Líder Amaciante de Fezes 2 em 1 - Alívio e Conforto Digestivo - 30 cápsulas *R$85.30 Em até 6x de R$14.22 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$14.22 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$85.30 sem juros2x de R$42.65 sem juros3x de R$28.43 sem juros4x de R$21.33 sem juros5x de R$17.06 sem juros6x de R$14.22 sem juros
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Produto Importado dos EUA

Tônico Muscular Old Amish (Antes: Para de Cãibras nas Pernas) – Fórmula Potente – 100% Natural – 250ml

*R$163.19 Em até 6x de R$27.20 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.20 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$163.19 sem juros2x de R$81.60 sem juros3x de R$54.40 sem juros4x de R$40.80 sem juros5x de R$32.64 sem juros6x de R$27.20 sem juros

O Old Amish Muscle Tonic (Anteriormente: Stops Leg) é um produto que oferece alívio para dores musculares e cãibras nas pernas. Sua fórmula exclusiva, baseada em uma antiga receita Amish, proporciona um alívio rápido e eficaz. Com ingredientes naturais, como ervas e óleos essenciais, este tônico muscular ajuda a relaxar os músculos, reduzindo a dor e a tensão. Seus benefícios incluem alívio imediato, fácil aplicação e resultados duradouros. Experimente o Old Amish Muscle Tonic e desfrute de um alívio efetivo para suas dores musculares.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Tônico Muscular Old Amish (Antes: Para de Cãibras nas Pernas) - Fórmula Potente - 100% Natural - 250ml *R$163.19 Em até 6x de R$27.20 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.20 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$163.19 sem juros2x de R$81.60 sem juros3x de R$54.40 sem juros4x de R$40.80 sem juros5x de R$32.64 sem juros6x de R$27.20 sem juros

Descrição do Produto:

O Old Amish Muscle Tonic (Anteriormente: Stops Leg) é um produto de cuidados pessoais e saúde que oferece uma solução eficaz para aliviar dores musculares e cãibras nas pernas. Com suas propriedades naturais e fórmula exclusiva, este tônico é perfeito para quem busca alívio rápido e duradouro. O produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos e possui dimensões de embalagem de 4.292 cm de comprimento, 4.495 cm de largura e 17.602 cm de altura. Além disso, seu peso é de 0.272 kg. Com origem nos Estados Unidos, o Old Amish Muscle Tonic é a escolha ideal para quem procura um produto confiável e eficiente para o cuidado muscular.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

1. Alívio rápido e eficaz

O Old Amish Muscle Tonic é conhecido por sua capacidade de proporcionar alívio imediato para dores musculares e cãibras nas pernas. Sua fórmula exclusiva age diretamente nos músculos, proporcionando um alívio rápido e eficaz.

2. Fórmula natural

Este tônico é formulado com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados, sem o uso de substâncias químicas agressivas. Sua composição natural garante um produto seguro e livre de efeitos colaterais indesejados.

3. Origem nos Estados Unidos

O Old Amish Muscle Tonic é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade. Sua origem em um país conhecido por sua excelência na produção de produtos de saúde e bem-estar garante a confiabilidade e eficácia do produto.

4. Dimensões de embalagem ideais

Com dimensões de embalagem de 4.292 cm de comprimento, 4.495 cm de largura e 17.602 cm de altura, o Old Amish Muscle Tonic é compacto e fácil de transportar. Sua embalagem foi projetada para garantir praticidade e conveniência no uso diário.

5. Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop

A Vitaminer Shop, renomada loja de produtos de saúde e bem-estar, recomenda o Old Amish Muscle Tonic devido à sua eficácia comprovada e qualidade superior. Ao adquirir este produto, você estará escolhendo uma opção confiável e altamente recomendada no mercado.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Old Amish Muscle Tonic diretamente nas áreas afetadas, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Recomenda-se utilizar o produto duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite. Este tônico é de uso externo e não deve ser ingerido. Em caso de irritação ou reação alérgica, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.

10 avaliações para Tônico Muscular Old Amish (Antes: Para de Cãibras nas Pernas) – Fórmula Potente – 100% Natural – 250ml

  1. Daguscahonda

    When the weather is warm, I ride a bike or I walk on rock covered trails to keep in shape.

    Prior to purchasing this stuff, I would get severe cramps if I reached to buckle my seat belt after a walk or ride. The cramps were serious. Would not subside even after a couple of hours.

