TheraICE Migraine Relief Cap – Alívio de Enxaqueca e Estresse
Experimente um conforto e suporte incomparáveis com a nossa touca de alívio de enxaqueca TheraICE. Este produto se adapta a todos os formatos de rosto, tamanhos de cabeça e contornos dos olhos, garantindo uma experiência relaxante e reconfortante. Nossa touca de alívio de enxaqueca proporciona o alívio definitivo que você precisa para todos os tipos de dores de cabeça.
Terapia de Resfriamento e Alívio Completa de 360°: A touca de compressão fria TheraICE oferece resfriamento e alívio terapêutico completo, direcionando eficientemente áreas para uma recuperação mais rápida. Como uma touca para enxaqueca, ela substitui envoltórios bagunçados, compressas de gelo desconfortáveis, inserções ou faixas de bandagem desajeitadas, tornando-se a solução ideal para o alívio de dores de cabeça.
Design de Gel Reutilizável, Fácil de Usar e Confortável: Nossa touca de alívio de enxaqueca é fácil de usar. Basta congelá-la na bolsa de freezer incluída por 2 horas entre os usos. O design de gel macio garante uma experiência confortável, perfeito para aliviar vários tipos de dores de cabeça e acalmar olhos inchados. É uma touca de gelo reutilizável, oferecendo os benefícios da terapia quente e fria em um único produto de alívio de enxaqueca.
Compressão Segura e Eficaz para Uso Diário: Fabricada com material avançado e gel de resfriamento de qualidade profissional, nossa touca de gel TheraICE garante uma solução segura e eficaz para uso diário. A touca de compressão oferece suporte ideal para o rosto, olhos e cabeça, se adaptando ao seu formato único para aliviar tensão, estresse e desconforto na cabeça. É o seu dispositivo natural e seguro para alívio de dores de cabeça.
Touca de Alívio de Enxaqueca Versátil e Adaptável: Dores de cabeça e enxaquecas são a terceira doença mais prevalente em todo o mundo. Nosso dispositivo de alívio de enxaqueca TheraICE se molda à sua cabeça, proporcionando compressão fria que atinge áreas de tensão e estresse. A compressão elástica garante um ajuste perfeito para qualquer pessoa em busca de alívio de enxaqueca. É uma touca de alívio de dores de cabeça verdadeiramente adaptável e versátil.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio incomparável de dores de cabeça e enxaquecas
- Terapia completa de resfriamento em 360°
- Design de gel reutilizável e confortável
- Compressão segura e eficaz para uso diário
- Versatilidade e adaptabilidade para alívio de dores de cabeça
O TheraICE Migraine Relief Cap oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiro, proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz para dores de cabeça e enxaquecas, permitindo que você retome suas atividades sem interrupções. Segundo, sua terapia de resfriamento em 360° atinge todas as áreas afetadas, garantindo um alívio abrangente. Terceiro, o design reutilizável e confortável significa que você pode usá-lo sempre que necessário, sem preocupações com desperdício. Quarto, a compressão segura e eficaz é ideal para uso diário, tornando-se um aliado constante na luta contra a dor. Por último, sua versatilidade permite que se adapte a diferentes formatos de cabeça, oferecendo um ajuste perfeito para todos.
Para usar a touca de alívio de enxaqueca TheraICE, siga estas etapas simples: 1. Coloque a touca no freezer por pelo menos 2 horas antes de usar. 2. Retire a touca do freezer e ajuste-a confortavelmente em sua cabeça. 3. Deixe a touca agir por 15 a 20 minutos para obter o máximo de alívio. 4. Após o uso, coloque a touca de volta no freezer para futuras aplicações. Este método garante que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da terapia de resfriamento, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e duradouro para suas dores de cabeça.
Julio b –
my boyfriend and I suffer from migraines, we both love these! Black one is black out but pick on you can slightly see light.
