Descrição do Produto: Monistat 1 Day Yeast Infection Treatment for Women
O Monistat 1-Day é um tratamento eficaz para infecções por fungos, especialmente desenvolvido para mulheres. Este produto é projetado para aliviar rapidamente os sintomas associados a infecções por fungos, como irritação externa, coceira e desconforto. Com a inclusão do Monistat Instant Itch Relief Cream, que proporciona um alívio refrescante e duradouro para a pele irritada, a experiência de tratamento se torna ainda mais confortável.
O pacote de ovulos vaginais Monistat combina a eficácia do tratamento com a conveniência, aliviando os sintomas de infecções por fungos quatro vezes mais rápido do que o comprimido prescrito mais utilizado. Cada ovulo contém 1200 mg de nitrato de miconazol, um ingrediente clinicamente comprovado como seguro e eficaz no combate a infecções fúngicas. O aplicador contornado e descartável facilita a inserção, tornando o uso prático e discreto.
Reconhecido como a marca número um recomendada por ginecologistas nos Estados Unidos, o Monistat se destaca na categoria de produtos antifúngicos de venda livre. Estudos clínicos demonstraram a eficácia do Monistat 1-Dose Ovule Combination Pack em comparação com o comprimido de fluconazol de 150 mg, solidificando sua posição como uma escolha confiável para o tratamento de infecções vaginais.
– Alívio rápido dos sintomas de infecções por fungos, como coceira e desconforto.
– Tratamento eficaz com um único ovulo, proporcionando conveniência e praticidade.
– Inclui creme anti-coceira para alívio adicional e conforto.
– Recomendado por ginecologistas, garantindo confiança e segurança no uso.
– Ação rápida, aliviando os sintomas quatro vezes mais rápido do que opções de prescrição.
Para utilizar o Monistat 1-Day, comece lavando bem as mãos antes de manusear o ovulo. Retire o ovulo do pacote e insira-o cuidadosamente no aplicador contornado. Em seguida, posicione o aplicador na entrada vaginal e pressione suavemente para liberar o ovulo. É recomendado usar o produto à noite antes de dormir para maximizar a eficácia do tratamento. Após a inserção, descarte o aplicador de forma adequada. Para alívio adicional da coceira, aplique o Monistat Instant Itch Relief Cream na área externa conforme necessário. Siga as instruções do rótulo e consulte um profissional de saúde se os sintomas persistirem.
Amazon Customer –
This was my first time using Monistat. I went with the 1 day for faster results and be one and done. If you have ever used a tampons, it will be pretty easy to insert. I did it first thing in the morning because I did it as soon as my package arrived. I actually took a shower using the Monistat wash first then inserted it once I got out. After my shower I felt better for a few hours but then I went right back to feeling how I felt before. So I decided to use the cream. BIG MISTAKE…for me anyway. That thing burned like crazy. It was unbearable, so after a few minutes I used my showerhead to wash it off. I don’t know if that was normal or I had a bad reaction but I didn’t use it anymore. Like other comments have said, definitely wear a pantyliner or pad because there was a lot of discharge the first day. Felt like I was leaking. I would say it I felt a warming irritation sensation while the medicine did its thing. About as much discomfort as having the yeast infection itself. Nothing crazy like the cream, it was bearable. Around the 24 hour mark I felt 10x better so the medicine definitely worked. All and all I would recommend Monistat the medicine however will never use that cream again.
Denise –
You may just never know and I keep one in the house at all times. Easy to use and clears up majority of the symptoms in a few minutes. Give it 3 days to fully clean but it works wonders.
Denise –
I started the Monistat 1 Day Yeast Infection Treatment about 20 hours ago, and now I feel like I’m 90% over the yeast infection. If you’ve ever used a tampon or a cream birth control applicator, you will find it very easy to insert. What they call an “ovule” is simply a pill that will melt inside you – it’s similar to the size of a large vitamin or the end of my pinkie finger. It also comes with a small tube of topical cream which you can apply to the outside of your body to treat the irritation there. However, I have to admit that I waited several days to start the treatment, and that led to some stinging when I first applied the treatment. I had about 3 hours of significant stinging, and then it became just a minor irritation. I was prepared for it, so I knew there was nothing wrong, and I just toughed it out. The stinging just means that your tissue is really raw from the yeast infection, and the treatment is working. If I had to do it all over again, I would definitely buy the same product again, because it’s fast, and I prefer that, instead of inserting drippy creams for days on end. I recommend using a panty liner or pad for the first 24 hours.
