Descrição do Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium
Descubra o poder do Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium, um suplemento inovador que combina cálcio e magnésio em forma de citrato, proporcionando uma absorção superior e eficaz. Ao contrário das formas tradicionais de cálcio e magnésio, que podem causar desconforto gastrointestinal e constipação, nosso produto é gentil com o seu sistema digestivo e pode ser tomado em jejum. Com uma fórmula que prioriza a saúde óssea, o Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium é essencial para quem busca manter ossos, dentes e músculos fortes e saudáveis.
Enriquecido com vitamina D3 e boro, este suplemento não só melhora a absorção de cálcio pelo organismo, mas também prolonga a eficácia da vitamina D, promovendo uma saúde óssea robusta. Estudos demonstram que a vitamina D3 é crucial para maximizar a absorção de cálcio, enquanto o boro atua como um prolongador da vida útil da vitamina D, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo esses nutrientes vitais.
Diga adeus às grandes pílulas que são difíceis de engolir! Com apenas uma colher de sopa por dia, você obtém sua dose diária de cálcio e magnésio de forma prática e saborosa. O Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium não só é fácil de consumir, mas também possui um sabor agradável, tornando a suplementação uma parte prazerosa da sua rotina.
Além disso, a absorção do nosso suplemento líquido é impressionante, variando entre 95% a 98%, em comparação com apenas 3% a 18% das pílulas convencionais. Isso significa que você está investindo em um produto que realmente funciona, e para garantir sua satisfação, oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 30 dias. Se você não estiver satisfeito com os resultados, basta entrar em contato conosco dentro desse período para um reembolso total.
daj –
I’m sorry to have to share this review because for a calcium supplement it is good in that it doesn’t cause constipation like most calcium supplements do. That said, I must share my experience because if this is truly what is causing me problems, I would like to prevent it from happening to you if possible.
I began taking this right after Christmas and was about to be finished with that bottle so ordered another on 1/20. Well, the past few weeks I have experienced an ALARMING amount of hair loss for seemingly no reason at all. Because now, weeks later, my hair is noticeably thinner, I have been frantically trying to discover the culprit. This product may well be it. (We’re talking clumps of hair falling during every shower, hair all over your clothes, dropping throughout the day, piles coming out when combing/brushing your hair, etc. ) I was searching on the internet for all possible supplements which might cause hair loss or interfere with hormones, esp. estrogen or testosterone which would also increase DHT: the thing that most definitely causes hair loss. I am 49 and very hormonally sensitive right now at this stage in my life, but I see a doctor for that in order to constantly monitor my levels to stay balanced.
Anyway, long story not-so-short—I just found that BORON can cause hair loss and impact estrogen and testosterone levels. I remembered seeing boron on the list of ingredients of the only new supplement I have added in the last month. I don’t know if the 750mcg of boron which is contained in this product is considered a significant amount, probably not, but —-if it indeed proves to be the source of my hair loss—-is just enough to do serious damage. So, again, I am sad. This is the best calcium product that I’ve found as far as not causing constipation. As far as whether it helps with calcium levels, I won’t be able to find out because I must stop taking this now prior to my next blood test and bone density test with hopes of stopping the hair loss.
So, I just wanted to give you a heads up so you could check out some of the effects of boron for yourself before you buy this especially if you are someone who might be a little more sensitive to anything that could alter hormone levels. At least you will be more informed than I was upon purchasing. As I mentioned before, I just made another order only to now find out that even though I have not tampered with it or removed the seal, it is not a returnable item. Yeah, it’s only $20+ bucks, but still.
So to be fair can I say definitively whether this caused the hair loss? No, but I am going to stop taking it starting today and hope for the best. I can say, that had I known there was a possibility that this could promote hair loss or cause hormone issues, I would have probably been more cautious about keeping an eye out for symptoms sooner than now. Also, I would not have ordered another non-returnable bottle once I experienced said symptoms.
Best of luck to all seeking a healthier you.
Jen –
I bought this for a child with autism who has a limited diet, sensory issues and cannot swallow pills. Compared to other liquid calcium supplements this one had a significantly better consistency and taste. Others were super thick and made him gag. You have to make sure that you shake it really well every day and do not refrigerate it. The only thing I did not like is how at the end of the bottle I still had some supplement caked on the bottom. It was a bit of a waste to not be able to use that. However, the fact that It tastes better and doesn’t upset stomachs when taken with food will make me continue to purchase this anyway. Overall, we really like this product.
Dave Robb –
Great product easy to take.
Mom of 3 –
I just received this and am trying it since last night myself since I suggested my Mom should try this. I am in my mid-40s and hate pills, which make me nauseous. I don’t love the chalky citrus flavor, but I can certainly tolerate it. I keep my kids’ liquid calcium in the fridge, but this says no refigeration. I wonder why. Will it harm the product? I heard this formula hardens so maybe refrigeration would help? I don’t know, just curious if anyone knows the reason I can’t. On to results: I can’t be sure of course if it is this product, but for the 1st time in months I woke up feeling like I slept. I had energy in the morning and I have had zero. Last weekend for the second weekend in a row I sat on a chair as my husband moved things. this morning I got right out of bed and even the pain that has persisted from sleeping in an odd position (my neck) is better! I had just gotten used to it. I am hoping it is the magnesium. I have a thyroid issue and think I may need to go back on medication. The tiredness that I have had has been unreal. But I can honestly say, coincidence maybe, that the morning after taking this I felt a marked difference. I wish my Mom would give it a shot, but something tells me she won’t like the flavor. She is a gummy person in her mid-60’s but I feel this would help her more.
I used to take 9 – 12 vitamin pills a day. I kept putting it off every morning because the pills upset my stomach. Before I knew it, it would be time to go to bed and I hadn’t taken my vitamins yet. So, I decided to take my vitamins in liquid form. I found a Tropical Oasis liquid replacement for every pill I took. It’s easy, they taste good and I can take them first thing in the morning and not have to worry the rest of the day. I began taking liquid vitamins for another reason – the research shows they have a better absorption rate than pills or capsules. I can’t speak about this definitively because I haven’t been taking them long enough. However, their Sleep-A-Weigh product has helped my ability to sleep better.
Regina 617 –
I am on my third bottle of Tropical Oasis Liquid Calcium and Magnesium. A friend told me about liquid supplements, so I did research and found that they do work into the system more quickly and profoundly than pills. I take several pill supplements, so I was truly glad to find this liquid. I bought another brand from Whole Foods which cost more and has same potency and you don’t have to refrigerate which is a plus. Directions say to take with food, so I take it in the a.m. after breakfast. I’m not due for a bone density test for another year, so I cannot attest to its bone strengthening power. It does have 400 IU of D3. My previous doctor, however, recommended 2000 IU. I will take my bottle to my new doctor to get her recommendation. I have thought about taking it twice a day. I’ll let you know.