Descrição do Produto:
A Tinture de Goat’s Rue da HERBAMAMA é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para mães que buscam apoio na lactação. Com um extrato de Galega Officinalis, esta fórmula vegana é especialmente desenvolvida para auxiliar na produção de leite materno, garantindo um fluxo adequado para as mamães. Cada gota é meticulosamente elaborada para proporcionar suporte à amamentação, permitindo que as mães se sintam confiantes e confortáveis durante esse período tão especial.
A simplicidade é a chave da fórmula da HERBAMAMA, que contém apenas três ingredientes: extrato de Goat’s Rue, glicerina vegetal e água destilada. Essa combinação não apenas torna o suplemento fácil de digerir, mas também garante que não haja aditivos artificiais, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma opção vegetariana e saudável.
A absorção rápida é outro destaque deste produto. A fórmula da tintura de leite materno proporciona até 98% de absorção em apenas dois a cinco minutos, permitindo que as propriedades naturais da erva Goat’s Rue sejam rapidamente disponibilizadas para o organismo. Isso é especialmente importante para mães que precisam de resultados rápidos e eficazes.
A fórmula vegana da HERBAMAMA é baseada em glicerina vegetal e não contém álcool ou açúcar, tornando-a adequada para uma variedade de estilos de vida. Além disso, as gotas de suporte à amamentação são livres de glúten, não-OGM e isentas de cores ou sabores artificiais, garantindo um produto puro e saudável.
Para garantir a eficácia do produto, recomenda-se agitar bem antes de usar. Basta adicionar uma pressão do bulbo do conta-gotas a um copo de água ou suco, três vezes ao dia. As gotas de Herbamama Goat’s Rue também podem ser administradas diretamente na língua, mas é importante evitar o contato entre o conta-gotas e a boca.
– Apoio à Lactação: Aumenta a produção de leite materno, proporcionando um suporte essencial para mães que amamentam.
– Fórmula Simples e Natural: Com apenas três ingredientes, é uma opção saudável e livre de aditivos artificiais.
– Absorção Rápida: Eficácia em poucos minutos, permitindo que as mães sintam os benefícios rapidamente.
– Adequado para Diversos Estilos de Vida: Livre de álcool, açúcar, glúten e não-OGM, atende a diferentes necessidades dietéticas.
– Fácil de Usar: A administração é simples e prática, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Tinture de Goat’s Rue da HERBAMAMA, agite bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Adicione uma pressão do bulbo do conta-gotas a um copo de água ou suco, três vezes ao dia. Alternativamente, você pode colocar as gotas diretamente na língua, garantindo que o conta-gotas não entre em contato com a boca para preservar a integridade do produto. É recomendável seguir essa rotina diariamente para maximizar os benefícios e apoiar a lactação de forma eficaz.
Erv –
I use this when I’m low on my Metformin. Keeps my blood sugar in check.
106 in the AM when fasting.
It doesn’t work. Don’t bother to buy.
S. Guest –
I truly believe that this product actually did help with my breast milk production. The flavor of the extract isn’t too off putting at all. As a matter of fact, it reminds me of tea or something. My chief complaint is the cheap bottle dropper that cracks open after a few days of use. This results in product spill out. Fix the bottle! Clearly it is a common issue.
Trinity Backus –
I’m so happy with this product my milk has come in Waymore than it ever has been. My babies love it and so do I I have a whole freezer full of milk thanks to this product I am an absolute heaven!
Jessalyn Straniti –
This product worked really well to increase my milk supply. The big issue I had was that of the 4 bottles I bought, all 4 had broken droppers or cracked shortly after opening. I almost always ended up spilling it which was disappointing. The product itself was great though.
Hanna –
I have no issues with this product other than this is my second order and the stopper/syringe has been broken in both orders. This first time I open it- it cracks and then is broken so it can’t be resealed.
Carrie O –
I bought this after I did some research on Goat’s Rue for breast milk supply. It doesn’t just increase the overall quantity (by increasing fluid/water to the breast) like fennugreek or other teas I have tried (and still use), but helps the quality as well. Very pleased with this product!
Jordan –
So I can’t give ALL the credit to this tincture because I spent probably a week before I received this product drinking mother’s milk tea (off and on), pumping every 3 hours until I had to sleep, eating homemade lactation brownies with brewers yeast and ground flaxseed and coconut milk, and eating oatmeal with ground flaxseed in it.
BUT for background I got mastitis in one breast (my right one) for almost 2 weeks (it wasn’t caught for almost a week and then it took a week to begin to recover) and it pretty much almost entirely killed the supply in my right breast because I couldn’t for the life of me get the clogs out I had probably over 20 clogs in my breast and it was so bad I couldn’t even get milk out even though my breast was like a ROCK full of milk. It was horrible. Anyways. After all that I was still struggling even getting 1/2 an oz with pumping so I ordered this as a last resort and started taking it. At first I only took the 3x a day recommended dose on the bottle but it still wasn’t helping really so I increased it to pretty much any time I pumped or nursed so every 3-6 hours depending on if I was sleeping or awake. That’s when it kicked in and helped SO much. At first it was only making my left breast (the one that hadn’t been infected) produce so so so so so much and I was feeling sad that the right side (the side that I needed help with) wasn’t really responding like the left. But it was starting to at least flow with milk whereas before I could barely get milk to flow and struggled to pump half an ounce. I continued with pumping (because the right boob was so drained I couldn’t nurse my baby enough milk from my breasts so she was being bottle fed breast milk from my previous freezer stash) and that continued with the use of the tincture more and more milk started to flow on the right side. Until I felt I could TRY and nurse my baby finally without her crying or being starved and she latched and stayed on! And so I tried for a day and then two to nurse and so far so good. And I even had to actually keep pumping because I was making SO much milk on the left boob my baby couldn’t even drink it all and I had to drain the rest out or else I could get mastitis again. Now I’m on day 3/4 and not needing to pump because I’ve been nursing her and using my haaka to catch letdowns on the left side. AND now even my right breast lets down again when I’m nursing on the other breast! So things are moving in a positive direction. Such a relief. AND because my milk is flowing so good again I’m making extra milk and catching the letdowns during nursing sessions and building my freezer stash again.
This tincture is WELL WORTH A TRY. It helped me so much. I was afraid my breastfeeding journey was going to be cut short but this tincture helped SO much. I’ll be buying more for sure. As I’m still using it until my supply is back to where it was.
I hope this helps any mamas out there looking for hope. You can also try blessed thistle tincture or fenugreek but fenugreek can cause tummy upset with babies sometimes.