Descrição do Produto: TRUE LIME Water Enhancer, Bulk Dispenser Pack (100 Pacotes)
Transforme a sua hidratação diária com o TRUE LIME Water Enhancer, um inovador pacote de 100 sachês que traz o sabor autêntico e fresco do limão espremido, sem as sementes, a bagunça ou o desperdício. Cada sachê contém 0 calorias, 0 gramas de açúcar e menos de 1 grama de carboidratos, tornando-se a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e saborosa para a água. Com a praticidade dos sachês, você pode adicionar um toque de limão a qualquer bebida ou receita, seja em casa, no escritório ou em qualquer lugar que desejar.
Os sachês são uma alternativa conveniente aos gomos de frutas cítricas e ao suco de limão. Um único sachê equivale ao sabor de um gomo de limão, enquanto dois sachês correspondem a uma colher de sopa de suco de limão. Para receitas mais elaboradas, seis sachês equivalem a um limão espremido e oito sachês a um quarto de xícara de suco de limão. Feito com ingredientes simples e limpos, o TRUE LIME não contém açúcar, sabores artificiais, adoçantes artificiais, conservantes artificiais, corantes de fontes artificiais, soja, MSG, glúten ou sódio, sendo também não-OGM.
Versátil e prático, o TRUE LIME é ideal para escritórios, salas de descanso, cozinhas e lounges. Use-o em qualquer lugar onde você utilizaria um gomo de limão ou suco de limão: em água, na culinária, na panificação ou como tempero. Além disso, esses sachês são uma maneira deliciosa de adicionar sabor sem sal às suas receitas favoritas. Combine-os com suas ervas ou especiarias preferidas para criar temperos personalizados para tacos, carnes grelhadas, rubs para churrasco e muito mais.
A TRUE CITRUS utiliza uma receita patenteada para cristalizar o suco e os óleos naturais da fruta, capturando o sabor autêntico do limão, limão, toranja e laranja espremidos na hora.
– Sabor Autêntico: Proporciona o gosto fresco e natural do limão sem a necessidade de frutas frescas.
– Zero Calorias e Açúcar: Ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e leve para saborizar suas bebidas.
– Praticidade: Pacotes individuais que podem ser levados para qualquer lugar, facilitando o consumo diário.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em bebidas, receitas culinárias e como tempero, substituindo o suco de limão.
– Ingredientes Limpos: Sem aditivos artificiais, conservantes ou glúten, atendendo a diversas restrições alimentares.
Para utilizar o TRUE LIME Water Enhancer, basta adicionar um sachê ao seu copo de água ou bebida de sua escolha. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para receitas, você pode incorporar os sachês diretamente na mistura de ingredientes, ajustando a quantidade conforme o seu gosto pessoal. Experimente também em bebidas gaseificadas ou como um toque especial em marinadas e molhos. A versatilidade do produto permite que você explore diversas combinações, garantindo sempre um sabor refrescante e autêntico.
Diane –
Well this is stupid, making me rate and review the lime and the lemon in the same entry….
True Lime: 5 Stars: excellent flavor, better than supermarket juices and stale fruit
True Lemon: 3 Stars: weak flavor but lots of useful acid
True Lime
I first heard of True Lime on a Southwest Airlines flight. I asked for some lime with my gin, and she apologized and gave me this. I was skeptical, but it was shockingly excellent. I asked if it was the new thing, and she said no, just left over from an international flight. I held on to the packet to try to find it myself.
In my part of the continent, supermarket citrus wasn’t picked yesterday, it was picked weeks ago and shipped, so by the time I buy it, some flavors and nutrients have already degraded. Then sometimes I end up not using them quickly enough and have to throw them away, wasted money. True Lime is so good that I don’t have to deal with that any more.
Storebought citrus juices to me rarely taste like the fresh-picked fresh-squeezed thing. I’ve read about all the chemistry they do on orange juice to try to reproduce the original flavor, and they do pretty well. Not sure if they do the same for other citrus, but if so, then it’s not as successful. True Lime tastes much better to me than Real, Nellie & Joe’s, and Rosie’s.
