orgânicos, que oferecem uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais, além de probióticos e fibras prebióticas que promovem a saúde intestinal e o bem-estar digestivo.
O TrueFit não é apenas um suplemento proteico; ele é um aliado na recuperação muscular. Cada porção contém mais de 5g de BCAAs e 4g de glutamina e ácido glutâmico, que são essenciais para maximizar o desempenho nos treinos e acelerar a recuperação após atividades físicas intensas. Com a adição de óleo de MCT, o produto também fornece energia rápida e sustentável, ideal para quem leva um estilo de vida ativo.
Além disso, o TrueFit é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), glúten e ingredientes artificiais, tornando-se uma opção saudável e segura para dietas cetogênicas e para aqueles que buscam evitar aditivos indesejados em sua alimentação.
- Proteína de soro de leite de alta qualidade proveniente de gado alimentado com capim, garantindo pureza e eficácia.
- Substituto de refeição ideal que auxilia na perda de peso e no ganho de massa muscular, promovendo uma alimentação equilibrada.
- Nutrição completa com 12 frutas e vegetais orgânicos, probióticos e fibras prebióticas, que favorecem a saúde intestinal.
- Auxilia na recuperação muscular com a presença de BCAAs, glutamina e ácido glutâmico, otimizando o desempenho físico.
- Livre de OGM, glúten e ingredientes artificiais, sendo uma escolha saudável para dietas cetogênicas e para quem busca qualidade na alimentação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de TrueFit Gut Healthy Protein Powder com 250ml de água ou leite de sua preferência. Consuma como substituto de refeição, após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, experimente adicionar frutas ou vegetais à mistura, potencializando os benefícios nutricionais e o sabor do seu shake.
NeeNuu –
I enjoyed how this keeps me full for a few hours and that it was very easy to mix. First of all, I was shocked by the scoop size. I was glad the directions said “one scoop”, but I failed to realize one scoop is 47 grams of powder (that’s just 9 grams shy of two ounces of powder)!! I got the chocolate flavor and it doesn’t have a chalky or vitaminy flavor, but it is too sweet for me to love. It’s not a rich chocolaty taste, it’s more like a nestle sugary chocolate taste that coats the tongue. If I were blindfolded, I might not even know it were supposed to be chocolate, it’s just that sweet. Due to this, I had to use 16oz of unsweetened oak milk (directions say 8oz-16oz of liquid) to try to make it less sweet so I could drink it without cringing. I may be less deterred by the sweetness if it weren’t in my routine as the first thing I drink in the morning (maybe as an afternoon drink I wouldn’t mind it being so sweet). But at this rate that I have to use oak milk to dilute the flavor, the serving cost will now be higher for me. Just something to keep in mind if you’re being aware of serving cost while comparing brands.
I honestly haven’t tried many protein powders (I usually just buy pre-bottled cold protein drinks at the grocery store) and the quality of this one despite the flavor has left me mostly satisfied. I may try a different brand after this jug is done, but this one wasn’t bad enough for me to write it off completely. Maybe I can add my own raw cocoa powder to mask the sweetness.
Dave Reed –
I have tried many protein powders this but far is superior. Mixes will and tastes great!!
Steve –
It has been a while since I used powder drinks. My last drink of choice was Shakeology but that got too expensive real quick. I have been feeling sluggish again and putting on weight. I work a sedentary job and depression had caused me to stop caring about my diet. I decided to do something about it. I want to get healthy again and take my life back. I have been taking so many vitamins and supplements to try and feel normal and it occurred to me that eating healthy would probably eliminate the need for the vast majority of those pills. They get expensive every month.
I bought this after researching extensively among the different popular products. I am not a health expert nor do I really know a lot about nutrition. I just looked for something that seemed to have the most real foods in it without breaking the bank. This product is obviously popular on Amazon. I read all of the reviews and decided to take a chance.
I made my shake in the early morning before work. I used one scoop, one banana, and one cup of 1% milk with ice. The taste was great. Some might find it too sweet but it sure beats trying to force all of those natural foods down my gullet by conventional means. Remember, I am not yet accustomed to good healthy eating.
I noticed a stark improvement on my energy levels. My energy lasted all day long. When I got home from work, I could not stop working around the house. I finally stopped at the end of the night because my feet were hurting so much. I’m not used to that much exercise yet.
My wife tried it yesterday as well and she said that she felt much more energetic throughout the whole day too. One thing to note, we both had trouble sleeping last night. I don’t know what ingredient might have caused that but I will keep an eye on that. Frankly, I would rather sleep a little less if it means staying awake all day long without feeling tired. I actually used to come home from my desk job and take a nap.
I have high hopes for the continued use of this product. I bought the vanilla flavor. I can already sense my tastes in food getting healthy again. I skipped the donuts this morning and bought some grapes just because it looked tastier to me.
Dreya –
Jam packed with nutrients and tastes great!
Russ –
Very, very good. You will be satisfied.
Angela G. –
I have tried other shakes but have never really had one that I could say that I enjoyed drinking. I found this by Googling “best meal replacement shake”. It was listed as the #1 for taste, price, and quality. The article did not lie! These shakes taste terrific, keep me feeling full, and are reasonably priced.
I bought the chocolate flavor first, as it was the recommended flavor in the article I read. Per the instructions, I mix one scoop with 10 oz of liquid (my choice is unsweetened vanilla almond milk) and blend it in my shaker bottle. It mixes easily with no clumps, lumps, or grit. In fact, the consistency is almost velvety.
It is so creamy and delicious that I have also purchased the vanilla and the churro flavors. They are also quite tasty, but the chocolate is by far my favorite. Let me just say that I am not a chocolate person. I always choose vanilla cake over chocolate cake, vanilla ice cream over chocolate. However, this chocolate shake is so amazing I do prefer it to the vanilla shake.
Add powdered peanut butter to the chocolate shake for a Reese’s Cup flavor. Add the powdered p.b. to the vanilla for a creamy peanut butter shake. Add the peanut butter and a banana to either the chocolate or vanilla. As for the churro? It’s like the milk leftover in a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (YUM!). I like to mix 8 oz. of the unsweetened vanilla almond milk and 2 oz. of Tazo Chai Concentrate to the Churro flavor for an iced Chai Latte. All. So. Freaking. Good.
Not only does this shake taste amazing it also keeps me feeling full and energized for hours. By drinking one for breakfast and one for lunch, I easily max-out my protein goal every day. I really feel like I am not compromising my nutrition by using these to replace 2 of my daily meals.
I am so glad that I found these products. Thanks, RSP! (How about strawberry flavor next?)
Heather –
I don’t do smoothies. I like a protein shake that works with just water. This shakes smooth and is tasty!
Rene L. Lussier –
As many reviews point out, the taste is good, easy to mix, taste a little sweet.
J D Wright –
Its a good tasting drink, not gritty like some. It has only 170 calories per drink