A THESAEM Natural Facial Mask Sheet 21ml 20 Pack é um combo de máscaras faciais coreanas que oferece hidratação e nutrição para a pele. Com 20 máscaras em um único pacote, ela proporciona uma variedade de opções para cuidar da pele. Essas máscaras são feitas com ingredientes naturais e são ideais para revitalizar e melhorar a aparência da pele. Com essa máscara, você pode desfrutar de uma pele mais hidratada, nutrida e radiante.
Conheça a THESAEM Natural Facial Mask Sheet 21ml 20 Pack – Korean Skincare Moisturizing and Nourishing Facial Mask Sheet Variety Combo Pack, um conjunto de 20 máscaras faciais que vão revolucionar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Cada máscara contém ingredientes de alta qualidade, como Argan, Arroz, Aveia, Romã, Manteiga de Karité, Ginseng Vermelho, Mel, Batata, Limão, Kiwi Dourado, Abacate, Azeitona, Aloe Vera, Bambu, Chá Verde, Tea Tree, Mirtilo, Açaí e Rosa, além de Carvão Ativado. Esses ingredientes nutrem, hidratam, acalmam, purificam e melhoram a aparência opaca da pele, deixando-a mais macia, hidratada, elástica e saudável.
Enriquecidas com Ácido Hialurônico, Pantenol, Trealose e Ceramida, essas máscaras faciais proporcionam uma hidratação profunda, equilibram o pH e melhoram a textura da pele. Essa terapia revitalizante e hidratante ajuda a criar uma pele mais firme, saudável e equilibrada. Além disso, as máscaras têm um efeito calmante e adstringente, mantendo a pele saudável, rejuvenescida e radiante.
Independentemente do tipo de pele que você tem, seja propensa a acne ou sensível, nossas máscaras faciais ajudam a nutrir e cuidar dela. Basta limpar o rosto com um sabonete facial, aplicar a máscara úmida e cobrir o rosto por 10 a 15 minutos. Em seguida, remova a máscara e massageie suavemente para absorver a essência. Permita que os poros absorvam completamente os ingredientes nutritivos para uma hidratação ideal.
Nossas máscaras faciais são veganas, livres de crueldade animal e feitas com ingredientes naturais. Não contêm parabenos, sulfatos ou ftalatos, apenas ingredientes de alta qualidade e nada agressivo, para que você possa usar as máscaras todos os dias e ter uma pele hidratada e radiante. Elas removem as células mortas, o excesso de óleo, as toxinas e o excesso de oleosidade, deixando a pele mais macia e radiante.
Este conjunto de máscaras faciais é o presente perfeito para quem tem pele sensível ou com problemas. Se você está procurando ideias de presentes para mulheres, homens, adolescentes, meninas, meninos ou qualquer outra celebração, não deixe de incluir este produto. Se tiver algum problema, não hesite em nos contatar, pois teremos prazer em oferecer uma solução satisfatória.
- 1. Hidratação profunda: as máscaras contêm ingredientes que hidratam profundamente a pele, deixando-a macia e suave.
- 2. Nutrição intensa: os ingredientes de alta qualidade fornecem nutrientes essenciais para a pele, melhorando sua saúde e aparência.
- 3. Efeito calmante: as máscaras têm propriedades calmantes que ajudam a acalmar a pele irritada e reduzir a vermelhidão.
- 4. Purificação da pele: os ingredientes purificadores ajudam a remover impurezas e toxinas, deixando a pele mais limpa e saudável.
- 5. Resultados visíveis: com o uso regular, você notará uma melhora significativa na aparência e textura da sua pele.
Limpe o rosto com um sabonete facial suave. Abra a embalagem da máscara e aplique-a no rosto, ajustando-a para que fique bem aderida. Deixe agir por 10 a 15 minutos e, em seguida, remova a máscara. Massageie suavemente o rosto para ajudar a absorver o excesso de essência. Não é necessário enxaguar. Use as máscaras faciais regularmente para obter melhores resultados.
Alessar –
By far the best quality of sheet I have used, thin and very easy to apply, doesn’t crumple up. I am also impressed with the ingredients list in the masks, real extracts and no nasties.
mellowminty –
I really love these sheet masks! I’ve used a few different Korean brands and these are my favorite so far. I use a sheet mask for 20 minutes after I take a shower and my skin feels so hydrated! Here are my pros and cons
-Stretchiness- these are the stretchiest masks I’ve used, and the only ones with eye holes big enough. (The charcoal is the only one with thicker material)
-noticeable improvement in my skin. My skin looks plumper and more hydrated. These are perfect for dry and dull skin.
-These definitely fit my face and don’t feel like they’re going to flop off/roll down. The material is thin and flexible and I don’t have to keep pressing it into my skin.
-The product is very watery compared to some other masks that have more gel-like product. I don’t mind it much as I’ve gotten used to it, but some people may not like this.
-Some of the scents can be a bit strong. If you’re like me and don’t mind scent, you’ll be okay. They’re very nice scents, and most are mild- but if you’re sensitive to that sort of thing you might not prefer it.
L 876648 –
Ich bin bereits seit Jahren großer Fan koreanischer Gesichtsmasken!
