THORNE Pre-Workout Elite – Suporte Natural para Produção de Energia e Desempenho – Sabor Citrus Berry – Certificado pela NSF para Esportes – 4,32 Oz – 24 Porções
Obtenha o máximo do seu treino com o Pre-Workout Elite*. Este produto de elite foi desenvolvido para otimizar o seu foco, força, desempenho e recuperação, utilizando ingredientes naturais que ajudam você a alcançar o seu melhor sem efeitos colaterais indesejados*.
O Pre-Workout Elite contém ingredientes clinicamente estudados, como Peak ATP, Peak O2 Mushroom Blend, Alpha-GPC, Guayusa Leaf Extract, Mango Leaf Extract e Quercetin Phytosome. Esses ingredientes são respaldados pela ciência e comprovados para promover a função muscular, recuperação e melhorar a capacidade de exercício*.
Uma das principais características do Pre-Workout Elite é o Peak ATP, que promove o fluxo sanguíneo ideal para suportar a função muscular e a recuperação, permitindo que você obtenha o máximo dos seus treinos*. Além disso, a combinação exclusiva de Peak02 Mushroom Blend ajuda a melhorar a eficácia do treino, promovendo a capacidade de exercício e estendendo o tempo até a exaustão durante a prática esportiva e o exercício*.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Melhora o desempenho físico durante os treinos
- 2. Aumenta o foco e a concentração durante os exercícios
- 3. Promove a recuperação muscular após os treinos
- 4. Ingredientes clinicamente estudados respaldados pela ciência
- 5. Certificado pela NSF para Esportes, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do produto
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (4,32 Oz) do Pre-Workout Elite com água ou sua bebida preferida 30 minutos antes do treino. Consuma uma porção por dia ou conforme orientação profissional.
Experimente o Pre-Workout Elite e eleve o seu treino a um novo nível de desempenho e energia. Adquira agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop!
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (4,32 Oz) do Pre-Workout Elite com água ou sua bebida preferida 30 minutos antes do treino. Consuma uma porção por dia ou conforme orientação profissional.
Experimente o Pre-Workout Elite e eleve o seu treino a um novo nível de desempenho e energia. Adquira agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop!
SJ –
I have used it for a little over two weeks. First this is not C4 or ON pre-workout. There are no artificial flavors. If you are used to the over sweet powders or drinks this is going to taste awful for you. I don’t have the hatred other here have with the taste.
As tip, I do use a small sifter over my cup. I put the scoop into it. I then poor water over it. Most of it dissolves perfectly. What is left I kind of press to get rid of any clumps. I then poor more water over what I just pressed into the sifter. In the end there are no clumps and for the most part even prevents the little pieces that get stuck on the bottom of the glass. After I swig it down, I add a little extra water and pretty much the cup is empty.
Don’t buy this for the flavor but so far my workouts have been great. You also don’t get any tingles or jitters and it doesn’t seem to upset my stomach. Unsure if I will buy again… If it had a marginal better flavor I would for sure buy again.
Ryan S –
Overall all this stuff seems to do its job, but it definitely takes a certain person to muscle through the flavor before each workout. See my breakdown below
Taste 1/5:
I mean this stuff tastes crazy. I don’t think it’s as bad as others have said, but it’s definitely not good. The smell is nice, and when you first start drinking it the flavor is fine I guess but as soon and you stop gulping the aftertaste hits you hard, and it is really weird. Some people said like bad cherry medicine, and I guess that’s not far off, but it’s like a weird berry artificial taste plus probably all those mushroom extracts that’s making taste super funky. It’s not nice. However, I look at the overall market and I think all the flavors are wack. I see companies with airhead flavors, rocket popsicle, fudge chocolate brownie, reeces peanut cup…come on guys, I’m not 12 years old. Who is requesting these dumb flavors? Just give me a normal flavor like a mild lemon/lime flavor or something refreshing. So that said, I hate everyone’s flavoring, at least with this I definitely know it has all those mushroom ingredients that I paid for.
Effectiveness: 4/5
I think this helps. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly much since I take a lot of supplements, plus I added two more at the same time I started using this (bad scientist – have a control group!), but I did feel more energized. It has 70mg of caffeine per serving, a little less than your average cup of coffee, so I don’t think I’m getting much of that kind of buzz from this. It’s all about those extracts that are going to help with blood flow and VO2 max and other things. I did increase my workout load and have been able to power through it and I do think this contributed to me being able to push harder. But with all supplements, the difference is marginal. Every little bit helps.
Jitteriness: N/A
I did experience some crazy tingles and jitters the first time I had this, but I took my other vitamins in the evening right before this and I usually take them in the morning. I actually think the culprit was taking Beta-alanine in conjunction with this, which also has known side effects of tingling of skin. The second time I had this drink was in the evening and I took my other vitamins in the morning and I did not experience tingles or jittering. Most people (myself included) need to better examine what they are taking with what and at what time of day, because this can have a huge impact on both effectiveness and side effects. So your experience here may vary, just don’t go blaming one product right away if you haven’t examined your full stack and all the combining factors.
Stomach effects: 5/5
Yeah it tastes bad but it hasn’t affected my indigestion or anything. I eat pretty healthy though so I think in general my system is strong.
Mixing: 5/5
No chunks or anything when I used a blender bottle shaker, smooth. It looks like mud, but it’s not thick or anything – about the same consistency as water.
Value: 3/5
It seems to work and has quality ingredients, but man I wish it had a normal taste.
Overall 3/5. If they improved the flavor they might have a solid product here.
Chris Cammarota –
Looooove this brand but I could not get passed the taste. And I typically fight through it. I went almost two months and I couldn’t do it anymore.
Love love love this brand but this product is a miss for me.
brianna ware –
I gave it an honest try and made me sick to my stomach. I’m generally pretty good with more natural tasting stuff but this was awful and also made me nauseous. Still have half a container. Tried to pawn it off on people at work, no one will finish it off.
Danny –
I am so glad I took a chance despite the negative reviews. This is a supplement not a tasty treat! It *works* very well. No jittery or overstimulated feeling. Clean, powerful energy. I absolutely love it.
It’s so easy to get past the taste. I either mix it with about 3-4 oz of orange juice which masks most of the flavor, or in 2 oz of water and take it like a shot then follow with a full glass of water. Do not mix it into a big glass of water or a smoothie.
Honestly the reviews in taste are so dramatic. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t taste good, it is unpleasant. But if you do it right, it’s 2 seconds of slightly unpleasant taste that does not linger for lasting effective energy with clean ingredients!
This product is phenomenal!
SentientDumpster –
I switched to using this pre-workout because I typically use Thorne supplements daily, and I was trying to cycle off of my C4 pre-workout. It’s ofcourse not as strong or as harsh as other supplements, but it gives enough of an energy boost to at least get you into the gym and through your workout. It seems like it’s a much healthier alternative to other pre-workouts too, with little to no after effects (no irritability, brain fog, diarrhea, or crash). The only downside is the taste, which to me tastes like stomach bile. I have to mentally prepare myself before I chug it down as fast as I can, but it gotten easier over time. I find that taking it with a small scoop of Metamucil sort of makes it more palatable. Flavor aside, I think this is a solid choice for a pre-workout
casey roth –
🤮🤮🤮 no words, nasty asf. i mix it with juice and it’s still a no. sad i paid so much for it, guess i have to finish it. 🤮🤮🤮🤮