Descrição do Produto:
As Fitas Orais de Morango com Biotina, Folato e Vitamina E são a solução perfeita para quem busca um cuidado prático e eficaz para cabelos e pele. Com um sabor delicioso de morango, essas fitas se dissolvem rapidamente na boca, proporcionando uma experiência agradável enquanto oferecem uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes essenciais. A Biotina é conhecida por fortalecer os fios e promover o crescimento saudável do cabelo, enquanto o Folato contribui para a renovação celular e a saúde da pele. A Vitamina E, um antioxidante potente, ajuda a proteger a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e radiante. Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada, essas fitas orais são uma maneira conveniente de incorporar vitaminas essenciais na sua dieta diária, sem a necessidade de água ou mastigação.
1. Praticidade: Fitas orais que podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar, sem necessidade de água.
2. Sabor Agradável: Sabor de morango que torna o consumo de vitaminas uma experiência prazerosa.
3. Foco em Beleza: Fórmula enriquecida com Biotina, Folato e Vitamina E, especificamente desenvolvida para melhorar a saúde do cabelo e da pele.
4. Ação Antioxidante: A Vitamina E ajuda a combater os sinais de envelhecimento, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e luminosa.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Ideal para quem tem uma rotina corrida e busca uma maneira simples de cuidar da beleza diariamente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma fita oral diariamente. Coloque a fita na língua e deixe dissolver completamente antes de engolir. É importante não ingerir água imediatamente após o uso para garantir a absorção ideal dos nutrientes. Para resultados visíveis, utilize o produto de forma contínua, integrando-o a uma dieta equilibrada e a um estilo de vida saudável.
Phyllis K –
This is the most fun vitamin I’ve ever taken in my life. You simply open the little packet and put the sweet yummy vitamin pad on your tongue and let it melt – – it takes about three seconds in a stone. It’s delicious and just perfect.
Wordsmith –
These are great! First, they taste delicious and it’s so easy to take them. Second, my nails after taking for a week were stronger and longer. I’m shocked now that I’m over a month into taking them and my nails are amazing and long. I think it’s too early to make an opinion about my hair but I’m excited to see some results.
Melissa Marie –
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I bought these because I saw an ad on instagram so of course I had to try it to see if I am lucky enough to have some improvement with my postpartum hair loss. I’ve only been using them for 5 days so I can’t say whether or not they work but the packaging is on point. Small enough to fit in your purse or just take a strip with you on the go. They are literally delicious! They have a fruity flavor and look like a Listerine strip but taste so much better. They are so easy and convenient to use due to the size and just overall brilliance of packaging. I think it’s a great value for the money you spend as you get 30 strips in a box. I am very tempted to subscribe and save on this one. Each strip contains 680mcg folate and 10mg Vitamin E and 10,000mcg Biotin so they pack quite the punch for their tine size, let’s hope it helps!
Kara Mac –
While with my first box I saw a definite slow-down in hair fall, my second box doesn’t seem to be having the same effect. I’m also disappointed that my second order of these, the box seemed to have gotten wet somehow, or moist. The individual packets were warped and the product inside was crunched/broken up and extremely hard to get out/take. Probably won’t order again. They’re too expensive not to come in anything but stellar condition. Being unable to get them out of the pkg is ridiculous.
Leader’s Leader –
I used to use Nutrafol and take biotin and not much changed. After only about 6+ weeks I noticed less hair in the drain, stronger feeling hair, and now months later I have serious regrowth! this is incredible since I am in my mid 50s and nothing else has worked for me. My hair is noticeably significantly thicker and it is growing in in the front as well. I am no longer on Nutrafol, it was more expensive and I never loved it. The taste is great and it is low sugar. I love them as do several of my friends who have also seen quick and ongoing results. THANK YOU this has changed my hair!
Julie Gaye –
Tasty! My skin is glowing, firm and feels “beautiful.”
Anne –
Not sure it’s doing anything but it better than swallowing vitamins. Tastes great, dissolves fast!
Anne –
It came empty. No product