Descrição do Produto: THORNE MediClear-SGS
O THORNE MediClear-SGS é um pó para bebida à base de proteínas de arroz e ervilha, desenvolvido para oferecer suporte fundamental à saúde, ajudando a eliminar toxinas ambientais e dietéticas. Este produto é formulado com um perfil completo de multivitaminas e minerais, proporcionando uma nutrição equilibrada e essencial para o bem-estar diário. A combinação de proteínas vegetais de alta qualidade não só promove a saciedade, mas também auxilia na manutenção da massa muscular, sendo uma excelente opção para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Além disso, o MediClear-SGS contém ingredientes que favorecem a desintoxicação do organismo, contribuindo para a saúde do fígado e a eliminação de substâncias indesejadas. Ideal para pessoas que desejam um suporte nutricional eficaz, este produto é uma escolha prática e saborosa para integrar na rotina diária.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Contém um perfil completo de vitaminas e minerais, essencial para o funcionamento adequado do corpo.
3. Proteínas de Alta Qualidade: A combinação de proteínas de arroz e ervilha fornece aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a saúde muscular.
4. Fácil de Incorporar na Dieta: Pode ser facilmente misturado em smoothies, shakes ou receitas, tornando a nutrição prática e saborosa.
5. Apoio à Saúde do Fígado: Ingredientes específicos que favorecem a função hepática, contribuindo para uma melhor metabolização de substâncias.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar duas colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do THORNE MediClear-SGS em 240ml de água, leite vegetal ou suco de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Este produto pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme necessário, como parte de uma dieta equilibrada. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável utilizar o MediClear-SGS em conjunto com uma alimentação saudável e a prática regular de exercícios físicos.
pierangela –
Super product nice service.
This was recommended by my physician years ago and is an excellent mix of nutrients and natural supplements for detox/cleanse. Great taste too.
VicLan –
First of all I despise most protein powders and dread making a protein shake. But this stuff I honestly love it. I bought the vanilla. I did a d.tox program with Lifetime fitness and used several of their recipes for this shake along with the same brand adding a scoop of the prebiotic fiber. Doing a two week D.Tox using this shake was great. One recipe that I loved was using a cup of ice, a cup of almond milk, lemon zest, lemon juice, 5-6 walnut halves two scoops of the shake powder. They called it lemon pie shake. Wow I craved it.
If you need to take some weight off I suggest getting this protein powder with the fiber and try to drink this shake twice a day for a couple weeks and at the evening meal eat a serving of protein and vegetables and no dairy or sugar and watch the level of fat added. If I could afford to buy this product every few weeks I would. I wish I could make this a part of my routine all the time.
It’s worth it for sure to use as a reset and help
if you are struggling to take some weight off and it’s so good for your liver health. I still can’t get over how I love the taste of this when I rarely ever like any mix. Highly highly recommend!
Wendy Olson –
Protein powder with vitamins and minerals .
Chocolate. Yummy 😋
Zinnia Lane –
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Ok I’ve been using for over a year now and this has been a fantastic addition to my daily routine. My husband started using it recently and loves it too. The chocolate flavor is delicious, and the rice and pea protein blend is smooth and easy to mix. I’ve noticed a significant boost in my energy levels digestion, and overall well-being since I started using it consistently. Highly recommend this product to anyone looking to enhance their health and nutrition!
Mr.Aponte –
Quick review.
It packs a punch in terms of vitamin intake. Tastes very good compared to others. Goes down easily especially if you mix with milk and/or coffee.
Only 21 servings for ~$90. Very very expensive.
If you take multi-vitamins that cost $20/mo this might be worth it as it can replace them. But otherwise, you’d just have to compare to what you usually buy vs what you get from this.
The taste is debatable. My husband does not. Nor does my dad. Mum remains neutral, though I don’t think she considers it very palatable. I actually like it, and the more I take it, the better it tastes. Maybe it’s just getting used it?
It mixes super easily, I usually mix with half water, half organic coconut milk or organic almond milk, occasionally just with plain water.
Some might want to blend it in a smoothie, but I’d rather just enjoy a smoothi by itself, I think it tastes better without this in it.
That said, what I LOVE about this product is the effect it has on my body. It kills cravings- well, except my craving for this shake… I sometimes crave it at 11pm at night and just have to get one, like my body years for it.
It supports my digestions.
It made my gallbladder stop hurting, whereas with other protein shakes I would get a pain in my gallbladder.
Most incredibly, it seems to increase my metab. Even though I do not diet, I have lost quite a bit of weight despite maintaining my previous eating habits, which were healthy to begin with ( I avoid sugar, esp. refinded sugars, and unhealthy carbs. I am not into extreme diets, but I only buy organic produce as I want no biocides on my food and only meat from animals that were raised and lived on pastures and had a good life and as humane a death as possible). So I actually eat more calories since using this shake than before, do not do more sports or physical activity, and yet I am dropping weight. It is not a rapid crash-diet-sort-of weight loss, but noticeable both on the scale and with my clothes.
Also, I have noticed that I have more strength and stamina (again, without having changed or increased my exercise regiment)
I think this product has the perfect balance of all the essential nutrients my body needs so they work in synergy enabling my cells to absorb and use the nutrients properly. There are days where I don’t feel like using it, and so sometimes I don’t, but most days I do and occasionally I will take several shakes a day as I just have a craving for it. I will continue to take this and see if I notice other improvements or changes and might update this post. Definitely recommend it so far!
colleen daly –
I like this product for those days I don’t have a lunch break. It was quality ingredients, and the 20 grams of protein keeps my energy level high in a physically demanding job.
Drake James –
I really want to like this product but it makes me feel terrible. I’ve tried to cut down the amount I take and am at half a scoop now and I still feel weird after drinking it. I mix it with oat milk, wild blueberries, greens, a banana and PB (my usual morning shake). If I don’t want to lay in bed sick after my shake I just forgo it completely. Very expensive purchase to be feeling so crappy after consuming it.