Descrição do Produto: TheraSilver Labs ACS 225 – Prata Coloidal Avançada
TheraSilver Labs ACS 225 é uma solução de prata coloidal avançada, formulada com 225 PPM (partes por milhão) de partículas nano bioativas puras, projetada para oferecer suporte imunológico eficaz. Com apenas dois ingredientes – 99,999% de Prata Pura e Água Destilada a Vapor – este produto se destaca pela sua pureza inigualável. Ao contrário de outras soluções que utilizam proteínas como a caseína para estabilidade ou cloreto de sódio como conservante, a TheraSilver Labs garante uma formulação limpa e segura, ideal para toda a família.
A versatilidade da prata coloidal TheraSilver é um dos seus maiores trunfos. Pode ser utilizada diariamente para manter o suporte imunológico, além de ser eficaz em nebulizações, purificação de água e aplicação tópica para irritações na pele. Essa multifuncionalidade torna a TheraSilver Labs uma adição inestimável a qualquer regime de bem-estar, atendendo a diversas necessidades de saúde em um único produto.
A qualidade da TheraSilver Labs é resultado de duas décadas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. O processo inovador que utiliza corrente alternada de 30 kV permite a criação de nanopartículas com estabilidade superior, bioavailability e absorção, garantindo benefícios ótimos para o usuário. Com TheraSilver, você não está apenas adquirindo um produto, mas sim uma solução científica para o fortalecimento do seu sistema imunológico e bem-estar geral.
– Pureza Superior: Com 99,999% de prata pura, sem aditivos indesejados.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Adequado para nebulização, purificação de água e aplicação tópica.
– Suporte Imunológico: Ideal para uso diário, promovendo a saúde do sistema imunológico.
– Tecnologia Avançada: Nanopartículas com alta estabilidade e absorção, maximizando os benefícios.
– Segurança Familiar: Produto seguro para todas as idades, promovendo saúde e bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados com TheraSilver Labs ACS 225, recomenda-se a administração diária de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (15 a 30 ml) por via oral, preferencialmente em jejum. Para nebulização, dilua a prata coloidal em água destilada e utilize conforme as instruções do seu dispositivo. Para aplicação tópica, aplique diretamente sobre a área afetada, garantindo que a pele esteja limpa e seca. Armazene em local fresco e ao abrigo da luz para preservar a eficácia do produto.
Sylvia –
When I first saw this item on Amazon and put it on my shopping cart, it “disappeared” and became out of stock the next day. So I went to the seller’s site and tried to order it there. I submitted a note via the online form, but the contact form was not functional. I sent the seller two emails to the email address posted, but never heard back (yes, I checked my junk folder). So I perused the website, which seemed unfinished or poorly done with broken links, and noticed that a discount was offered for buying directly through the site instead of on Amazon. So I called the phone number posted, no one picked up and I would have left a message, but the voicemail was full. Just when I was about to give up buying this product, amazingly, it was back in stock on Amazon!
The other silver products I’ve used was Silver Biotics, Utopia Silver and an ionic silver product from an eBay seller. Silver Biotics and Utopia Silver are great – both worked instantly for my kids’ coughs with just a couple of gargles. But the ionic silver product I purchased on eBay is now being used as a spray air freshener (with a few drops of lavender). The TheraSilver site actually educated me on the difference between ionic and colloidal silver, for which I am grateful. I will stick to colloidal silver from now on. Ionic is OK, will work externally, but so will colloidal, which also works internally and is much stronger.
A friend asked me for a remedy for her daughter’s pink eye and I immediately recommended silver. She went to Whole Foods and bought the first brand she saw – Sovereign Silver Hydrosol. I told her it was fine, should work, that it was a #1 brand. She said she applied it multiple times a day and her daughter still had pink eye. I mention it, because this product seems to have such raving reviews. I have not personally used it, so I can’t say. It is also more costly than other brands. Could some of these reviews be fake? My friend gave up and ended up taking her daughter to see the doctor.
