Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder da natureza com os Protetores Menstruais Herbais da The Honey Pot Company. Desenvolvidos especialmente para mulheres, esses absorventes regulares com asas são a combinação perfeita entre tecnologia absorvente e a eficácia das ervas. Com um design respirável, eles proporcionam conforto e proteção durante os dias normais do ciclo menstrual. Infundidos com uma mistura poderosa de ervas, incluindo lavanda, rosa, aloe vera e hortelã, esses absorventes oferecem uma sensação refrescante, permitindo que você viva momentos sem preocupações, mesmo nos dias mais desafiadores. A máxima absorção garante que você fique livre de vazamentos, proporcionando segurança e tranquilidade.
Os Protetores Menstruais da The Honey Pot são confeccionados com uma cobertura de algodão orgânico certificado OCS, que é suave ao toque e respeita a sensibilidade da pele. O núcleo ultra absorvente de polpa de madeira foi clinicamente testado e aprovado por ginecologistas e dermatologistas, assegurando que você tenha um produto seguro e eficaz. A fundadora Bea Dixon compartilha sua história inspiradora, revelando que a criação da The Honey Pot foi motivada por uma experiência pessoal de cura, unindo ciência e natureza para oferecer cuidados femininos de qualidade, feitos por mulheres para mulheres.
– Conforto e Frescor: A infusão de ervas proporciona uma sensação refrescante, ideal para os dias de fluxo menstrual.
– Proteção Eficaz: A tecnologia absorvente garante máxima proteção contra vazamentos, permitindo que você se sinta segura durante todo o dia.
– Material Orgânico: A cobertura de algodão orgânico é suave e respirável, minimizando irritações e desconfortos.
– Testado Clinicamente: Aprovado por ginecologistas e dermatologistas, assegurando a segurança e eficácia do produto.
– Feito por Mulheres: Desenvolvido por e para mulheres, entendendo as necessidades e desafios do ciclo menstrual.
Para utilizar os Protetores Menstruais Herbais da The Honey Pot, comece garantindo que suas mãos estejam limpas. Retire o absorvente da embalagem e desdobre-o cuidadosamente. Posicione o absorvente no centro da calcinha, alinhando as asas ao redor dos lados para uma fixação segura. Pressione as asas contra a parte externa da calcinha para garantir que o absorvente permaneça no lugar. Troque o absorvente regularmente, especialmente em dias de fluxo mais intenso, para manter a sensação de frescor e proteção. Após o uso, descarte o absorvente de maneira adequada, preferencialmente em um recipiente de lixo, evitando o descarte no vaso sanitário.
Mercedes –
The mint is actually nice in the summer. It takes a while to get used to the sensation though. I get extra hot so it helps me not melt when I get my period in the summer. They’re also fsa /hsa eligible. I always put them on my list at the beginning of the year.
zenmama –
Not for everyone gave a weird itching 1st time using it
KBGood –
These pads are amazing. Love the high quality, clean ingredients/materials. Other brands of pads were starting to cause irritation after a day or two of use. No issues with these! The essential oils offer a very soothing experience for the soreness that tends to occur for me mid-cycle. I wish I would have had this brand post partum! They would be perfect for that.
Amoora –
I will start by saying that yes, this was a shock to me the first time I used them— the cooling, almost burning sensation of the herbs had me worried that something was wrong, so I went to Google and turns out, it’s normal. I was on vacation so I continues to use and the more I used them, the more I got used to and enjoyed the cooling sensation. I really feel that the herbs help with cramping and pain— or at the very least it’s distracting enough that you won’t notice, ha.
It’s definitely not for everyone. Try them and see if you like it, but give yourself a few days! The quality of the pads are great with no nasties— and I love supporting a small, women and black owned business.
Kate –
Like everyone else at the end of the year, I had some FSA cash to blow. Decided to stock up on my necessities and found that my usual feminine products are no longer covered…. Then I stumbled upon The Honey Pot Company’s Herbal Super Pads with wings.
After 25 years of hoping for a natural, cooling feminine product, my search is FINALLY over!
I wish these didn’t have wings, but they are an incredibly small price to pay after finally finding a product that is everything I had hoped for since my teens!
Amazon Customer –
Please do not buy these pads, they have given me the WORST thrush and UTI I’ve ever had and I’ve had to seek antibiotics for it as OTC treatment will not clear it as it’s too severe. I have not had thrush in just under 10 years!! Do not buy them, stick to plain sanitary towels or tampons but do not stick these near your privates with all the herbs etc they don’t belong there!
Ash –
I heard people saying they hated these and that they burned. But that was NOT the case for me. The cooling sensation was admittedly startling at first but it was very pleasant. I found it relaxing and it honestly helped me sleep. If you’re sensitive to essential oils I guess it might not be good for you. But I’m not and honestly these are awesome and I will be getting them again.
Ebb –
I love that these help with keeping things ph balanced. I find the essential oils to be cool and refreshing and somehow feel healing but someone sensitive may opt for unscented. The long ones fit and work so much better than the original. They just fit better and stay in place. They are also easier to open. The originals were harder to open and used to get all bunched up….but yet I still thought they were worth buying.
Mercedes –
I love the fact that these are healthier for our feminine health. However this size seems to come with menthol, i always bought the regular size and decided to get a larger to sleep!
My daughters were the first to wear them and they both complain about a burning sensation.
I then I tried it thinking maybe there skin is more sensitive then mines.
What I can say is that it’s not really burning but it almost sort of feels that way if you are not familiar with mint. It’s cooking, feels as if it’s numbing you hahaha. I believe they should maybe decrease the amount they use or give an option without mint in this same size.
andrea pletcher barton –
I am always looking for the most natural panty liners on the market. I love the mint and lavender herbal freshness feel. Honestly, this may be TMI, but if you have hemorrhoids, they can give a temporary bit of cooling relief on the back side as well. I am a small person, with a small, short waist, so, I haven’t tried the long pads. The regular and light are plenty long for me. I hope they allow this in my review because I am sure I am not the only woman in the world with this problem. I kniw there myst be hundreds of thousands just like me. So I hope to help others. Thongs aren’t for short waisted individuals with big bottoms. It ends up as a wedgie the entire way. Not cool! For me, any style of panty becomes a thong because my booty cheeks seem to eat everything. These Every day light pads are thin enough and durable to staybin place and they go right up my crack without a bother. 😀