Thermo Max Elite – Queimadores de Gordura, Estimulantes de Energia, Perda de Peso, 90 Cápsulas
O Thermo Max Elite é um suplemento alimentar desenvolvido para auxiliar na queima de gordura, aumentar a energia, promover a perda de peso e melhorar o desempenho físico. Com uma fórmula avançada e ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, este produto é ideal para quem busca resultados eficazes e duradouros.
Para obter resultados ótimos, é recomendado utilizar o Thermo Max Elite em conjunto com uma alimentação saudável e controlada em calorias, além de uma rotina de exercícios físicos. Recomendamos reduzir a ingestão de carboidratos na dieta para alcançar resultados ainda melhores.
Uma das principais vantagens deste produto é a capacidade de melhorar e manter o foco e o humor quando mais se precisa, mantendo-o alerta enquanto você alcança seus objetivos. Além disso, o Thermo Max Elite contém queimadores de gordura termogênicos que podem ajudar a aumentar o metabolismo e queimar mais calorias, graças aos seus efeitos energizantes e estimulantes de resistência.
Outro benefício importante é a presença de ingredientes que suprimem o apetite e controlam os desejos alimentares, o que contribui para o sucesso máximo na perda de peso. Além disso, a fórmula do Thermo Max Elite também possui ingredientes que impulsionam o metabolismo, ajudando a queimar carboidratos e calorias de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
Este produto também pode ser utilizado como um acelerador para ajudar a perder gordura abdominal de forma mais rápida. Com sua fórmula avançada e ingredientes de alta qualidade, o Thermo Max Elite é uma opção confiável para quem deseja alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso e melhorar sua composição corporal.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Resultados eficazes e duradouros na queima de gordura
- Aumento de energia e resistência física
- Supressão do apetite e controle de desejos alimentares
- Metabolismo mais acelerado para queimar calorias e carboidratos de forma eficiente
- Acelera a perda de gordura abdominal
– Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do Thermo Max Elite duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante seguir uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada, além de praticar exercícios físicos regularmente para obter os melhores resultados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
LifeScore –
This product seems to be working, although I can’t say for sure if I’m losing any weight after 10 days. I do like that you can take it just once a day and it will last for 3 months. However, if you’re not seeing the result, you can take another again before dinner time. There is a strong warning to only use for 2 months continuously before taking a month break. I can’t say if that is for safety concerns, but I suspect it is so you don’t build up tolerance and taking a month break will give your body a chance to settle before it once again gets the effect of the product. Some have reported a taste when burping, but I haven’t noticed this at all. I hope to report that I start having a reduced appetite resulting in some weight loss. I am a 5’11” male weighing 196 lbs.
GardenCat –
I got this for my adultson to try and it did not work. It didn’t suppress his appetite at all. It didn’t have the effect of increasing focus though and keeping him on task.
It arrived well sealed and fresh, and the labeling was good but a little bit hard to see because the writing is too small.
It didn’t suppress appetite, but it did have some positive effects. He did not lose any weight taking this, but he started noticing increase focus after just a few doses.
The capsules are easy to swallow and it was no bad GI side effects, no jitters or nervousness.
It just seemed more like it had the effects of a weak energy drink than a appetite suppressant. It doesn’t do anything to make you feel full either.
Tyler Durden –
Definitely gives an energy boost. And I like that you only take 1 at a time. You don’t need to take 2-4 at a time to get the same quantities of ingredients.
Dan –
Clearly listed ingredients. Font could be a little bigger though. Capsules are well sealed and easy to swallow. Gets me going in the morning. No residue on capsules or in bottle. No aftertaste. Bottle seals well. Great value for the money.
Mikki Miller –
Been taking for 2 weeks and no changes yet. Work out 5 days a week and really watching my diet. These do not make me feel energetic or alter my appetite so I am unsure what they are supposed to do
fruitwerks –
This is a good blend and it does suppress appetite. It doesn’t give you the jitters or make you feel funny otherwise. This is not a miracle product so you have to also put in the work and be smart as well. 90 day supply, so it’s a good value. Nothing alarming about it. I do question the high amount of b12 though. But really, it is still a very small amount – seems wasteful as we can only metabolize so much. The caffeine amount is also not extreme like some other products. Fillers are acceptable, I get the dyes, but not a fan – this is for adults, it’s not candy. I would get it again if the price sticks.
rojoloco –
I can’t necessarily say whether it’s worked in burning fat (it’s just a difficult metric), I can say the appetite suppressant does work. It’s not enough to make you want to entirely skip a meal, but it is enough to make you less hungry going into the meal. The only drawback I have to mention is the taste. Be sure to drink a ton of water with it, and don’t dare burp for a while. It definitely has a foul taste.
Red Green –
Like with many “fat burner” products, the claims are not backed up with any scientific data.
The only 2 active ingredients in this are Vitamin B12 and Chromium.
There is 2500% (!!) of the recommended daily value of B12. The Mayo Clinic website advises: “Your body absorbs only as much as it needs, and any excess passes through your urine.” In other words, most of this B12 will not do much at all. The Clinic also warns about some potentially serious interactions with some prescription drugs and Vitamin C.
HOWEVER, concerning the 143% daily value of chromium, the Cleveland Clinic reports that chromium supplements have not been proven to do anything except for people with a deficiency, and there is little evidence that they work for weight loss. – from “Skip the Supplement: You Don’t Need More Chromium.”
You’re probably getting enough, anyway. Chromium is in:
Grape juice.
Brewer’s yeast.
Orange juice.
Turkey breast.
Tomato juice.
Green beans.
In other words, as Sheldon told Penny in The Big Bang Theory when she was shopping for supplements: “While there’s some value to taking multivitamins, the human body can only absorb so much. What you’re buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine.” That holds true for this $32 product.
My rating system:
5 Stars = Knocks it out of the park. A great value!
4 Stars = Excellent product. A solid buy.
3 Stars = It provides some value, but perhaps not as advertised.
2 Stars = A little dubious, so do your research. Read the critical reviews!
1 Star = Avoid this product and look elsewhere.