Descrição do Produto: Tomy
Tomy é um suplemento inovador que combina a pureza do óleo de krill com a sabedoria ancestral, oferecendo uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca melhorar sua saúde de forma natural. Cada cápsula contém 500 mg de óleo de krill, 100 mg de fosfolipídios, 30 mg de EPA (ácido eicosapentaenoico), 20 mg de DHA (ácido docosahexaenoico) e 200 mcg de astaxantina, todos cuidadosamente selecionados para garantir a máxima qualidade e eficácia. A conveniência de tomar apenas uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, torna o Tomy uma escolha fácil para integrar à sua rotina.
Os poderosos efeitos do óleo de krill não se limitam apenas à saúde cardiovascular; eles também podem reduzir o desconforto nas articulações, aumentando a mobilidade e proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar geral. Além disso, os aminoácidos essenciais presentes na fórmula ajudam a aumentar a energia, permitindo que homens e mulheres se sintam no seu melhor, prontos para enfrentar os desafios do dia a dia.
A filosofia da Tomy & Company é clara: estar no caminho certo significa adotar um estilo de vida que apoie a saúde de forma natural. Nossos suplementos são inspirados no mundo natural e nas práticas de nossos ancestrais, que prosperaram em harmonia com o meio ambiente. Cada ingrediente é selecionado com rigor, garantindo que nossos produtos sejam o mais próximo possível da natureza, sem adição de OGM, enchimentos, adoçantes artificiais, glúten, grãos, laticínios, óleos de sementes ou açúcar.
1. Saúde Articular: Reduz o desconforto nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade.
2. Aumento de Energia: Os aminoácidos essenciais ajudam a aumentar a energia, melhorando o desempenho diário.
3. Saúde Cardiovascular: O EPA e DHA contribuem para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
4. Antioxidante Potente: A astaxantina é um antioxidante poderoso que combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
5. Fórmula Natural: Sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo um suplemento puro e de alta qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Tomy diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do óleo de krill e dos outros componentes da fórmula. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do rótulo para garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Explain2025 –
I’ve been taking fish oils for a very long time now and gave these a try. They definitely have a strong fishy smell and taste, but seem to be pretty good overall.
On Eagles Wings –
I’ve been taking Krill oil for over 20 years at the suggestion of my doctor and have tried many different brands over the years. These Krill oil softgels were easy to swallow, but they have a fishy smell and taste. The suggested daily amount is 1 softgel, so each bottle lasts 30 days. They also only contain 500 mg of Krill oil per softgel. The bottle is about 75% air. My bottle did have an outer safety seal around the cap and an inner seal under the cap. Also, my bottle has an expiration date of July 2025, so it has a long shelf life and is presumably fresh. In addition, I really appreciate that it is made in the USA at a GMP certified and FDA registered facility. It has also been 3rd party tested and is non-GMO. However, I don’t think I would recommend this because of the fishy smell and taste and lower Krill oil levels.
TLau –
I haven’t taken krill oil before, but I am very familiar with the health benefits of DHA and EPA oils. The oil comes encapsulated in a softgel form, and small for a fish oil supplement. The serving size is 1 softgel, delivering 500 mg of krill oil, making a bottle about a month supply. The bottle, once opened smells very fishy, but the softgels go down with no discernable taste or aftertaste.
I do take omega-3 supplements in the form of fish oil, but I have heard that krill oil is superior because of better absorption by the body, contains more antioxidants, and has better heart health benefits. The krill oil is quite a bit more expensive than the fish oil, but may be worth the extra expense in the long run for its superior qualities.
Kalle Beck –
The small size of these capsules make these easy to swallow. There is definitely an odor and little fishy taste but I haven’t had the fish burps of some supplements. The dosing is a little low for most supplements but still within recommendations.
Dr. Gary Busey –
Whoa, I’ve been in baitshops after a power outage which smelled more palatable than these supplements. I nearly gagged when opening the bottle! I know there are some folks going “oh, well that’s how you know it’s krill oil, because it’s fishy!” – well good krill oil supplements don’t smell like the dumpster behind Harbor Wok. Additionally, some of the medical benefits from some of the additives in this supplement are dubious at best, and you’re probably better served by adjusting your diet and exercising more.
I buy stuff –
I have switched to mostly krill oil for my fish oil and this one seems great.
the pills are easy to swallow and I have not noticed any fish burps which can happen.
the only downside is it doesn’t list the DHA and EPA secretly just the total amount.
On Eagles Wings –
There are several reasons why I like this Tomy & Company krill oil product. First, the krill are caught in the Antarctic, whose waters are practically free from exposure to toxins and pollutants. I also like not experiencing any unpleasant aftertaste after swallowing these Caplique capsules. Beyond the purity of the source and the absence of any unpleasant taste, I also appreciate the omege-3s like EPA and DHA, as well as the phospholipids and astaxanthin these capsules provide me. The combination supports my joints, cognition, immune system, and other bodily functions. The krill are wild-caught using sustainable methods in an environmentally responsible way, something I also value. Plus, they are non-GMO, dairy-free, and contain no artificial colors, dairy, or gluten. This Tomy & Company krill oil is a product I can feel good about taking.
Jackie –
These Krill oil pills are small and easy to take. I can swallow them easily and they leave no aftertaste. They do have a slight fishy order right out of the bottle but have no fishy taste at all. One soft gel offers 500 mgs of krill oil and there are 30 in a bottle. They are much easier to take than my larger fish oil capsules, and I seem to enjoy taking them.