Descrição do Produto: Theraflu Combo Daytime and Nighttime Severe Cold Relief Powder, Sabor Mel e Limão, 12 Contagens
O Theraflu Combo é a solução ideal para quem enfrenta os desafios de um resfriado severo, oferecendo alívio tanto durante o dia quanto à noite. Este pacote contém 12 sachês, sendo 6 destinados ao alívio dos sintomas durante o dia e 6 para o período noturno, todos com o sabor agradável de mel e limão. A fórmula de alívio para o dia é projetada para combater os piores sintomas de resfriado, gripe e tosse, permitindo que você continue suas atividades diárias sem interrupções. A mistura em pó, quando dissolvida em água quente, proporciona um efeito reconfortante e relaxante, perfeito para qualquer hora do dia.
A fórmula diurna contém 500 mg de Acetaminofeno e 20 mg de Dextrometorfano HBr, enquanto a fórmula noturna é composta por 650 mg de Acetaminofeno e 25 mg de Diphenhydramina HCl, garantindo um alívio eficaz e direcionado. O Theraflu Severe Cold Relief está disponível em sabores refrescantes de chá verde e mel com limão, enquanto o Theraflu Nighttime oferece uma combinação relaxante de mel e limão, camomila e chá branco. Ambos os produtos podem ser administrados a cada 4 horas, conforme necessário, mas é importante não exceder 6 sachês diurnos ou 5 sachês noturnos em um período de 24 horas, a menos que indicado por um médico.
– Alívio eficaz dos sintomas de resfriado e gripe, permitindo que você mantenha sua rotina diária.
– Fórmulas específicas para o dia e a noite, proporcionando conforto e descanso adequados.
– Sabor agradável de mel e limão, tornando a experiência de tomar o remédio mais palatável.
– Composição balanceada com ingredientes ativos que atuam rapidamente para aliviar a dor e a tosse.
– Praticidade de uso com sachês individuais, facilitando o transporte e a dosagem.
Dissolva o conteúdo de um sachê de Theraflu em uma xícara de água quente. Para o alívio diurno, utilize a fórmula diurna a cada 4 horas, conforme necessário, sem exceder 6 sachês em 24 horas. Para o alívio noturno, utilize a fórmula noturna a cada 4 horas, sem ultrapassar 5 sachês em 24 horas. É recomendado que adultos e crianças a partir de 12 anos sigam as instruções de dosagem e consultem um médico em caso de dúvidas ou se os sintomas persistirem.
RPI_user –
Survived shipping just fine. I like that it comes in the form of packet as it removes the step of measuring out the right dosage and you can take a packet or two with you on the go if needed. I’m not crazy about the use of aspartame and the use of artificial dyes.
Red’s Kitty –
It works
Born2Travel –
This is the only medication I’ve ever used that seems to help and it does so very quickly. I’ve been using this, when needed, for over 30 years.
Bevin G –
Singers rejoice! Every time I get sick, I know I can trust Theraflu to rescue my voice before a rehearsal or performance. This year, I had been hoarse and could barely speak at the beginning of the day. I took TheraFlu before a rehearsal, put on a mask, and went thinking I wouldn’t really be able to sing. Instead, my voice sounded nearly normal and I felt great too! Of course, it’s a bit of a Band-Aid to get you through the day or night feeling less awful (like all cold medicine is). But I will say that every time I use TheraFlu, I do feel like I have less congestion and get over the illness quicker. I really highly highly highly recommend this, especially to singers!
Miss M –
This isn’t working like the older version. My nose is so plugged up after drinking it. I used to feel immediate relief. Not as good anymore. So miserable still.
JLB2004 –
I received these at the tail end of a head cold. I’m so glad I did! I was in the phase of the cold having moved into my chest. I had just gotten back from urgent care with a prescription and when I saw these in the mail, I knew I was finally going to have a good night’s rest! The instructions are pretty simple to follow. I used my keurig to pour 8 oz of hot water and dissolved the nighttime packet into the water. It was a little hard to drink, to be honest. The flavor was not bad, honey lemon, but you can tell it is medicine! If you are a tea drinker, you might have an easier time with it like I did. I drank it pretty fast as the instructions say to. I had the best night of sleep in a week! I got to sleep deeply without waking up or coughing. It was mildly hard to wake up in the morning, but I was expecting that. If you aren’t a fan of the gel cap version of another leading brand, try this product instead. The warmth of the hot water is soothing and the product is a little easier for my body to handle. Highly recommend!
george –
Smooth drinking it instead release
Kitty –
I haven’t had to use the Theraflu yet, but everyone around me is getting sick or getting over being sick. I want to be prepared. The expiration date is March 2027 and I purchased it in December 2024 so I am very happy about that. This stuff is great when you are sick.