    I found this after a web search. It is available from health food stores but I bought a bottle from Amazon to save on price and shipping.

    Caleb Treeze does work! After exercise, I drink a couple of caps full in an ounce or two of water and the cramps never happen.

    Strangely enough Caleb Treeze tastes a lot like vinegar. I read the label and sure enough it is apple cider vinegar with garlic and ginger mixed in.

    Caleb Treeze is relatively expensive – about a dollar thirty per ounce from Amazon with Prime shipping – so I thought that I would try vinegar to see if it works to relieve or prevent muscle cramps.

    I guess that I could have gone to Walmart and bought a bottle of vinegar and it probably would have worked but I checked Amazon again and found organic certified apple cider vinegar at a cost of forty cents per ounce.

    The certified organic apple cider vinegar works as well as Caleb Treeze’s mixture and the cost is less than a third.

    If I had gone to Walmart and bought off the shelf, the cost would be even less. I’ll probably get my next bottle from Walmart when the organic runs out.

    Bottom Line: Caleb Treeze works to prevent and relieve muscle cramps but so does vinegar.

  2. Ashley Burt

    So many reviews saying it tasted terrible. I disagree. I like vinegar and acidic foods in general anyway. Its a lot like a very sharp malt vinegar taste. Not bad it all. Taste may linger, so just drink some water after and you’re fine.

    It works great. No cramps.

  3. Annette Shelton

    My cousin saw this in little shop and bought it for me. She has been with me so many times over the years when I would have leg cramps, especially traveling, when we would have to pull off road so I could try to walk them off. She knew I had some relief from tonic water , mustard, magnesium, keeping myself hydrated. So when she brought this to me I thought it was sweet, but the original bottle said works in 1-2 minutes…yeah right! I actually suffered through several nightly cramps so bad nothing was working and I remembered this product she has given me. I honestly had no faith this could do anything for the acute cramps I had, that’s why I hadn’t even tried it. When it worked, yes, within 1-2 minutes I thought it was a fluke !
    After using it many times since… it’s almost foolproof! I’m on my 3rd bottle..only use 1-2 capfuls usually does the trick! I’ve only had 2 times out of many that for some reason the cramps did not stop, but definitely started easing off.
    This stuff tastes awful, ha….But you don’t care, when you know in few minutes the pain will be gone. I started just taking a capful or two straight and because it worked so good I was afraid to mix with water, but lately I do chase with water and works just fine. I know this is lengthy, but please try this…I am so grateful to my cousin for getting me to try this and I just want everyone to know about this…I’ve told everyone I now!

  4. Kenneth H.

    First of all, it tastes HORRID. A lot like the ingredients indicate. Even though it will never replace Caca Cola or Pepsi, you are probably not drinking it for the joy of an evening of genteel sipping. It is medicine, good and potent medicine for curbing night leg kicking. It has an effect I did not expect. Since I have been using it, I have found my energy lasts longer through the day. I think my cognitive abilities may be getting marginally better, but that may simply be that I am more awake longer. Do not think I will run a marathon, however, I have a longer “wake time” by a small amount. at 70+, I enjoy that. It is not a panacea, it is a help for me, and it may be ah help for you. If it is not the right one for you ( or you don’t like the taste of (!!WOW!! that was strong) vinegar, Make the choice you think is best for your needs and enjoyment of life. Have a blessed and joy filled day.

  5. Kindle Customer

    Works great for me.

  6. datutor

    It’s flavor is pretty strong – of course it is, with garlic juice, ginger juice (both hot) and apple cider vinegar!
    But I have tried everything ever suggested to me, and this absolutely WORKS!

  7. Kim

    I have nerve damage, diabetes, and take blood pressure meds. One of these was causing severe leg cramps every night that was making me exhausted. I hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks. I was skeptical after reading the reviews, but this stuff actually works! I’ve taken it before bed since I got it and haven’t had a single cramp. Super impressed! It doesn’t taste the best, but I just plug my nose and down the hatch it goes!

  8. Catilee

    I am very happy with this product

  9. Peter K

    Bought to relieve horrible cramping from playing football, usd 3 x preventatively and so far no cramps , placebo who knows but either way i’m happy

  10. Linda Ryder

    First of all the taste was horrible. I think two days later I am still having acid reflux due to this. I tried it in the middle of the night to help with a leg cramp. Did not help.

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