Descrição do Produto: Tinture de Erva de São João BIO KRAUTER
A Tinture de Erva de São João da BioKrauter é um extrato líquido de Hypericum perforatum, conhecido popularmente como erva de São João, que oferece suporte ao humor, promovendo calma e relaxamento. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa natural para melhorar seu bem-estar emocional. Com uma formulação que garante alta absorção, a Tinture de Erva de São João é uma escolha consciente para quem deseja integrar um suplemento eficaz em sua rotina.
- Tinctura de Erva de São João para o Humor: O extrato líquido de erva de São João da BioKrauter apoia o humor ao promover a calma e o relaxamento.
- Vegano e Sem Álcool: Nosso suplemento de suporte ao humor é vegano, não contém OGM e é livre de álcool, cores e sabores artificiais, projetado para se alinhar a uma ampla gama de estilos de vida.
- Sem Sabor Amargo: Nossa erva de São João líquida é elaborada com glicerina, que elimina naturalmente o amargor, garantindo um sabor suave e agradável sem a necessidade de açúcares adicionados.
- Tecnologia Alemã: Utilizamos tecnologia alemã para elaborar a tintura de erva de São João que apoia naturalmente seu humor. Feita com apenas três ingredientes simples: água, glicerina e erva de São João—esta fórmula proporciona até 98% de absorção.
- Instruções de Uso: Agite bem antes de usar. Nosso suplemento de erva de São João é fácil de usar—basta adicionar algumas gotas em sua bebida favorita ou diretamente sob a língua. Evite tocar o conta-gotas com os lábios ou a língua.
1. Suporte Natural ao Humor: A erva de São João é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a melhorar o humor e reduzir a ansiedade.
2. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Álcool: Ideal para veganos e pessoas que evitam álcool, garantindo uma opção saudável e inclusiva.
3. Sabor Agradável: A glicerina utilizada na formulação elimina o gosto amargo, tornando o consumo mais prazeroso.
4. Alta Absorção: Com até 98% de absorção, o produto garante que os nutrientes sejam eficazmente utilizados pelo organismo.
5. Fácil de Usar: A versatilidade de uso permite que o produto seja adicionado a bebidas ou consumido diretamente, facilitando a integração na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Tinture de Erva de São João da BioKrauter, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Adicione de 10 a 15 gotas do extrato em um copo de água, suco ou outra bebida de sua preferência, ou coloque diretamente sob a língua para uma absorção mais rápida. É importante evitar o contato do conta-gotas com os lábios ou a língua para manter a integridade do produto. Utilize diariamente para um suporte contínuo ao seu bem-estar emocional.
Malinda –
tastes good and my mood improves with use.
Margo –
I have added this to my daily regimen and so far so good. I have had no reactions or adverse effects. It comes in a glass bottle and dropper.
This review is for the BIO KRAUTER St John’s Wort Tincture – Organic Hypericum Perforatum Liquid Extract for Mood Support.
I’m a regular consumer of St. John’s Wort for its purported health benefits. Normally I take it in capsule form but was offered this St. John’s Wort in a liquid tincture form.
What I really do like about it is it seems to absorb fast, which really doesn’t surprise me being the liquid form it is in.
It does have a somewhat sweet flavor, so I find I can add it to either coffee, tea, and I even find it okay to add to just water.
I have been responding to this liquid form just fine (no ill side effects I can notice such as digestive issues).
Taking the product claims at face value, I do appreciate the claims on the product box and description which includes its vegan, alcohol, sugar, and GMO free. All these claims do give me assurance of a quality St. John’s Wort product. You can also see from the product description that this St. John’s Wort is third party tested and comes from a GMP (Good Manufacturing Product) facility.
Again, more assurances of a quality product. Please do read the label carefully. You’ll see that while they claim you can actually take the liquid directly from the dropper, I don’t recommend that because if it touches inside your mouth, you could contaminate the rest of the liquid inside the bottle.
