O TheraICE Ankle Ice Pack Wrap é um envoltório de gelo inovador e reutilizável, projetado especificamente para oferecer alívio eficaz para uma variedade de lesões e condições que afetam o tornozelo. Com sua cobertura de 360°, este produto se destaca por proporcionar um ajuste perfeito e confortável, permitindo que o usuário mantenha a mobilidade enquanto recebe a terapia fria necessária. Ideal para tratar inchaços, entorses, fascite plantar e tendinite de Aquiles, o TheraICE combina compressão terapêutica com a eficácia do gelo, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida e eficiente.
O design sem costuras do TheraICE elimina a necessidade de bolsas de gelo desconfortáveis e complicadas, como inserções, velcro ou tiras incômodas. Isso resulta em uma experiência amigável ao usuário, que pode facilmente adaptar o envoltório tanto para o tornozelo esquerdo quanto para o direito. O gel macio utilizado no interior do envoltório substitui as tradicionais bolsas de gelo rígidas, garantindo que o alívio seja proporcionado sem causar pressão excessiva em áreas sensíveis. Além disso, o TheraICE é sempre acessível, pois pode ser mantido no freezer, pronto para uso a qualquer momento.
Criado com materiais de alta qualidade e um gel especializado, o TheraICE Ankle Ice Pack Wrap não é apenas um simples envoltório de gelo, mas uma solução abrangente para o alívio da dor e tratamento de lesões. Ele se adapta perfeitamente a qualquer tornozelo, podendo ser utilizado como uma meia de terapia fria, ideal para aliviar o desconforto da fascite plantar. Este envoltório é uma excelente escolha para quem busca recuperação pós-treino ou alívio para problemas relacionados aos pés e tornozelos.
1. Cobertura de 360°: Proporciona alívio eficaz e confortável em toda a área do tornozelo.
2. Reutilizável e Vestível: Permite uso em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora, facilitando a terapia fria.
3. Design Confortável: O gel macio evita pressão excessiva, garantindo um alívio mais suave.
4. Versátil: Eficaz no tratamento de entorses, inchaços e fascite plantar.
5. Qualidade Superior: Feito com materiais de ponta e gel especializado, assegurando resultados eficazes.
Para utilizar o TheraICE Ankle Ice Pack Wrap, comece colocando-o no freezer até que o gel esteja completamente congelado. Após o congelamento, deslize o envoltório de gelo sobre o tornozelo afetado, ajustando-o conforme necessário para garantir o máximo conforto. Recomenda-se deixar o envoltório agir por um período de 15 a 20 minutos para obter o alívio desejado. Este processo pode ser repetido ao longo do dia, conforme necessário, para acelerar a recuperação e reduzir a inflamação, tornando o TheraICE uma ferramenta essencial na sua rotina de cuidados com a saúde.
Russell Morris –
It doesn’t get as cold as other packs, which means it’s easily tolerable to wear; however, it’s also not really cold enough to be effective. Combined with the fact that it stays at that peak for a fraction of the time of a normal pack means its pretty useless as a cold pack. that said if looking to pick between two of these types of packs its well made and good quality
Noneyabusiness –
Wish it stayed cold longer is my only complaint, but I run hot. Other than that, it’s comfortable, easy to slide on and off, offers great support, perfect for how much it is.
Alfred C. HARPER –
Purchased when looking for something to provide some relief for my sprained ankle, and this was a lifesaver! Multiple were purchased to keep one at home and one at work. It’s a cool, hug hitting all the right places instantly providing relief to my hurt ankle. The material is comfortable and flexible while still providing stability. It’s a great price for what it does, and I am so happy with my purchase.
Gabriel R –
I’ve usually used the typical ice packs that have a rectangular cloth or fabric cover that doesn’t really fit into a particular body part.
Since I had broken ankle and had surgery, decided to order this, hoping for an ice pack that would fit like a mold to the ankle and it was the perfect choice.
The fabric on this thing is super smooth and comfortable, and it seems to hold temperature super well, because when they delivered it and the package was outside for a couple of hours, it was cool to the touch. Another reviewer said that you just cannot take this out of the freezer and apply to the skin and that sounds right. It’s super cold, you either have to wear a sock or let it warm a little bit if using directly against skin.
The feel and the fit are both amazing. I’m super happy with it and I’m going to look for other products from the same brand just because this one is so well made.
Highly, highly recommend this for ankle recovery.
evelyn doyle –
This product is amazing, soft and easy to put on, hugs your ankle and stays cold for the amount of time needed. I use it daily to keep swelling down on my foot and ankle
Bethany B. –
I have Achilles tendinitis. The thera ice pack is very comfortable, easy to put on and is very cold. Only flaw I see is that it doesn’t stay cold for very long.
Morgan S –
So this product is AMAZING. It is super soft. You gotta spend the extra 5 bucks on the pro version. It doesn’t require any insert. You just pop it out the freezer and slip it on. It also doesn’t get too cold. You can get by with a sock and something to cover your ankle (or long socks).
Durability and quality seem great. Definitely helps with pain relief on the ankles and feet. I wrecked my foot and ankle in Muay Thai so i got this per a doctors suggestion and I’m super glad I did.
Amanda –
Excellent produit . Bonne qualitée
J. B. –
I have used this device both day & night since I bought it I love it for easing the pain & swelling in my injured ankle! Very simple to use once it got stretched out a bit. The value is well worth it It holds the coolness for quite awhile & sometimes Ill put it on to help to sleep when the pain& swelling were bad. It is lightweight & really cool in appearance, fits like a glove
Bethany B. –
I bought the size chart size before reading the reviews after the fact, however, I do think the size chart size is adequate. I wear a 9-9.5 in everyday shoes and a 10.5 in running shoes and I bought the S/M. I think if my foot was any bigger (height and width wise) that it would be a struggle to put on. I will say that it was easier to slide on when it was frozen vs right out of the package. The compression is nice and having the 360° ice on my ankle feels really nice after a run.