TheraSilver is a clear, yellowish light amber color, lighter than Utopia Silver. The bottles of Utopia Silver I bought were dark amber with some specs/sediment, which I thought was normal. But according to TheraSilver literature, this sediment means the product is impure…? But it also says that Utopia Silver and MesoSilver are the only two comparable products in quality. So I don’t know what to think about the differences in color or quality.
TheraSilver works pretty well for my throat gargle purposes. I also have a bad tooth infection and I have read that colloidal silver can kill the infection. None of the silver products worked that well for dental caries, from my experience. What worked best for my teeth was Dr. Christopher’s Infections formula. They are herbal capsules and after a few days of taking them, the pain went away and the fistula was gone. Don’t ask me why I haven’t gone to the dentist to deal with it, long story…
Internet shopper –
For years I have been looking for a high concentrate Colloidal Silver product to pre-treat our refrigerator’s water filter.
Until I discovered Therasilver Lab’s Advanced Colloidal Silver ACS 225
225 ppm and no bad taste. PURE AND NO OTHER ADDED INGREDIENTS.
The refrigerator’s water filter is supposed to clean and improve the drinking water quality for our family.
BUT it is well known that filters with large surface areas over time can turn into a “biofilm germ producing colony” that actually increase the amount of bacteria coming out of the filter and into MY water glass and ice cubes.
It was not such a big problem (for me) “in the old days” BEFORE refrigerator filters were built into the refrigerator itself.
At the time I could find (and still can) a large high quality carbon filter THAT HAVE BEEN TREATED OR CONTAINED SILVER to reduce bacterial growth.
Now I am forced to purchase a filter sold by the manufacturer of the fridge or by copycats. For an outrageous price/capacity ratio – I might add.
In the “old days” like now I installed silver treated activated carbon filters on the incoming water line leading to the refrigerator’s ice maker and water dispenser.
The purpose was:
1. To eliminate bad taste and trap carcinogenic byproducts from the chlorinated town water.
2. The silver – to minimize or prevent bacterial growth in the filter.
Silver has been known for its antibacterial properties 2000 years before Christ. At the time the Greeks would store drinking water in silver containers because they had found that “it was better and healthier water”. Obviously they did not know about bacteria or that the antibacterial effect was caused by silver or rather the silver ions.
As a Chemical Engineer I have worked with sterile filtration where we were on the lookout for bacterial grow-through. It means that bacteria caught by the filter starts to multiply and eventually will grow through the filter to the “clean” downstream side and cause dangerous BACTERIAL CONTAMINATION. It would take some time.
An activated carbon filter is not an absolute filter and traps some of the bacteria where they can start growing right away.
So I treat the filter before use.
After removing the new filter from the package I connect a piece of plastic tubing with a funnel in one end and the bottom end to the filter.
Hold the funnel above the top of the filter (inlet) and poor ACS225 into the funnel until the solution comes out of the top of the filter port.
Seal the top of the filter with cling wrap and a rubber band.
Turn the filter upside down and remove the hose and seal this end up as well.
Store it for 24 hours and install.
Flush as per filter manufacturer’s instructions.
The silver particles will lodge in the intricacies of the activated carbon, shed ions where some will react to form insoluble silver chloride which is also known for its antibacterial properties.
The net result is that bacteria can not grow inside the filter.
Royal families have been known to be healthier or rather suffer from a lesser amount of diseases.
They would eat off silver plates, drink out of silver cups and use silver utensils. Thus they would ingest silver particles and ions shedding from the “hardware” AND bacteria could not grow on the silverware. Also the silver particles and ions would enter their body and kill “low life” foreign intruders – bacteria and virus that contrary to our own cells has little defense against oxidation.
So now you and your family can live like royals.
Robyn Organic –
This is good for everything just google the many uses I use myself and in my french bull dogs it’s a. Amazing product that works. I have tried other brands but this one stands out and out performs them all . I will always grab this product super amazing