Descrição do Produto: TRU Supplements Energy
A TRU Supplements apresenta o TRU Energy, uma fórmula pré-treino inovadora que promete transformar sua experiência de treino. Com um sabor irresistível de limonada de morango, este suplemento vegano é a escolha ideal para quem busca aumentar o desempenho físico sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados. A fórmula foi cuidadosamente elaborada com ingredientes naturais, proporcionando a energia necessária para maximizar seus treinos, enquanto mantém a saúde em primeiro lugar.
- AUMENTO DE DESEMPENHO – O TRU Energy oferece os ingredientes naturais exatos nas dosagens corretas para garantir um treino perfeito e aumentar seu desempenho a cada sessão!
- NENHUM JITTER – Ao contrário de muitos suplementos, o TRU Energy não utiliza estimulantes artificiais ou uma sobrecarga de cafeína. Na verdade, contém menos cafeína do que uma xícara de café. Nossa fórmula proporciona a energia necessária sem os jitters ou a queda de energia pós-treino.
- FLAVORES EXTRAÍDOS NATURALMENTE – Na TRU Supplements, acreditamos em soluções totalmente naturais. O TRU Energy não contém açúcares adicionados, cores artificiais, adoçantes ou corantes.
- PERDA DE GORDURA – O TRU Energy ajuda você a extrair o máximo de cada treino. Nossa fórmula utiliza uma matriz celular termogênica específica com L-Carnitina, L-Citrulina e L-Malato para potencializar os benefícios da perda de gordura.
- PROTEÇÃO DOS MÚSCULOS MAGROS – Proteger seus músculos é tão importante quanto construí-los. O TRU Energy contém aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada que ajudam a iniciar o processo de construção e reparo muscular.
1. Aumento de Performance: Melhora significativa no desempenho durante os treinos, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos mais rapidamente.
2. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: A fórmula livre de jitters garante uma experiência de treino mais confortável e produtiva.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Com sabores e componentes extraídos naturalmente, você pode treinar com a certeza de que está consumindo um produto saudável.
4. Apoio à Perda de Gordura: A combinação de ingredientes termogênicos ajuda a otimizar a queima de gordura, tornando seus treinos ainda mais eficazes.
5. Proteção Muscular: Os aminoácidos presentes na fórmula ajudam na recuperação e proteção dos músculos, promovendo um crescimento saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o TRU Energy, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 14g) do pó em 250ml de água gelada. Consuma 20 a 30 minutos antes do treino para maximizar a energia e o foco. Não exceda a dose recomendada e evite o uso em combinação com outros produtos que contenham cafeína. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Jennifer Zaragoza –
Excellent product !!!! On the money as all TRU products are !!!!
Lynda –
I’ve been using the specific product for over three years and I can see myself ever using another product. I’ve also tried the strawberry lemonade flavor, which taste amazing.
Not only do I feel super pumped and energize for my work out. I can definitely go harder and lift heavier with this preworkout. I am also put in a really happy good mood. I’m not jittery or feel highly caffeinated or caffeinated at all.
I did fine when I started the pre-workout that I would get the prickly tingly sensation after I drink it. After researching the ingredients, I found that it’s not so much the product or the ingredients themselves but the way my body metabolizes a specific ingredient, which the beta alanine.
[I highly suggest you search up beta alanine to get a more understanding of why this occurs if this is something you have experienced. It’s not bad and it’s completely normal.]
What I found that works for me to prevent the tingly and prickly sensation is too actually begin drinking the pre-workout 45 minutes before my workout and be done by the 30 minute mark and to drink it slowly. I no longer have the prickly and tingly sensation!
Anyway, will forever continue to purchase this product!
Amazon Customer –
I absolutely love drinking this pre-workout before a strength training or cardio workout! It really helps me push through & give it my absolute best! I also really like the ingredients!
Best part, it doesn’t make me feel like I have ants crawling on me like some pre-workouts do! Definitely a winner!
Ruth –
I love this pre-workout! It is on the stronger side for me, so I typically do half a scoop and 1 full scoop only if exhausted. This does make your skin feel a tingle sensation that is uncomfortable / slightly painful. BUT that only lasts less than a minute and it goes away. I highly recommend this pre-workout, I’ve purchased this 4x now, and it really gives me that extra boost in my workout.
Jennifer Zaragoza –
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It may be a batch issue, but the peel off protective seal was not on the top but stuck under the cap. The plastic seal on the exterior of the cap was in place, so it could likely be a manufacturing issue. However I noticed the plastic seal on the energy was perforated and the seal on the BCAAs was not. So it makes me wonder if it was tampered with.
I still used it cause it was my first time buying the energy. 1/2 scoop dissolved well in 6oz and not gritty and seems to work as I can feel the pre work out tingles. Tasted mildly like the flavor, but would hopefully have better flavor with full scoop. However it in no way tastes bad, so if you’ve been scorned by other pre work outs because of flavor this is wayyyyy better!
Ruth –
Was so excited to try my preworkout and the seal was not in place. When I first opened it normally the seal is very hard to peel off but part of this seal came right off almost like it was tampered with because the other part of the seal was stuck and you had to really pull it off. This jar didn’t seem like the adhesive was on the whole thing just part which is why I feel it was tampered with and I don’t want to use it but unfortunately the seller doesn’t allow returns or exchanges which gets me upset because for the amount it is really should have some sort of exchange at the least. Not having any refund or exchange doesn’t ensure any satisfaction and I just really upset about the whole thing
Corey Lindsey –
Not sure if I felt energized with the amount suggested. Ill have to double dosage?
Amazon Customer –
This product is doing exactly what it is intended to do. I am Sweating more, i have More endurance in the gym for my workouts and i am Producing more urine (yes, that is part of a fat burner) the product has just enough grams of key ingredients that will spark better Nutrient uptake in the blood stream and transport molecules in order to help you burn fat more efficiently. It is a great preworkout for those who DO NOT WANT TO BE JITTERY AND FEEL CRACKED OUT. It doesn’t have a ton of caffeine so it’s not going spark your E-nervous system (that fight or flight gut feeling) and make you feel like you can take on the world and because of that there really is no crazy crashing comedown.
This preworkout is very easy on the stomach, idk of that has anything to do with it being vegan or just do to the fact that the different extracts that are in the product are less harsh than normal fat burners/thermogenic products.