O Tratamento Capilar Avançado Clinicals Biotina Anti-Quebra – Máscara Reparadora Fortalecedora para Cabelos Quebrados e Coloridos é a solução ideal para quem busca restaurar a saúde e a beleza dos fios danificados. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina biotina e mel de manuka, esta máscara proporciona um tratamento profundo e eficaz, especialmente desenvolvido para cabelos que passaram por processos químicos, como coloração e descoloração. A biotina, conhecida por suas propriedades fortalecedoras, atua revitalizando os fios, aumentando a espessura e reduzindo a queda, enquanto o mel de manuka, rico em nutrientes, nutre e repara os danos, promovendo um cabelo macio e brilhante.
A aplicação regular da máscara não só fortalece os cabelos quebradiços, mas também melhora a aparência geral, reduzindo o frizz e combatendo as pontas duplas. Ideal para cabelos coloridos, a máscara ajuda a manter a cor vibrante e protegida, garantindo que os fios permaneçam saudáveis e radiantes. O óleo de amêndoa doce presente na fórmula sela a umidade, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa que transforma cabelos secos e sem vida em madeixas sedosas e luminosas.
1. Fortalece e repara cabelos quebradiços e tratados quimicamente.
2. Reduz a quebra e melhora a aparência de cabelos danificados.
3. Hidrata profundamente cabelos frisados e tingidos.
4. Contém mel de manuka, um ingrediente poderoso para cuidados capilares.
5. Restaura a beleza e o brilho dos cabelos secos, danificados e tingidos.
Aplique uma quantidade generosa da máscara capilar nos cabelos úmidos, distribuindo do comprimento às pontas. Deixe agir por 5 a 10 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes penetrem profundamente nos fios. Em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna. Para resultados otimizados, recomenda-se o uso regular da máscara, pelo menos uma vez por semana, para garantir cabelos sempre saudáveis e revitalizados.
Evel14 –
No moisture no effect on my hair . Didn’t do any of what is list it in the bottle. Save your money .
J. Calvin Miller –
I have bleached hair and the ends are quite dry.
It helps my hair moisturized but not deep enough for the dry ends.
Wanna Wander –
I have to admit, I went out on a limb here. Most products I have used for a hair mask have left my hair feeling heavy or almost oily to a point where I needed to wash it again the next day. I’m one to wash my hair every 3-4 days (sweating changes things). I’ve used this 3 times now and every time my hair feels great afterwards. I even tried free blow drying it (not something I ever do because my hair becomes a frizzy mess) and it looked great afterwards. I even put on makeup and went out I was so excited about the results. This product will now be a part of my normal routine. I love it. The smell is light too. I barely even notice it unless I’m trying to.
nnn –
Rebecca Trin –
I have in between hair. It could be curly if I spent months training it.
If I let it dry naturally, it ends up needing to be straightened or pulled up to make it look less “troll like”
I have dry, damaged, breaking bleached hair & found this when looking for something to moisturize my mess.
It smells great, a little goes a long way & when I let my hair dry naturally after doing a treatment, it doesn’t require anything to remove any frizz because I have beach waves!
Thanks for this product! It’s awesome.
Clare Holt –
I bought this about 6 weeks ago and I’ve been using it as a mask once a week, and just as a regular condition when I wash my hair twice a week. It’s completely reversed the damage that hard, chlorinated water has done to my hair over the past year. I try not to buy any “pricey” hair/skincare, since I can usually find something that works well for below $20, and this checks all my boxes. I’ve only used about half of it so far, and I haven’t used another hair mask/conditioner that’s worked this well. Also, I have noticed a lot less hair fallout since using this. I’m a “hair twirler” by habit, and I’ve never struggled with “hair loss” per se, but this product has drastically reduced my hair fallout and breakage as well. My hair is stronger, healthier, softer, and shinier.
I have a thick head of very fine hair. It grows only so long, then breaks. Hair in everything & everywhere. Thus, I have always worn short hair. I have tried many products in my 70+ years. This is the first product that I have had very, very little hair breakage (its down to my shoulders now). I had great results from the very first time I tried it. Great product and it smells wonderfull. I wish they would list the scent brand. I am usually allergic to anything with fragrance, but I have used this many times and no itching or burning.
Kat Foster –
I’m not sure how much it’s actually helping with breakage but it definitely is moisturizing and softening to my hair. I like the light scent that it has though I have trouble describing it. I use it at least once a month usually once every two weeks. I have very long curly hair that’s also fine so most products made for curly hair just way it down and make it greasy. This product does not do that. How much you use and how long it’ll last really depends on how much hair you have, for me I get probably about four uses out of a jar considering my hair is knee length I think that’s pretty good.
rosalind Hingeley –
Along with Biotin capsules, this great product has kept me out of the wig store!
マロン –