Of all the citrus, lime is the most complex, balanced, and interesting, and I enjoy lime-flavored things better than other citrus-flavored things. So I plan to keep True Lime on hand from now on.
True Lemon
Since I loved True Lime, I thought I would also try True Lemon. The flavor seems to me accurate but too much weaker than fresh-squeezed fresh lemon to be a perfect substitute, but it’s got a LOT of citric acid, much more than all the other True citrus, very useful for balancing recipes and compensating for deficits in other fruits and vegetables, so I plan to keep True Lemon on hand more as a citric acid source.
NeuroCare Medical Billing –
These little packets are amazing to add to a beverage or to even add to dishes you want to have that lime flavor. It is real, crystalized lime. I could not taste the difference in a fresh lime vs. the packet when I added to my drinks. Great for on the go for places that don’t carry lemon for your tea… 🙂
Jason –
Great item. No sweetener or artificial sweeteners. Sprinkle on fruit for dehydrating for kids. Gives that sour kick they love. Tasty in water bottle too. Though one packet works for half a gallon
Teri in Florida –
I have been trying to reduce the amount of soda🥤 that I’ve been drinking for too long… but could never find a replacement. But I finally found a cure. I drink so much more water now because of this product. It tastes like a lime 🍋🟩squeeze. It’s not too much like. It’s not sweet, but not too tart. It’s the perfect amount of lime. It dissolves easily. It’s a great value for the money. I’m saving so much money on drive-thru soda. I recommend it cold on ice. Put packets in your wallet or purse or glove box. Bring it to restaurants. You’ll save so much money and calories. 👍🏻 👍🏻 🍋🟩 🍋🟩
MDJeepGirl –
Hot or cold this lime juice is delicious. I have been trying to find a hot drink thats not full of artificial flavoring and does not come in a tea bag, and this worked for me 1 packet and 2 sweeteners and I have winner. I can put it in my purse and its very small and It works great with my keto diet. ☺️
T –
La combinación perfecta:
– Topo Chico 355ml en vidrio, bien fría
– Un vaso
– Dos sobres de True Lime en esta presentación
No necesitas más. Las posibilidades son amplias. He pensado en usarlo para mejorar el agua natural al acampar. Para dejar de tomar Coca Cola es perfecta, porque en agua mineral sabe muy bien y evitas el azucar y endulzantes.
True Lime se supone que no trae ni azucar ni endulcorantes o endulzantes. Es supuestamente puro limon en aciete luego cristalizado. Sabe bien! Tiene un ligero sabor a Lemon7 o SalLimon en Mexico pero no tiene azucar.
Nunca he probado Lemon7 o SalLimon en agua mineral xD por que obviamente son dulces, pero tienen un sabor familiar, quizá por el ácido cítrico que contienen ambos.
En fin, en resumen, esta bien pero no es un limón natural, sabe bien y lo dice un hombre que come limón en exceso desde que es un crío.
Frugal Engineer –
I found out about these through a friend and he let me take a couple of them home so I got to share them with my family. They all love it and it’s one of my favorite things to add to my water because it really does taste like lime. I love that it’s low sugar and low calories and that it’s made from like oil and lime juice. I also enjoy it on fruits like cut up apples.
I first found this in Walmart. Since then, I buy it in the bulk package here on Amazon. I’ve also bought the true lemon and orange. I love them, but this is my favorite. It’s perfectly tart and tastes like real lime. Which, I guess makes sense since it is real lime essence just in powder form. The advantage of this, is that I can have it anytime of year without worrying about finding no real limes in stock at the grocery. And I don’t have to about this spoiling if I don’t use it right away.
I always have this in my cupboard and would highly recommend it, as well as the lemon and orange versions as well.
eliezer –
This stuff is amazing! So intensely limey. A packet will easily flavour a litre of water. It also works amazingly on air fried chickpeas with some salt, chilli and garlic for a crunchy snack.
Teri in Florida –
These are perfect, portable, tasty, and all natural with zero calories. Makes that glass of water easier to power thru as you get your daily water intake allotment.