Anne –
edit 2: ended up getting 2 more of the original ones… didnt want to give up on these. they sent me a free eye mask too which was nice. strangely, the original ones didnt fit the same either. can only guess the sizes just vary a bit in production. i still use them everyday, so having 5 of them and 2 eye masks is plenty. it would be really great if they came in two actual different sizes… having them be tight is one of the things i like about them. thanks!
edit: after trying the pro ones, i actually do think they stay colder a bit longer, and are a bit thicker.
i liked them in every way except, they seem to be a larger size… they dont stay tight during sleep like the originals did. still work in every other respect, just a different (larger) size. how disappointing ;{ i dont notice any smell personally. still iike these a lot but wish they were the same size, or even smaller than the original.
1st review: got one of these last year, was tired of holding stuff on my face for hours, freezing little bottles of water, dripping into my eyes, and having to literally hold it there… i loved the first one so much i got another one, then two more, so there would always be one ready. i was using them for hours and sleeping in them. ultimately ended up with four. they really, really really helped, fit well, stayed cold, didnt fall off, were comfortable, lasted a long time, and really helped.
things went wrong because i dont read directions and tried to hand wash them. please, do not do this. even just a gentle hand wash in cold water, for just a few minutes, no soap, even that was enough to make the gel shrivel up and be unusable. it was very sad, but it did say that in the directions.. i took off one star for ‘ease of use’ because after wearing them that much they can get to where surface cleaning doesnt seem enough. it would be nice if they could be just hand washed.
other than that, here i am getting more, and trying the eye mask too. did try a less expensive brand in between, and honestly, did not like them as well. this may be personal preference, they covered the top of the head too, but i personally didnt like them as much. i prefer these because of the coverage areas and fit. trying the ‘pro’ ones this time and i hope they are the same but maybe better. (maybe i’ll come back and say) i wouldnt be getting three at a time if i didnt really like them, and i have some serious injuries/pain/headaches there.
Eduardo Rogers –
Es muy cómodo, no se filtra absolutamente nada de luz, y se enfría muy rápido.
EV –
I wanted to write a review to spare the next buyer from ruining their migraine hat like I did.
The hat has a smooth sleek fabric texture, a comfortable gel filling, and a slight snugness around the head when worn (that I found really enjoyable). It blocked out light well. When stored in the freezer and then placed on the head it was extremely cold. Even at room temperature it always feels a little cool to the touch, which I enjoyed. I slept like a baby with it on.
Two important things: 1. If you’re going to put it in a fridge or freezer make sure it is in a sealed bag. 2. It cannot be washed (other than spot treatment). The manufacturer does disclose this information, so I did not deduct rating points for this.
I made the mistake of putting my hat in the freezer without a bag and even though my freezer is fairly clean every odor in the freezer leeched into the hat. It stinks. I tried to wear it anyways and the weird stale freezer smell then got onto my sheets as I napped on them. It was at this time I realized the hat is advertised as only being wipe-clean. You are not supposed to submerge it. I wiped it and the smell remained, so I then decided to risk hand-washing it in a wash basin. The hat seemed to be in good condition afterwards, but the smell remained. At this point I decided that the smell was too unbearable and distracting so I had nothing to lose by putting it in the washing machine (with cold water). The washing machine made the fabric lose it’s tightness and made the gel filling become lumpy. And if that’s not enough, I can still somehow smell the faintest note of the freezer. I’m not sure that it’ll be usable in its current condition, but I will try.
I liked the product in theory. It was very comfortable and it did help with headaches. For my own preferences though I would have preferred a product that was more durable and washable, especially something that’s being placed against your skin that might collect oils, makeup remnants, and other dirt over time that you’d want to wash off.
Julio b –
No es el producto que publican. Me siento estafado.
Producto de mala calidad no cumple con lo publicado, ni es de la marca TheracelCE. Aunado a esto tengo que pagar los gastos de devolución.
shane cunningham –
Love love this product. I use it for migraines and it pleasantly cools your whole head while adding pressure. My only complaint is that it warms up too quickly. I highly recommend placing it in a zip lock bag in your freezer so that it doesn’t pick up smells.
CM –
I wish it stayed cold longer. Get two (or more) so you can swap them out frequently when needed.