Descrição do Produto: EnergY Boost Rapid Activation Delivery Oral Strips (Pacote com 30)
Descubra a revolução na forma de obter energia com os EnergY Boost Rapid Activation Delivery Oral Strips. Este produto inovador oferece uma alternativa deliciosa, sem açúcar e zero calorias, ao café, chá e bebidas energéticas açucaradas, eliminando os incômodos tremores e a queda de energia que muitas vezes acompanham essas opções tradicionais. Cada Nutri-Strip é formulado com compostos de desempenho de ação rápida, proporcionando um impulso energético eficaz em um formato prático e fácil de usar.
Com EnergY, você não precisa mais se preocupar em pegar aquela segunda xícara de café ou uma bebida energética cheia de açúcar. Os Nutri-Strips ativam-se diretamente na língua, permitindo uma melhor solubilidade e uma experiência de consumo superior. Isso significa que você pode desfrutar de um aumento de energia instantâneo a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar, sem a necessidade de líquidos ou copos. Fabricado com orgulho nos EUA, EnergY é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para o dia a dia.
– Sabor Agradável: Uma alternativa saborosa que não compromete o paladar.
– Sem Açúcar e Zero Calorias: Ideal para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada.
– Ação Rápida: Os compostos de desempenho são absorvidos rapidamente, proporcionando energia instantânea.
– Praticidade: Fácil de transportar e usar em qualquer lugar, sem necessidade de preparo.
– Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Elimina os tremores e a queda de energia comuns em outras bebidas energéticas.
Para obter o máximo benefício dos EnergY Boost Rapid Activation Delivery Oral Strips, retire um strip da embalagem e coloque-o diretamente na língua. Deixe que o strip se dissolva completamente, permitindo que os compostos ativos sejam absorvidos rapidamente pela mucosa bucal. Recomenda-se o uso de um a dois strips por dia, conforme necessário, para um impulso energético eficaz. Evite exceder a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde se tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente.
GardenCat –
I started using the strips before my workouts and wasn’t sure they made a difference UNTIL I ran
out 😩 The Energy strips make a huge difference in my endurance during my workouts and throughout the day!! I will never run out again ❤️❤️
Karly Barth –
I have stomach issues, so cannot always have a cup of coffee when I need a caffeine boost. These are refreshing, you don’t have to drink anything, and have B12 vitamins for another feel good boost. I have them with me at all times, in my purse, in my kitchen, never one far away. 😁
Tabmoe –
Sometimes they worked and sometimes they didn’t !! I wish they were a little more powerful !!!
Karly Barth –
I don’t drink caffeine because it gives me a stomachache so I’ve been searching for alternatives. I’m pretty sensitive to stimulants so I should have noticed SOMETHING at least… but no. Nothing. In fact, I used one of these, got up, got dressed and such but an hour later I was still tired so I just went back to bed and fell right back to sleep. After 2 weeks of using them and feeling they have not helped in any form, I quit taking them and have not noticed any change still (incase I was just used them helping somehow). I would like to add that they do not dissolve in your mouth like you would think. I envision something similar to a Lysterine strip. This is not the case. In fact, it doesn’t even melt down after the 5 seconds the instructions say to do. I actually have to add a little water to my mouth and it just sort of turns into this mush that I’d swish around in my mouth a bit before swallowing. It doesn’t have a terrible flavor but it’s not a good one either. The flavor is not listed because it really isn’t very good. It is a weird combination between mint and traditional bubble gum flavor. Like “Bubblemint” only not as good.
I recommend not purchasing these. I’m guessing you have to spend more than the price tag on these to get actual results.
Sherri Monson –
These are easy to take and very fast. I really like the delivery method. It’s nice not having to drink an energy shot, because they are so strong and it takes me a few drinks to get one of those down.
These are well wrapped so you can easily keep one in a pocket or purse. They are small and potent. They don’t taste bad, especially at first, but as they finish dissolving they get pretty strong – luckily it’s not a bad taste, just very strong to the point I want some water or something to chase it down with.
These give me a bit of a boost of energy – really I get more focus than energy out of these compared to the energy shots I normally use. These don’t have enough caffeine to wake me up from a stone-cold, just woke up, really want to go back to bed state.
The thing is, I don’t react that well to Vitamin B as energy. OFten it puts me to sleep in some sort of paradoxical reaction. These might work better for people that do get a bigger boost from Vitamin B. For me, I need more caffeine. I don’t have any side effects from these though, and they don’t make me nervous.
john –
I live with Chronic Fatigues. One of the little “bonus joys” going hand and hand with Fibromyalgia. I was drinking too much coffee, trying to keep alert enough to accomplish something. Overall, doing that had the opposite effect.
When I found the Nutri Strip energy, I was skeptical at first. Not any more! I’m able to accomplish more than before. Note queazy gut gut, headache or shaking. It’s great.
Stacey Ross –
I the type of adhd that I can run around the world in a second. When I took the first strip. I was bouncing off the walls And this energy strips were amazing tasting. I really felt like running to work and my work is 5 miles away. I highly recommend this product. Matter of fact Ima run to work right now. Get this product.
Avery Cardwell –
It doesn’t taste good. They gagged me every time I tried them and I had to spit the clump of goo out so as to how well they work, I couldn’t say.