Descrição do Produto:
O Tônico Esclarecedor para o Rosto – Tônico de Ácido Salicílico – Controle de Manchas e Oleosidade é um produto de cuidados com a pele livre de crueldade animal, desenvolvido pela Família Natural e Orgânica. Com uma fórmula especial, nosso tônico ajuda a combater as imperfeições, deixando sua pele limpa e radiante. Com o uso regular, nosso tônico de BHA pode ajudar a remover cravos, deixando sua pele suave e livre de impurezas.
Infundido com 1,5% de ácido salicílico e extratos de frutas, nosso tônico esfoliante remove suavemente as impurezas e as células mortas da pele, proporcionando um aspecto radiante. Além disso, nosso tônico é eficaz na remoção de cravos brancos, deixando sua pele radiante e livre de imperfeições.
Diga adeus à pele oleosa com nosso tônico de controle de oleosidade. Ele ajuda a minimizar os poros e regular a produção de sebo, deixando sua pele fresca e equilibrada.
Além disso, nosso tônico ajuda a desobstruir os poros e a limpar as imperfeições, proporcionando uma pele mais suave e tonificada.
Este produto é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, no entanto, é necessário ter cuidado com peles sensíveis. Se você nunca usou um produto com ácido salicílico ou tem pele sensível, faça um teste de sensibilidade e comece a usar uma vez por semana, aumentando gradualmente o uso ao longo do tempo. Se ocorrer vermelhidão, interrompa o uso.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Controle de manchas: Nosso tônico ajuda a combater as manchas, deixando sua pele clara e radiante.
- Esfoliação suave: Com ácido salicílico e extratos de frutas, nosso tônico esfolia suavemente a pele, removendo impurezas e células mortas.
- Controle de oleosidade: Diga adeus à pele oleosa com nosso tônico, que minimiza os poros e regula a produção de sebo.
- Desobstrução de poros: Nosso tônico ajuda a desobstruir os poros, deixando sua pele mais suave e livre de imperfeições.
- Adequado para todos os tipos de pele: Embora seja necessário ter cuidado com peles sensíveis, nosso tônico é adequado para todos os tipos de pele.
O Tônico Esclarecedor para o Rosto oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, ele proporciona um controle eficaz das manchas, promovendo uma pele mais uniforme e iluminada. Em segundo lugar, sua ação esfoliante suave ajuda a remover células mortas, resultando em uma textura mais lisa e saudável. Além disso, o controle da oleosidade é um grande aliado para quem luta contra a pele brilhante e os poros dilatados. A desobstrução dos poros não só melhora a aparência da pele, mas também previne a formação de novas imperfeições. Por fim, a versatilidade do produto, que é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, torna-o uma escolha acessível e prática para qualquer rotina de beleza.
Após limpar o rosto, aplique o tônico em um algodão e passe suavemente sobre a pele, evitando a área dos olhos. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de manhã e à noite. É importante realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes do uso; caso ocorra vermelhidão, interrompa a aplicação. Para peles sensíveis, recomenda-se iniciar o uso uma vez por semana, aumentando gradualmente a frequência conforme a tolerância da pele.
Donna P –
Left my face sticky, I had to wash it off because I didn’t like how my face felt after using it. Doesn’t have much of a smell
Luffy’s Review Life –
Originally, I wanted to take a picture of the texture of the liquid but practically, it’s very watery so it doesn’t have any viscosity or whatsoever, so I just didn’t take it. I got BHA / salicylic acid version, and I kind of liked it so here is what I think.
It’s practically based with aloe vera leaf juice along with some humectants like glycerin along with BHA. It also aded some extracts, and essential oil extracts for the scent, and sodium benzoate was used as preservative (common preservative for many organic skincare products). In terms of ingredients, it’s pretty fine. CCG -gently cleansing agent – was also added, seemingly to improve the clarifying property.
It’s practically watery toner, have near zero viscosity. Actually it’s good thing if you want to use this toner as wipe-out type otner, and I think it does its job relatively well. Yet, I really want to know the actual concentration of BHA, and also I believe it’s beneficial for other customers as well. As some other reviewers said, it leaves skin hydrated and somehow leave “sticky” feeling. I believe it’s due to the non-alcoholic formula of this product, since it doesn’t contain any ethanol nor any short chain alcohols, so I think it’s pretty natural and honestly, stickiness is a blessing for the dried skin person like me.
It works as toner, and I think concentration of active ingredient (BHA) is not high enough to show visible result in a short time. Yet, if you consider this as a routine toner, I think it’s actually a fine one to add in the skincare routine.
I am in my late 40’s with extremely dry, sensitive skin.
This arrives in a sealed plastic bag. The bottle and box themselves are not sealed, so that bottle is basically the only tamper protection. The bottle is dark plastic and should protect the toner from light damage. The seal on the inside of the cap had soaked through and came off, but otherwise there was no damage.
First, this is a very fragrant toner. If you have any scent sensitivities, skip this. The scent is orange with an underlying something I can’t put my finger on.
This applies easily with a cotton ball. I didn’t have any burning or itching. I was surprised that this actually removed ?? oil, grime ?? when used immediately after cleaning my face.
I had no negative reactions from this – no redness, peeling or breakouts.
I didn’t find it particularly moisturizing, although with my dry skin I have yet to find one that is.
Luffy’s Review Life –
First off, I love that this is organic, natural, vegan, and has an amazing sweet orange scent. I love using toner, it’s actually my favorite skin care step, to splash on after cleansing. Usually I like to just squeeze it into my hand and spread on my face, patting it in. The directions on this say to squeeze a small amount onto a cotton ball. That’s impossible since this isn’t a squeeze bottle at all, but has a big pour spout opening. ( see picture). This makes for a lot of wasted product. My other issue with this is that it’s very sticky. My fingers got stuck together removing the seal. I didn’t realize it actually has sugar cane, and sugar maple in it. I’m not sure this would be wise for me to wear since the mosquitoes are usually after me anyway. It’s funny, because the bottle literally says “do not drink” on it, so you know it smells quite sweet. This may work for others, I just prefer something with a squirt type squeeze bottle, without so much sugar.
Donna P –
My wife loves trying new skincare products so I got this toner for her to try. She usually uses Witch Hazel for her toner every wash but has been looking to branch out. Generally, she did not like this toner. She did not like the smell of this product – it was very strong. When applying the toner to her skin, she said it burned slightly like it had a super strong acid in it. She even tried to wash it off and the feeling stayed for several minutes. She also said that even if those things didn’t happen – the feeling on her skin afterwards didn’t feel like it was cleansed. Generally, this product was a no for my wife and we don’t be buying this product again.
Brandon N. Cockrell –
I’m glad the scent isn’t overpowering and it does have an apple scent to it, just not strong. I like to use this on my back during the summer for breakouts from sunblock and sweating. Has a little tingly feel to it but didn’t dry out my skin. I do use the rest of my skin care routine/lotions etc after applying. No irritation and helped with my acne. Would purchase again. One thing I took a star off for is the top is wide open. Which can be way to spill. I prefer a pump or small hole, that you’d squeeze product out of. Other than that it’s great!
Deb –
For reference, I am a 45yo with acne-prone normal to oily skin.
I really like this toner. It is a nice balance between oily skin friendly without being overly harsh. After use, it doesn’t leave a film behind, just the feeling of clean. I can use this everyday without a problem. However, my skin *is* aging and not as oily as in years past. I wouldn’t have liked this as well 20 years ago. Currently, it’s summertime and my skin is on the extra oily end of my spectrum now. Once wintertime hits, I can still see this toner being just as affective without stripping my skin.
Definitely recommend!