As Toalhas de Rosto Descartáveis XL Fygrip são a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e higiene no cuidado facial. Com dimensões generosas de 10″ x 12″, cada pacote contém 200 unidades, distribuídas em 4 caixas, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão um produto de qualidade superior. Feitas 100% de fibra de viscose premium, essas toalhas são macias e seguras para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Ao contrário das toalhas tradicionais, que podem ser ásperas e propensas à proliferação de bactérias, as toalhas Fygrip oferecem uma experiência de uso que minimiza irritações e vermelhidão.
A espessura das toalhas Fygrip é 30% maior do que a média do mercado, o que as torna altamente absorventes e resistentes a rasgos, adequadas tanto para uso seco quanto úmido. O design de dupla face é um dos grandes diferenciais: um lado texturizado proporciona uma limpeza profunda, enquanto o lado liso é perfeito para uma aplicação suave. Essa versatilidade torna as toalhas não apenas ideais para o cuidado facial, mas também para uma variedade de outras aplicações, como cuidados com bebês, remoção de maquiagem e assistência a idosos.
1. Qualidade Premium: Feitas de fibra de viscose 100% premium, garantindo suavidade e segurança para todos os tipos de pele.
2. Higiene Garantida: Reduzem a proliferação de bactérias, evitando irritações e vermelhidão.
3. Altamente Absorventes: Com 30% a mais de espessura, oferecem uma capacidade de absorção excepcional.
4. Design Inteligente: O design de dupla face permite uma limpeza profunda e suave, conforme a necessidade.
5. Multiuso: Perfeitas para cuidados faciais, cuidados com bebês, remoção de maquiagem e assistência a idosos.
As toalhas descartáveis para o rosto Fygrip são extremamente fáceis de usar. Para uma limpeza eficaz, umedeça a toalha com água morna e aplique suavemente no rosto, realizando movimentos circulares. Para uma limpeza mais profunda, utilize o lado texturizado da toalha. Após o uso, descarte a toalha de forma adequada. Recomenda-se o uso diário para obter os melhores resultados e manter a pele sempre limpa e saudável.
Princess Baby Boutique –
These have no smell. These are great for washing your face in between showers. They don’t fall apart or leave fuzz on your face. They could honestly be used in place of a wash cloth to shower with. They’re absorbant and hold soap well. They’re super easy to get out of the box and are just fabulous.
kimberly –
I love using the disposable cleaning clothes. I have acne and I need to use a disposable cloth so it doesn’t spread. These have been great. They are sturdy. One dude is smooth. One dude exfoliates a little more. Plus they are very affordable 100 for around $10 instead of 50 for $8. I will buy these again.
productpro –
I’ve been using the Fygrip 100 Count XL Disposable Face Towels for a couple of weeks now, and they have become a staple in my skincare routine. These towels are impressively soft and gentle on the skin, which makes them perfect for daily facial cleansing. The 100% USDA Biobased Viscose Fibre is a big plus for me as I appreciate products made with eco-friendly materials.
Each towel is generously sized at 10” x 12”, which is more than enough for wiping off makeup, cleanser, or even doing a quick face refresh. Despite being disposable, they hold up well and don’t tear easily, even when wet. I also love that they come in two boxes, which makes it convenient to store and refill as needed.
Overall, these are a great option for anyone looking for a soft, durable, and skin-friendly alternative to traditional washcloths. Highly recommend!
Nadine Reynolds-Billy –
I love the size of these disposable face towels. They are sturdy and about the size of a wash rag. The absorbency was amazing especially with the degree of wetness this towel has to endure after a face wash. so impressed, I went ahead and subscribed. Just received my second order. The quality is exceptional for the price and I love the idea of throwing out my face towel daily.
Breez –
I brought this for my bathroom to replace paper towel usage. It was the best thing I have done so far. Each towel is thick, soft and sturdy. It did not leave any residue on my face. Will buy it again.
productpro –
Thick, nice size, no smell, no tears it is like a cloth and strong like a regular towel, holds water like a towel. Did not believe it, but these are a great replacement for face towels.
Pocket’s Meow –
I love them. I use them when traveling. I don’t like to use the wash cloths provided by the hotel. They are sturdy and don’t tear apart in water. The only issue is that they have a slight smell out of the box which goes away after adding your soap.
Ash –
I did a ton of research before purchasing because a lot of brands have reviews talking about a weird smell. These have 0 smell! They’re really absorbent and I’ve noticed a huge difference in my skin with less breakouts. It’s also big enough to clean up around the sink after your routine. They’re pretty soft and durable. I love the price point of these too. 5 stars and will definitely be purchasing again!