Toalha Facial Descartável XL, 10″×12″ Biodegradável sem Fiapos, Super Macia – Marca do Produto
Descubra a revolução no cuidado da pele com as nossas Toalhas Faciais Descartáveis XL, que medem 10″×12″ e são projetadas para oferecer uma experiência de limpeza incomparável. Feitas de fibras naturais biodegradáveis de plantas, essas toalhas são a escolha ideal para quem busca um produto que respeite o meio ambiente sem abrir mão da qualidade. Com um toque excepcionalmente macio, elas garantem um cuidado delicado para a sua pele, sendo duas vezes mais suaves do que as toalhas comuns. A absorção superior e o design felpudo proporcionam durabilidade e confiabilidade para o uso diário, minimizando a irritação e o atrito.
Nossas toalhas são livres de produtos químicos nocivos, formaldeído e agentes fluorescentes, tornando-as seguras para todos os tipos de pele, especialmente as mais sensíveis. Com um aumento de 50% na espessura e 75% na capacidade de absorção de água, elas oferecem um toque suave e confortável, ideal para uso úmido e seco. O design inovador de dois lados permite que você aproveite ao máximo cada toalha: um lado liso para uma limpeza suave pela manhã e um lado texturizado para a remoção eficaz de maquiagem e limpeza profunda à noite. Essa versatilidade garante que sua pele permaneça fresca e radiante, adaptando-se às suas necessidades ao longo do dia.
Além de serem perfeitas para cuidados pessoais, as toalhas descartáveis são versáteis e podem ser utilizadas por toda a família. Desde cuidados com a pele até limpeza doméstica e cuidados com animais de estimação, elas são ideais para viagens, acampamentos e aventuras ao ar livre. Com as Toalhas Faciais Descartáveis XL, você transforma sua rotina de beleza e cuidados pessoais em uma experiência prática e eficaz.
1. Toalhas de rosto extra grandes e macias para um cuidado suave da pele.
2. Qualidade superior, livre de produtos químicos nocivos.
3. Design inovador de dois lados para atender às necessidades da sua pele.
4. Remoção eficaz de maquiagem e limpeza profunda.
5. Versatilidade para uso em diversas situações, atendendo toda a família.
Para utilizar as Toalhas Faciais Descartáveis XL, umedeça a toalha com água morna ou com o produto de limpeza facial de sua preferência. Aplique suavemente no rosto, realizando movimentos circulares para remover maquiagem, sujeira e impurezas. Após o uso, descarte a toalha de maneira adequada. Recomendamos o uso diário para obter os melhores resultados, garantindo uma pele limpa, radiante e saudável.
Kris –
These soft, generically branded face towels compare favorably to other brands I’ve ordered in the past. They’re an excellent size (10″x12″); they don’t disintegrate during normal use or tear overly easy and best of all they are soft, clean and absorbent. Once you start using these you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them. I intend to employ these handy paper face towels as I have with others I’ve ordered before, for two primary purposes. 1) For camping – I put a number of these towels into a plastic bag then into my toiletry kit prior to leaving on a trip which completely ends the panic-drama of “oh, I’m stuck in the campground bathhouse and I forgot my face towel again!”. The secondary but equally important use for these is to wipe my face off after using a face mask skincare treatment. That mask gel tends to be messy stuff, and the excess needs to be removed before you wash your face. These do a bang-up job at that seemingly simple task. I will also say for what it’s worth that I used one of these just to dry my face off after I washed so it was just sopping up some excess clean water from my face – you CAN set these out to dry overnight and get another use out of them (this may not be a recommended practice but if you are frugal like I am it just seems right to use things more than once, if possible).
These can be put to all sorts of other uses as well, I’d think. I consider these face towels to be sort of an undiscovered gem from Asia that hasn’t quite caught on in the West – yet. I would also be willing to bet that given enough time they will.
Jessica –
These disposable towels are great for any number of applications, I mostly use them for removing. my makeup at the end of the evening. I also really like taking these camping for any ‘just in case’ toilet moments, and also when traveling and staying at hotels. I think I might pack a few in my purse to have on hand in emergencies. The towels are a really nice thickness, and I have never had one tear on me. The fibers don’t shed either, which is a huge win for anyone using these on their face/body!
Why Did I Buy This? –
Wow, I wish I’d known these existed years ago. Other than the ones I already have to use up, I’ll probably never use paper towels again.
Yes, these are more expensive to start with than paper towels – but these are softer, reusable and also disposable. Because they are reusable, over time they’ll probably cost about the same as paper towels.
I live alone and don’t keep a traditional hand towel – so I’ve been using paper towels to dry my hands & face in the bathroom. Some days I’d use multiple paper towels. But I’ve hung one of these up and used it to dry my hands and face for 4 days (I don’t wear makeup or shave). The first towel is still in great shape, and I think I’ll be able to use it a full week. After I use it that long, I’ll wipe down the mirror, then sink then top of my toilet before throwing it away.
Since there are 50 in the box, it’s practically a year’s worth of towels. Definitely worth it since I like the feel and I don’t have to wash them.
Midwestern Review –
I ordered these for mobile use, when needing to clean my face while on the go. They are much better than a paper towel or paper napkin, but not as good as a soft washcloth, as expected. The cotton towels don’t fall apart like paper towels.
Unfolded they are roughly 12″ x 14″. They are perfect for a quick wipe down of arms, legs, or face. But while using a single towel for the whole body will work, it’s really better suited for localized skin areas.
Jen –
Disposable Face Towel XL,10″×12″Lint-Free Biodegradable Face Towels, Super Soft & Thick Face Towelettes, Clean Face Cloths for Sensitive Skin, 50 Count (Pack of 1)….
Although I’m not someone for one-use type items, and prefer to, and have switched to, mostly reusable items for everything, I do find these thick towels useful. I like to keep them on hand mainly for traveling or overnight trips where you don’t want the risk of leaving your favorite washcloth/makeup erasers behind or having to throw them damp after use, into your luggage. I will pack one or two of these and be able to wash or dry my face with something I know is clean and won’t be rough and irritating on my sensitive face. Then there is no worry of accidentally leaving it behind in the hotel as I so often have done when traveling. These are thick enough that you luckily can get more than one use out of them. I also am happy that they are biodegradable.
Catus –
Big fan of these disposable towels. They’re super large and absorbent, 1 is enough to fully dry off your face, neck, hands and more if using as part of a skincare routine. They don’t rip or tear easily, but gentle enough to not cause irritation on my skin even the sensitive spots. Has never left a single lint or cotton shred even when using it for rough countertop cleaning.
I am always making washcloths dingy with makeup residue. These help take take it all off and mildly exfoliate as well. The very mild quilted texture on the towel helps remove dead skill cells, and the towels are large enough to serve as a washcloth. They come out of the package dry but when paired with water and cleanser or with toner, these give me great results.
IoT_u_N_me –
Disposable Face Towel XL,10″×12″Lint-Free Biodegradable Face Towels, Super Soft & Thick Face Towelettes, Clean Face Cloths for Sensitive Skin, 50 Count (Pack of 1)
These are a decent size 50-pack of face towels. They are dry, not pre-wet and work well with makeup remover, water, isopropyl, peroxide, etc – whatever you need. They also do not give off strands of fiber or break down when using too, which I like. For me, it’s like a cotton ball in sheet form, but better. I like to have these on hand in the vehicle for small baby messes, bathroom, and around the house. These really are general purpose. I recommend this box of face wipes. Just do not flush down the toilet.