Tratamento para Varizes | Creme Natural Ayurvédico para Pernas com Ashwagandha | Creme para Remoção de Vasinhos para Melhorar a Circulação
- 🙌 O creme natural ayurvédico para varizes é uma solução inovadora que combina a poderosa Ashwagandha com outros ingredientes naturais, como Aloe Vera e Óleo de Gergelim, para tratar varizes e veias de aranha nas pernas. Este creme é ideal para quem busca melhorar a circulação sanguínea e aliviar o desconforto associado a esses problemas.
- 💪 Com uma fórmula que fortalece os capilares, o creme proporciona alívio imediato da coceira e do inchaço, promovendo pernas mais leves e saudáveis. Sua aplicação regular resulta em uma pele mais suave e hidratada, contribuindo para a estética das pernas.
- 🌿 O creme é facilmente absorvido pela pele, não deixando resíduos pegajosos, e é enriquecido com ervas naturais que ajudam a restaurar a cor e a elasticidade da pele, tornando-o um aliado no combate às veias visíveis.
- 👍 A segurança do produto é garantida por sua composição natural, livre de efeitos colaterais conhecidos, tornando-o uma escolha confiável para quem busca alívio para o inchaço e desconforto nas pernas.
- ❄ A Ashwagandha, um dos principais ingredientes, é reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, que ajudam a melhorar a circulação e a saúde da pele, tornando o creme uma opção eficaz e refrescante.
- ✅ Melhora significativa na circulação sanguínea, aliviando sintomas de varizes e veias de aranha.
- ✅ Fortalecimento dos capilares, reduzindo a aparência das veias varicosas.
- ✅ Alívio da coceira e desconforto, proporcionando uma sensação refrescante nas pernas.
- ✅ Hidratação profunda, deixando a pele das pernas suave e macia.
- ✅ Produto seguro e eficaz, com resultados comprovados por usuários satisfeitos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o creme natural ayurvédico para varizes nas pernas, massageando suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite, para maximizar os benefícios. Evite o contato com os olhos e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. A consistência do creme permite uma aplicação fácil e rápida, integrando-se perfeitamente à sua rotina diária de cuidados pessoais.
juan –
Very nice and works great plus great price and the best part it’s delivered we love amazon and this product is great among others we purchased on amazon
Amazon Customer –
I bought this in hopes that it would help with swelling and circulation in my lower leg, foot, and ankle due to venous insufficiency. I feel like I noticed some improvement when I put it on before putting on my compression socks. The instructions say to put it on 2X a day, but the tube of product is so small that you run out within 7-10 days if applying it twice a day. It definitely doesn’t hurt to use it, but it’s gonna require 3-4 tubes each month which is a bit pricey.
Deb –
I have a family history of Varicose veins. I work in IT and the sitting job doesn’t help my cause. I have been trying several creams but they did not provide much relief. I was attracted by this cream due to its natural ingredients and especially Ashwagandha. I have been using the cream for over a week after my exercise and runs and I really like the results – it absorbs quickly, very mild and soothing. Most of all I feel less heaviness which helps me go about my daily routine with less pain. I like it and recommend it.
States item eligible for return through Nov 5th but won’t allow me to return.
lakshmi varaprasad –
I love the Ingredients especially Ashwagandha. Absorbs quickly and easy to clean off as well.
Vasudha Prithipaul –
Works quickly, absorbs instantly, very nice aroma, great quality. I will recommend it.
TM –
This stuff is amazing. I have been using it for almost 2 weeks now.
Here is my experience. At first I saw that the tube deflated after a few uses. Then after some reading I found that it is not a plastic tube so it doesn’t take the form again after use and we were more than happy to realize that the tube is not plastic.
Week 1: the texture is great the scent is very mild and soothing. It absorbs instantly with a nice cool sensation. Great relief from heaviness of the legs.
Week 2: we started using little cream for targeted areas rather than use it on the whole leg and I noticed the light spider veins that I had were no longer visible.
I still have about a week to 2 weeks cream left. The only cream I found with Ashwagandha and all plant based ingredients. Love the results. Will buy again and will recommend to everyone.
Amazon Customer –
The cream really helped the ache in my legs..
Ordered the cream a second time..
Giri –
I have been trying several creams but they did not provide much relief. I was attracted by this cream due to its natural ingredients. I started using this cream right away after my exercise and runs and I really like the results – it absorbs quickly, very mild and soothing. Most of all I feel less heaviness which helps me go about my daily routine with less pain. I like it very much and I highly recommend it. I will definitely share with friends and family!!
Amazon Customer –
I ordered the dual pack and was only sent one, would like to get the other tube sent to me if possible.