The only other thing to possibly consider is the label does recommend taking 3 times a day, which might be an inconvenience to some people vs. most tablets of St. John’s where you just have to take once a day.
In summary though, from my experience, this is a high quality St. John’s Wort offered at a very reasonable price at time of review.
Kate –
This is supposed to be St. John’s Wort which is supposed to calm one’s nerves but it didn’t work for me.
It doesn’t taste bad. I tried it both ways by putting it in my drinks and putting it directly into my mouth under my tongue three or four times a day. I haven’t felt any different. Maybe that will be different for other people. I wish I had more to say about it. But I can’t really say anything bad about it because I haven’t had any side effects. no Good, nor bad ones. Thank goodness, I was refunded by this honest company. They apparently do’ indeed, stand behind their products.
One Reviewer –
I was taking 300mg of St. John’s Wort capsules 1-2 times a day, but was considering changing it as sometimes I wonder if I’m getting enough from the brand I was using, so thought to give this a go. I was surprised to learn that each squeeze is twice the amount of the 300mg capsule I was taking, so have been just taking one dropper squeeze daily instead of the suggested dropper 3 times a day (which I think one should certainly consult their physician prior to taking that much every day).
The dropper squeeze is about half of the length of the dropper. Don’t try to fill the entire glass dropper up! It’s important to shake the bottle first before each use, and I squeeze the dropper bulb several times before actually dispensing it into my beverage. These steps are very important to follow, and I always recommend consulting one’s physician and/or pharmacist about dosage and if it’s safe to take with any other medications one may be taking.
St. John’s Wort has had lots of clinical testing and it’s something I typically prefer to take over prescription drugs, if possible. It’s important to note that even being an herbal supplement, it can cause issues with a number of other medications, so please do some due diligence before starting it.
Also, look up “Serotonin Syndrome” to understand the importance of not taking this with any other mood medication (talk to your physician) and to be sure to take your doctor’s recommended advice if incorporating this into your supplement routine. St. John’s Wort is serious and can interact adversely with other medications.
As far as I can tell, this seems to be working out well enough for me that I may continue using this brand when I run out. Although it’s not hard to take the capsules I was taking prior, (I’ve since discontinued them since beginning this product), I do like the new (to me) method of taking it. I usually put a (680mg) measured one squeeze’s worth amount in a bit of water and drink it down. It has a very mildly sweet and ever so slightly minty flavor to it.
As with all supplements of this nature, each person is different and how it affects them. I take St. John’s Wort because I deal with a lot of stressful situations regularly and I use this to help support my own body/mind health. Some antidepressant prescription meds make me feel very blunted emotionally or just very bleh.
I like St. John’s Wort because I don’t notice that “blunting effect” as much when taking it, this product included. I like the amount that I get per squeeze and feel like one squeeze (680mg) is good enough for me for now and probably the amount I should have been taking.
After having used this for several days, I’ve not noticed any sort of adverse side effects or problems in the just under a week that I’ve been using it. Again, I caution one not to take this with any other SJW product or medication without FIRST consulting their GP or pharmacist after reviewing any other medications that one may be taking. Some medicines take a while to flush out of one’s system, and a doctor’s advice for one’s own situation is vital. I like this so far, and as long as all stays well, I will likely buy more of this before running out. Thanks for reading.
This tincture is made with clean and minimal ingredients. Good high quality supplement without all the excess ingredients you don’t want. No alcohol or sugar whatsoever. I don’t enjoy the taste of this but I also don’t dislike it. It’s very bland and easy to swallow. If you mix it in a drink you can’t even notice it.
It definitely works, and it is natural! Though, I agree with the other comments about not clear how to manage the dose correctly. I probably will purchase again. Thank you so much!
ShiningHiker –
I’ve been using this St John’s Wort tincture for a few weeks now, and I’m pretty happy with it. The taste is mild and easy to mix into a drink.
I appreciate the clean and minimal ingredients, without any alcohol or sugar. It seems to be working well for me, so I’ll likely continue using it.