Descrição do Produto: TriGuard Plus Throat Spray
O TriGuard Plus Throat Spray é uma solução inovadora e poderosa para o suporte imunológico, combinando ingredientes únicos e eficazes em um spray de garganta de sabor agradável. Este produto foi cuidadosamente elaborado com o nosso complexo exclusivo OLE-100, que contém uma mistura de Água Coloidal de Prata Estruturada, Extrato de Folha de Oliveira e Extrato de Sabugueiro Europeu (Sambucus nigra). Cada um desses ingredientes foi selecionado por suas propriedades benéficas, visando fortalecer a resposta imunológica natural do corpo.
- INGREDIENTES ÚNICOS: O TriGuard Plus é formulado com um processo de extração livre de álcool e solventes químicos, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia dos ingredientes. O Extrato de Folha de Oliveira, padronizado em 40:1 de Oleuropeína, é um potente aliado para o suporte imunológico.
- ÁGUA COLOIDAL DE PRATA COMO POTENCIADOR IMUNOLÓGICO: Este remédio natural pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa adicional contra agentes patogênicos.
- EXTRATO DE FOLHA DE OLIVEIRA: O extrato premium de folha de oliveira é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, contribuindo para a saúde geral do organismo.
- EXTRATO DE SABUGUEIRO: Proveniente do fruto do sabugueiro negro europeu, este extrato é rico em antioxidantes e vitaminas, atuando como um poderoso impulsionador da imunidade.
- ÓTIMO SABOR & FORMULAÇÃO POR PROFISSIONAIS: O TriGuard Plus possui um sabor agradável que agrada tanto crianças quanto adultos. Foi formulado por um profissional com foco na segurança e eficácia do produto.
1. Suporte Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece a resposta imunológica natural do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Ingredientes Naturais e Seguros: Com uma formulação livre de álcool e solventes químicos, é seguro para toda a família.
3. Sabor Agradável: O TriGuard Plus é bem aceito por crianças e adultos, tornando o uso diário mais fácil e agradável.
4. Rico em Antioxidantes: Os extratos utilizados são ricos em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
5. Fórmula Profissional: Desenvolvido por especialistas, garantindo que cada ingrediente contribua para a eficácia do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de usar. Aplique 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na garganta, até três vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O TriGuard Plus pode ser utilizado como parte de sua rotina diária de cuidados com a saúde, especialmente em períodos de maior exposição a agentes patogênicos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Bishomi –
I recently tried TriGuard Plus Throat Spray and was impressed! The blend of elderberry extract, olive leaf extract, and colloidal silver makes for a soothing and effective formula.
The elderberry adds a pleasant taste while supporting my immune system, and the spray applicator is user-friendly and portable. It’s a remedy for minor throat discomfort, especially during allergy season.
Overall, I highly recommend TriGuard Plus Throat Spray for natural throat support. It’s a great addition to my wellness routine!
Kitty M. –
I finally visited my dentist and discovered that I have a saliva problem. Old age brings bad things. Tongue, soft Palate and gums on one side are very irritated.
Dentist gave me samples of gel and mouthwash to help the pain. Everything he gave me burned my mouth terribly and did not help but hurt much more. Then I found this elderberry spray. As someone else commented in a review, it works immediately and has a rather pleasant taste. Pain is relieved for a time, and then it’s time to spray again. Another reviewer mentioned that the spray bottle stopped spraying. I was able to fix the problem quickly by cleaning a sewing needle with alcohol, and then drying it off, and then sticking the tip in the hole of the spray bottle. This solution worked immediately and it is well worth going through a tiny bit of trouble to get such a great product. I have ordered 5 more bottles. Just in case.
CJessup –
The taste of this is pleasant (herby) and it is definitely soothing. Not numbing, but soothing. It has good ingredients for boosting immunity.
Jeffrey Wyland –
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This is worth the money!! It helped my throat be able to sing way better! I think this is one of the best products I’ve experienced before! It wasn’t a bad taste in fact I actually liked the taste! Very easy to use all you gotta do is spray it in your mouth 2x and you’re good to sing in like 3-5 minutes, very beneficial to help clear your throat to hit high notes! -J Riskland
Tandy –
The liquid itself is a 5-star product. It is the best soothing throat spray I have ever used. I recently had two back-to-back viruses (one was the flu) and this was the ONLY product that helped soothe my throat. It even provided a great deal of cough relief. The spray is very tasty, refreshing, and soothing. The ingredients are great and provide huge benefits. Not only does it provide acute symptom relief, but also provides immunity boosting properties to prevent and heal virus.
Unfortunately, I removed a star from the rating because of the spray bottle itself. It produces a very fine, really wide midst that will spray your entire mouth without reaching the throat. To get the product onto my throat, I have to stick the bottle into my mouth and try to spray it while it’s inside my mouth. Only then will any of it reach my throat. Other throat sprays I’ve used (Chloraseptic, Beekeeper’s Naturals, ReBoost, etc.) do not have this issue. They spray in a more targeted, vigorous manner that gets the product straight onto the throat without issue.
I WILL purchase this product again, however, because the stuff inside is liquid gold. I don’t want to have another virus without this stuff on hand. I will update my review should the next spray bottle be more optimized for the throat. I’m hoping this one was simply a defective bottle.
MyExperience –
It has good ingredients, but tastes bad. It’s a bearable flavor, but not pleasant. It did not work on my sore throat.
Margaret Holden –
As my business requires me to be on stage teaching for extended periods of time (Sometimes 8-10 hours) this is one of my go to products for keeping me on track. IF I feel at all like my throat might get scratchy or sore, this saves me every time! Great immune booster too!
Aaron C –
The spray nozzle either gets clogged with the product or it’s just defective. I’m going to purchase an empty spray bottle to see if that will help. The first taste is very bitter but then the eucalyptus taste helps dispel it. I think it could work well if we could actually use it. It’s only sprayed a couple of times. I’ve tried unclogging it, taking it apart and re-assembling it, still doesn’t spray. Since it’s something that can’t be returned or replaced, I’d be aware of this issue. Has anyone else had the same issue?