Descrição do Produto: Trace Minerals Stress-X Magnesium, 350mg – Suplemento em Pó de Magnésio para Apoio ao Relaxamento Muscular
O Trace Minerals Stress-X Magnesium é um suplemento em pó de magnésio formulado para promover o relaxamento muscular e contribuir para a saúde geral do corpo. Este produto natural é uma excelente opção para aqueles que buscam aliviar a tensão muscular e melhorar a qualidade do sono. Com uma fórmula altamente absorvível, o Stress-X combina magnésio malato e carbonato, garantindo que o mineral seja efetivamente absorvido e utilizado pelo organismo.
Além de suas propriedades relaxantes, o magnésio é conhecido por auxiliar em um sono reparador. O suplemento contém minerais traço iônicos provenientes do ConcenTrace, que, em conjunto com o magnésio natural, favorecem uma noite de descanso tranquila e revigorante. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão diária do produto, misturando uma colher de chá nivelada do pó em 4 a 12 onças de água, mexendo até que esteja completamente dissolvido. Este suplemento pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, com ou sem alimentos, adaptando-se facilmente à rotina de cada um.
A missão da Trace Minerals é remineralizar o mundo, ajudando as pessoas (e seus pets) a alcançarem e manterem níveis ideais de minerais traço, essenciais para o funcionamento adequado do organismo.
– Relaxamento Muscular: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e o estresse muscular, promovendo um estado de relaxamento.
– Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
– Fácil Absorção: A combinação de magnésio malato e carbonato garante que o corpo utilize o mineral de forma eficaz.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária, com a possibilidade de ser consumido com ou sem alimentos.
– Saúde Geral: Apoia a saúde geral do organismo, contribuindo para o bem-estar e a vitalidade.
Para utilizar o Trace Minerals Stress-X Magnesium, adicione uma colher de chá nivelada do pó em 4 a 12 onças de água. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O suplemento pode ser tomado uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário, e pode ser consumido com ou sem alimentos. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar os benefícios do magnésio e garantir uma absorção adequada.
Bili –
This product is extremely effective for irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and digestive issues. After several years of seeing 3 gastroenterologists and other specialists, a wide variety of procedures, tests and medications, as well as high-fiber diets with no resolution to my digestive issues and abdominal pain, I tried this and it worked like a miracle. I haven’t gone a day without it since and need no other medications. My highly regarded gastroenterologist in Boston whole heartedly approves, as this is very safe compared to all other options and has worked better than anything else I tried.
Magnesium pills were not at all effective for me. This powdered form is much more easily absorbed.
I have a lot of confidence in Trace Minerals as a company based on reviews. It is becoming very hard to trust vitamin manufacturers, but this is one I do.
When purchased, this smaller container was cheaper per mg. than the larger container. I like this size for traveling and I’m glad it’s offered at a reasonable price.
Emmitt Freeman –
This is an absolutely outstanding product!
John Kirk –
Been using for a few weeks. Definitely eases anxiety. Overall improvement in mood, sense of calm. Taste is just okay, could be worse. Overall makes me “feel better.” Glad I bought the powder. Also taking vitamin D soft gels with this. Will purchase again.
John Atnip –
This is the Mag supplement I have been looking for! Mag Malate is underrated and I have not found it in a drinkable powder before. I have tried all the different types of magnesium including glycinate which makes my head feel weird and sometimes gives me a headache. This just relaxes me and helps me sleep with no stomach discomfort. 1 tsp works great for me. Everyone seems to have their own preference when it comes to magnesium, this one hits the spot for me.
GeminiWolf –
I first purchased this in a vitamin store ($30 or so seems to be about the price), and enjoyed it so I decided to get another one here! I definitely recommend starting off with the 1/2 teaspoon like it states- I still have to use only 1/2 teaspoon because quite frankly, it makes me have to use the bathroom a lot. However, it does seem to have a positive affect on my stress and attitude levels (I was skeptical at first!). I’ve also noticed that it can help reduce the number/severity of muscle cramps.
Friends that tried it said it is very relaxing (and even puts them to sleep at night) if they drink it hot. Personally, I’m not a fan of hot drinks so I’ll mix the hot drink together and then cool it down with a few ice cubes. If you just add it to cold water, it tends to not dissolve as well and is very tangy (like sour tangy). It has a similar taste to airborne, but more palatable. Don’t worry when it fizzes a lot when you first stir it into the water- it will calm down after 10-20 seconds or so! Just keep stirring!
I recommend this for anyone who needs supplemental magnesium, is looking for a relaxing drink, or wants a bit more regularity (or looseness) in their bathroom routine!
Mark Twain –
This product did provide a little calming relief.
cole –
very effective in increasing my sleep quality. i prefer pure pharma but this is a cheap alternative or addition to it
Bili –
This is far the worst magnesium powder I brought, it leaves a lots of bubbles, for almost $30 it’s a waste and it doesn’t foam plus the seller have a no return policy, I’m pretty sure it’s because they know the product was no good.