Da man einfach nur ein Tuch in Gesichtsform hat, das man nach ca. 15-20 min runtermachen kann, spart man sich die Zeit vom Abwaschen wie bei vielen anderen Masken!
Außerdem ist der Effekt auch toll! Schon nach der ersten Anwendung merkt man einen deutlichen Unterschied! Die Gesichtshaut fühlt sich richtig gut an!
Ich selber merke im Übrigen grundsätzlich keinen Unterschied im Effekt von den verschiedenen Sorten (Blaubeere, Rose, Avocado etc.). Nur der Geruch der Maske ist anders.
Ich werde diesen Artikel immer wieder gern bestellen und kann dies auch sehr weiterempfehlen!
Vorsicht aber bei koreanischen Anbietern wegen der seit neuestem bestehenden Einfuhrzölle von Artikeln aus dem nicht-EU Ausland! Dabei können Zusatzkosten entstehen!
oscar contreras castro –
Ho provato diverse marche di maschere “ a foglio” koreane e devo dire che queste mi piacciono davvero molto! Arrivate presto in un pacchetto ben confezionato, ne ho già usate 3 e posso dire che sono molto imbevute tanto da poter riutilizzare la stessa 2 volte o da sfruttare il liquido rimanente per il collo. Il tessuto è buono e ben ritagliato, aderiscono bene senza problemi e le profumazioni sono gradevoli e non fastidiose. Io le tengo per circa 30 minuti e la pelle assorbe completamente il liquido restando da subito ben idrata. Le ricomprerò sicuramente.
Peachie –
If you’ve never used Korean style skin care masks you’re in for a treat. This assortment pack allows you to treat your skin with an assortment of different products all of which will moisturize and refresh. These packs are great way of cooling down warm skin and giving you a nice home spa feeling. The one downside is that I found these particular masks to be very tightly folded up inside their envelope. Once you pull them out it can be a little bit tricky to get them neatly unfolded so that the eye knows and mouth openings are exposed. I do feel like these masks are a little bit on the small side, I’m a guy and I would have liked them to just maybe be 10% bigger. The amount of treatment infused into them is really generous though and after I treated my face I just went ahead and squeezed a little bit more serum out of the envelope and then shifted the face mask up onto my forehead for a few minutes of additional care. I’m not sure how different the different products are but it’s kind of fun to look through the assortment and think well today I want tea to tone my face or today I want pomegranate because I think that’s going to help me feel more purified. Hey it’s all about feeling good right?
Ilaria –
I have used about 5 of the masks so far and they have all been moisturising. The sheets are well saturated with lots of serum. It not leave your skin feeling sticky (I leave on for 15 minutes, instructions suggest 10-20 minutes). I have sensitive skin and did not have any reactions to using these. Happy with them so far and will consider purchasing again.
Mari –
… aún así son baratos e hidratan bien la cara.
I really have fun with the variety in this 13 face mask set, as I enjoy trying different ones more as a way to treat myself. Each mask does have a natural scent correlating to the main ingredient on the cover, but it’s not overwhelming or overpowering (I am usually sensitive to perfumes). The size of the mask fits well, you can fold any excess onto the chin/neck, and the material is stretchy for fitting around the eyes. The products that I received were fresh when opened (I have used 6/13 masks so far) and had a ways away expiration date of 4/2019. They are fully saturated in serum with about a handful of leftover serum in the package which you can either add to the mask at the halfway point or keep to apply on the face and neck afterwards. I keep it on for 30 minutes and the mask is still quite damp at that time.
Each mask has a touted benefit (moisturizing, soothing, brightening). The greatest benefit I have noticed is definitive hydration, subsequently feeling plump and firmer skin, which is likely to help with brightening, etc. It’s very cold and dry where I live (indoor humidity ~20%, outdoor temps have been -20 F) and I have seen a big difference when using these masks 1-2x a week. I have sensitive combination skin, generally irritable to cheap products or harsher cleansers, and I have not had experienced any adverse irritability or breakouts due to the masks I’ve used thus far.
I am including a picture of the ingredient list for two of the masks. I did pick this brand as their ingredient list did not have as many chemicals as some of the other brands, and seem to have a company approach dedicated to more natural components. Even their packaging is recyclable, and I think the thin cotton material could be compostable. It is not preservative free but do your due diligence on research when making your personal choice of products to use; this product has liquid components so it does obviously need some type of stabilizer to ensure shelf life.
13 face masks for ~$10; I think that it’s a great deal with the quality of masks you get compared to getting face masks in stores for $2-3 each. I have not used other Korean brands from Amazon but used to buy in-store masks at Target and Wal-Mart. I feel that the effects on my skin were the same so I opted for these so that I could them a little more frequently.
These sheet masks are fantastic and well worth the price! They’re a bit over a dollar per sheet mask, which isn’t a huge deal compared to other mask sets for sale (ex. Dermal Sheet Masks), but they are of higher quality! Each mask has an ingredient that targets specific skin troubles, but they all leave your skin feeling refreshed and moisturized. The material is more durable, but isn’t stiff, making it easy to customize for every face shape without accidentally tearing the mask. All of the serums smell really nice too and the fragrances are light and pleasant. If you’re interested in higher quality, yet still affordable sheet masks to end your nightly routine or just to pamper yourself, I highly recommend these.