Jéssica –
Would buy again if necessary
jalisa coles –
Es un excelente producto lo recomiendo 100%
Nushy –
Last night I used this and I fell asleep after 2 hours I had bad cramps with bad nightmares about labor and giving birth because I felt it was the same pain .
I hope all these feelings worth it because my certain goal is to overcome the candidas at any price.
streamerfish –
I used this product as soon as it was delivered and within 1 hour I started feeling a burning sensation. It was quite uncontrollable to the point I had a hard time working. However, a few hours later the burning sensation subsided and I’m now 7 hours later without any pain and the itching I was feeling before is almost all gone. This product is really worth it!
Jenna G. –
So I have a copper IUD and sometimes I get funky flare ups of either BV / UTI / Yeast. If you didn’t know, having a copper IUD your chances of getting something funky is increased. Sadly the doc bills rack up. After I finished my medication for Yeast I still felt funky, I waited a few days just to be sure. The big trigger for me knowing it’s Yeast was that I was itchy, super itchy. Like I woke up at 2 am itchy to order this.
Well me at 2 am did not read the reviews, and if I did I probably wouldn’t have gotten it. It was at my doorstep before 11 am (I really just wanted anything fast to make this stop – thanks for the fast shipping Amazon!) Alright so I have it. Now what? How do I insert this? Cue the doom scrolling on Amazon reading reviews. Here’s my tips
1. Insert it laying down. You’ll feel some light pressure like if the egg thing will fall out when you walk around, you’ll be okay. Just be careful when you pee, don’t push at all. Let it all flow.
2. Right when you insert, take pain killers. I took 2 pills both 800 mg ibuprofen. (I think this is why I felt 0 burning)
3. I felt an internal itch / tingle? (This came around 2 hr later) It wasn’t terrible, just I couldn’t get comfortable sitting down. More of an annoyance. 6/10 on the scale. But I went to bed put on a heated blanket and honestly it dropped to a 2/10. I’m sitting normally now with the blanket on me.
4. Wear a pad or panty liner. You’ll feel a bit of “moist” moments. Like you’re on your period and you sneezed. I thought it wouldn’t be bad but when I got up to pee, I was thankful for the pad.
5. The box says this, I’m just emphasizing this, if you’re doing this during your period (me, I’m starting it tomorrow) do not use tampons. Use pads. I’m actually pretty sad about this one, I mainly use tampons for periods but I read and trust instructions on a box.
I’m not saying this will make YOUR experience exactly like mine. Each body is DIFFERENT. But be positive and optimistic that you’re doing this for you to be better. Yes it’s scary seeing all the bad reviews. Trust me I was also freaking out. But let’s hope my tips and suggestions help. It helps that I laugh about it.
“According to the settings on this heated blanket, the banana bread will be ready in 3 hours”
Irma –
I wish I read the reviews about the one day capsule. I burned for close to 72 hours before feeling slightly normal again. Yes it did the job but I would not recommend selecting the one day. Other reviews suggested taking the 3 day packet at a lower dosage
Amazon Customer –
I ordered Monistat 1 from Amazon since it was cheaper compared to my local drugstore and I could have it on hand in case I needed it. Well when I finally had to use it, I experienced a lot of burning and itching the first couple of hours. I used it at bedtime per manufacturer’s recommendation. Needless to say, it wasn’t a very comfortable night. I had to apply a wet rash rag down there to relieve the discomfort but the symptoms eventually settled down. The product works but don’t wait too long before you decide to use it otherwise it may not be very effective and you may end up having to call the doctor for something stronger (Flagyl pill). With Monistat 1, you get a dose of 1200 MG at once but continues to work for 7 days. For the Monistat 3, you get a dose of 200 MG. miconazole per application for 3 days and Monistat 7 gives you 100 MG of miconazole per application for 7 days. Hope this helps.