ThermiPaq – Bolsa de Gelo e Quente/Frio Reutilizável para Lesões
O ThermiPaq é um pacote de gelo reutilizável e quente/frio para lesões, ideal para ombros, cotovelos, tornozelos, costas e joelhos. Com um tamanho extra grande de 9,5 polegadas x 16 polegadas, ele pode ser aquecido no micro-ondas para alívio da dor. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de moldar-se ao corpo, proporcionando terapia de calor ou frio eficaz, além de ser reutilizável e durável. Os benefícios incluem alívio da dor, redução da inflamação e recuperação mais rápida.
- Tecido de algodão 100% para maior conforto e durabilidade.
- Almofada de aquecimento para micro-ondas, proporcionando terapia quente e fria com base em argila para alívio profundo e penetrante.
- Capa de lã macia com alça de velcro ajustável para fixação segura em áreas como pescoço, ombros, tornozelos, joelhos ou cotovelos, moldando-se ao corpo para alívio direcionado da dor e recuperação de lesões.
- A ThermiPaq é líder em pacotes de gelo quente e frio para terapia. Este pacote de calor utiliza um composto cerâmico térmico feito de materiais naturais à base de argila, que utiliza energia radiante para criar um sistema terapêutico de penetração profunda para terapia quente e fria.
- Pacote de calor e frio reutilizável. A almofada de argila pode ser aquecida no micro-ondas e resfriada no freezer. A liberação gradual de calor ou frio permite uma penetração mais profunda do alívio terapêutico, sendo ideal para contusões, entorses ou inchaços.
- Pacote multiuso. Além de ser um excelente pacote de gelo para lesões e dores, também é recomendado para recuperação após cirurgias no tornozelo, ombro ou joelho. Também pode ser usado como uma faixa para o pescoço para aliviar dores nessa região. Ótimo para dores de cabeça também.
- Alívio eficaz da dor: Proporciona alívio profundo e penetrante para dores musculares, contusões e inchaços.
- Recuperação rápida de lesões: Acelera a recuperação em áreas afetadas, reduzindo a inflamação e promovendo a cicatrização.
- Reutilizável e durável: Pode ser aquecido ou resfriado, garantindo praticidade e economia a longo prazo.
- Versatilidade de uso: Ideal para diversas partes do corpo, incluindo pescoço e cabeça, atendendo a diferentes necessidades de alívio.
- Líder em terapia quente e fria: Marca reconhecida que garante qualidade e eficácia em tratamentos terapêuticos.
Para utilizar o ThermiPaq, aqueça a almofada de argila no micro-ondas por 30 segundos a 1 minuto, dependendo da potência do aparelho, para terapia quente. Para terapia fria, coloque a almofada no freezer por pelo menos 2 horas. Após o aquecimento ou resfriamento, aplique o pacote na área afetada e fixe-o com a alça de velcro ajustável. Mantenha o ThermiPaq na área por 15 a 20 minutos, repetindo o processo conforme necessário para obter alívio da dor e auxiliar na recuperação de lesões.
Rachel Huls –
I purchased this in 2017 and it is still going strong. The cover and clay pack have both held up well. I use it in the microwave and the heat lasts for about an hour.
Amazon Customer –
Clay is by far the best heating pad when it comes to monthly cycles. I have purchased several others including heating beads, gel, and electronic heating devices. The clay holds the heat in best. This specific one is large and covers the whole stomach which is nice. Comes with a nice cloth cover to prevent skin burning. Love this product!
Joel –
The adjustable straps allow these to be placed where needed and stay there. I usually need 2 at a time for shoulders and they certainly help numb the pain.
slunde –
2 min in the microwave and it lasts for almost 20 minutes. What’s not to like?
tapstir –
The item was delivered on time as indicated at time of ordering. The item was exactly as advertised and it is a really great product. The hot pack made of non grain related material is perfect. The size is good and the wrap around straps add another useful feature to this pack. I would definitely order from this vendor again and will likely order another ThermiPaq in the near future.
M.J. –
I have two of these in different sizes. I love how moldable they are and how long they stay cold.
Aunt Sam –
Almost perfect. The fabric is just little thicker than I’m accustomed to for these types of ice packs. It seems to prevent them from feeling very cold against my skin.
Pye66 –
Perfect for my bad back! Stays heated for a long time. Easy to heat or to freeze. Comfortable. Nice, big size.
Arnie F. –
My wife suffers from Neuropathy pain in her foot. She found this product to be excellent for staying hot and for its ability to effectively wrap around and mold to her foot.
V. W. –
I was amazed that this wrap works exactly as it says! Of course, everything should, but so many things now days don’t even come close to the product description. It comes with FOUR Sets of instructions. They want to make sure you use it correctly, which is a pretty good idea since a lot of people never bother to read the brochure that comes with the product.
It was only a small challenge to get the plastic wrapped clay pack inside the rather thin cover, but it will stay there until such time as the cover might need to be washed.
I was amazed that after only 1 1/2 minutes in my 1000 watt microwave this pad felt nice and warm. Not hot – the booklet says it will be like an electric heating pad on low. And, yes, it did continue to heat for about 3 minutes after I removed it. I bought this for my feet which feel like they have been encased in solid ice in this very cold weather. I didn’t know if it would warm both feet, but it is just large enough to do that for my women’s size 8 1/2 feet. I put it in the bed to pre-warm the mattress and sheet/blanket while I do the final things before going to bed.
The first night I used this I was able to get to sleep in about 5 minutes, compared to the hour and a half minimum time it had been taking for my feet to warm enough (with fuzzy bed socks on and also wrapped in heavy fleece!) to get to sleep. I didn’t even need the fuzzy bed socks with this pad! It does stay quite warm for a couple hours, and I wound up waking up for my usual night time potty trip with my feet so warm that I did not need the pad at all the rest of the night.
When I first opened the box I was concerned that the weight might be too heavy for my feet. It carries heavy, but on my feet it feels just right! I highly recommend this “heating pad”. I think it would be a wonderful help for many other parts of the body also because, with its velcro straps it is very versatile.