O TOUCH Keratosis Pilaris Exfoliating Body Wash Cleanser é um sabonete corporal esfoliante formulado especialmente para tratar a queratose pilar, uma condição de pele caracterizada por pequenas protuberâncias ásperas e vermelhas. Com uma fórmula avançada, este sabonete corporal é feito com 15% de ácido glicólico, comprovado para esfoliar suavemente a pele e promover uma aparência mais clara e suave.
Uma das principais características deste sabonete corporal é a sua fórmula sem sulfato, que limpa suavemente a pele sem ressecá-la. Com um pH de 3.5, este produto permite que os ácidos livres trabalhem efetivamente na pele, removendo as células mortas e desobstruindo os poros.
Este sabonete corporal também contém dois ingredientes-chave para tratar a queratose pilar: ácido glicólico (AHA) e ácido salicílico (BHA). O ácido glicólico esfolia a pele, removendo as protuberâncias e suavizando a textura áspera. Já o ácido salicílico penetra profundamente nos poros e folículos capilares, ajudando a desobstruí-los e prevenir a formação de novas protuberâncias.
Além disso, este sabonete corporal é enriquecido com ingredientes calmantes para a pele, como Aloe Vera, Centella Asiática e Vitamina E. Esses ingredientes ajudam a manter a pele macia e hidratada, proporcionando alívio e proteção.
A fórmula não resseca a pele, graças à combinação ideal de surfactantes e umectantes. O ácido hialurônico presente na fórmula ajuda a pele a reter a umidade, deixando-a com uma sensação suave e hidratada após o uso.
É importante ressaltar que este produto contém Alfa-Hidroxiácidos (AHA), que podem aumentar a sensibilidade da pele ao sol e, consequentemente, o risco de queimaduras solares. Portanto, é recomendado o uso de protetor solar, roupas protetoras e a limitação da exposição ao sol durante o uso deste produto.
- Esfolia suavemente a pele, removendo as protuberâncias e suavizando a textura áspera.
- Desobstrui os poros e folículos capilares, prevenindo a formação de novas protuberâncias.
- Mantém a pele macia e hidratada, graças aos ingredientes calmantes como Aloe Vera, Centella Asiática e Vitamina E.
- Não resseca a pele, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda sem causar desconforto.
- Produto de alta qualidade, formulado com ingredientes eficazes e seguro para uso diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o TOUCH Keratosis Pilaris Exfoliating Body Wash Cleanser na pele úmida durante o banho. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, concentrando-se nas áreas afetadas pela queratose pilar. Deixe o produto agir por alguns minutos e enxágue completamente. Use diariamente ou conforme recomendado pelo seu dermatologista.
Emilie –
Don’t get this expecting a scrub type of consistency, as it has a watery gel like consistency. The name says “exfoliating” but this is just a watery cleanser, sort of like a face wash. That said, I don’t mind it as long as it works for my KP.
I like the smell of this one, it has a light and pleasant fragrance to it. I’ve used many KP products that had an awful smell due to the ingredients, so I was expecting that with this – but no, it had an enjoyable fragrance and I like using this product.
I can’t give all the credit to this product for eliminating my KP because I having been using many different products, but this definitely helped in the upkeep of keeping my arms beautiful. I am looking at my arms now and it has come a long way since the first day I started to use washes like this for KP. It now barely has any red bumps. Make sure to give this a few uses before judging the results, as nothing is ever an overnight miracle product! I am happy with this product and it works.
Brittany –
I use this wash to gently exfoliate my arms, they tend to get bumpy, red and itchy. I massage the gel onto my arms. After rinsing, I liberally apply lotion, and that routine helps keep my arms smooth. This is a 4oz bottle, the price is a little high BUT a little goes a long way, so the bottle should last a while. I highly recommend adding this to your skin care routine!
carissa –
Amazing softens skin in 2 uses . Will buy again!! Love product works
Kiki –
Unfortunately I really didn’t see much difference in the KP on my arms (“chicken skin”) However I did use this in my rotation as a facial cleanser and I did like it for that use. IT does not have a strong/very noticeable scent that I can recall. I wouldn’t buy it again at the current price, however ($19).
carmen jones –
and I’m seeing positive results (strawberry legs). Thanks!
shmoop –
Note that there is a 20% coupon currently in effect.
I have KP on the backs of my upper arms. I’ve found a good solution for getting rid of them in AmLactin, which I get from a big box store. But that’s a lotion, which I don’t always have time to apply. So I ordered the TOUCH KP Exfoliating Body Wash to see if it would be as effective at getting rid of my KP bumps. I love the body wash as a regular body wash. It smells good, it lathers well, it doesn’t dry my skin, and I like the active ingredients in it. For those reasons, I give this 4 stars. But for treating KP, it’s not that great. It definitely isn’t nearly as effective as AmLactin. So I’m disappointed that this wash won’t replace AmLactin, but I’m still giving it 4 stars for being a great body wash.
SC –
I used this product for more than a month and it didn’t work. Very disappointing!
T –
Update: this stuff seems to seriously work. For the first time I’m seeing noticable continuing improvement. 4th time using this and my skin feels softer and you can see the bumps decreasing. At this point I’m considering picking up the lotion it advises to use after the shower. If the body wash works this well I can only imagine the results I’d see using both. First product I’ve ever used to actually work and I’ve used a dozen made for KP.
this doesnt have a heavy smell, as far as i can tell its unscented. ive been using it for a few days now and while i cant say for sure it works it did leave my skin feeling a little tingly after my shower and i will say i think my legs and arms felt slightly softer. ive seen on other reviews it took several applications to start to see results so we’ll see here soon. i’ll update if anything weird happens otherwise id assume it works great