O Teste de Sensibilidade Alimentar Abrangente da Everlywell é uma ferramenta inovadora que permite que você compreenda como seu corpo reage a uma ampla variedade de alimentos. Com a capacidade de analisar a resposta imunológica a 204 diferentes alimentos, este teste é ideal para quem deseja explorar a relação entre sua dieta e seu bem-estar. Através da medição de anticorpos IgG em uma pequena amostra de sangue, você poderá identificar quais alimentos podem estar contribuindo para desconfortos como dores de cabeça e sintomas gastrointestinais. Os resultados obtidos podem ser utilizados para guiar uma dieta de eliminação temporária, ajudando a identificar os alimentos que causam sensibilidade.
Além disso, o teste oferece resultados fáceis de entender, permitindo que você compartilhe suas descobertas com profissionais de saúde, familiares ou amigos. A Everlywell se orgulha de trabalhar apenas com laboratórios certificados pelo CLIA, garantindo que cada análise atenda a rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança. Os pedidos e resultados dos testes são revisados e aprovados por médicos independentes certificados, assegurando a confiabilidade das informações obtidas.
– Identificação de Sensibilidades Alimentares: Ajuda a descobrir quais alimentos podem estar causando desconforto, permitindo uma melhor gestão da saúde.
– Orientação para Dieta de Eliminação: Fornece informações valiosas que facilitam a implementação de uma dieta de eliminação, essencial para o alívio de sintomas.
– Resultados Claros e Acessíveis: Os resultados são apresentados de forma simples, tornando fácil a interpretação e o compartilhamento com profissionais de saúde.
– Laboratórios Certificados: A segurança e a precisão dos testes são garantidas por laboratórios que atendem a altos padrões de qualidade.
– Aprovação Médica: A revisão dos resultados por médicos certificados proporciona uma camada adicional de confiança e credibilidade.
Para utilizar o Teste de Sensibilidade Alimentar Abrangente da Everlywell, comece adquirindo o kit de coleta em casa. Siga as instruções incluídas para realizar a coleta da amostra de sangue, que é simples e rápida. Após a coleta, envie a amostra para o laboratório utilizando o envelope pré-pago fornecido. Em poucos dias, você receberá os resultados detalhados, que poderão ser baixados e compartilhados. Utilize essas informações para iniciar uma dieta de eliminação, monitorando como seu corpo reage à remoção de certos alimentos. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde para orientações adicionais e para interpretar os resultados de forma adequada.
Gibby –
I’ve been dealing with Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) for many years (about 10 years I believe) in which food would get stuck almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I’ve been to the doctors, specialists, and had multiple dilations but nothing would work and dilations would only last a few months at most.
I decided to try the Everlywell food sensitivity test to see if there was any chance the root cause of my issue could be identified. I was skeptical it would work and only took the chance since my FSA covered the purchase. Taking the test itself was kind of a pain. I went through the instructions and video a couple times before getting started. I even wondered if I was really going to be able to accomplish this myself. It was kind of messy and had to ultimately use my ring finger and middle finger which were bruised for a few days afterwards. Obviously, the results made this process well worth it!
I received a notification alert on my phone when the results were ready which took about a week after mailing the sample. The results indicated 0 High Reactivity foods, 3 Moderate, 21 Mild, and 180 foods with normal reactivity. The three moderate ones were Barely Grain, Egg Yok, and Pistachio. When I reviewed the details of each, along with some of the hidden sources of the food, I thought to myself this could really be the information I’ve been looking for. I would normally eat eggs or cereal about 5-6 days a week, have some beer and mixed nuts when hanging out with friends and watching MMA and football. There were also some sauces in the fridge that had barley as well.
It’s been 3 weeks now since eliminating pistachios and cereal, switching to egg beaters, and substituting beer for White Claw and Truly. I first started noticing a difference in eating after about 5 days and has slowly improved to where I was ready to test with a burger. Yesterday for dinner I took my family to Chili’s so I could order a huge burger since they have some of the best. I was actually able to eat some chicken wings as an appetizer and a burger with fries without any issues! I can’t believe all the years I’ve been dealing with EOE, all I had to do was to spend $200 on a home food sensitivity test as opposed to the many thousands spent for appointments, testing, procedures, and medications!
On a side note, to help avoid any hidden sources of my moderate food sensitivities, I take a picture of the label in the ChatGPT app so it can evaluate the ingredients and let me know if it’s ok to eat. It’s done very well and has caught some items with hidden sources of barley.
I hope this information is useful for anyone.
Anthony –
This is a very pricey ($300) test that yielded essentially no actionable results for me. The test is based on your current diet so if you are already avoiding certain foods, they will not come up. For me, this means that a known and documented severe nut allergy does not even show up on the test as any sensitivity since I am not eating those foods. This causes me to question the validity of the results generally as there is no explanation of when foods might show up and not – i.e. how much of a food that you are sensitive too must you be eating for it to register on the test. All in all a waste of $300. I have been using Everlywell regulary but this experience and the response from the customer service will mean I will avoid their testing and products in the future.
M. Altvater –
Results were life changing for many of my family members
Shannon Hill –
I was very hesitant on buying this product becuase of all the negative reviews. Also becuase when I buy things on amazon my husband rolls his eyes at every thing that shows up at the door….but OMG i’m so glad I did! I’ve been with my husband going on 8 years now and he’s always had unexplained severe stomach pains. At first I though he was lactos intolerant like I am….. convincing him to try lactaid milk with me. Nothing changed the stomach pains kept happeneing. He would tell me details about his bowl movements (i’ll spare you the details) and would always tell me something wrong with his stomach. I felt helpless to help him. On a couple of occassions we took him to the doctor for blood in his stool. He came home with hemorid cream and a referal to a gasteroenteroligist. The gastroenterologist doctor suggested a colonoscopy. So my husband never went back lol. The stomach pains continued. He drives for work 12 hours a day and it’s coivd right now so finding a bathroom is impossible for him. He will get this IMMEDIATE urge to go to the bathroom and has to go NOW or else it will happen then and there. Ive experienced this several time with him while we are out and about at stores. He will give me a panicked look and I know we have to find a bathroom NOW! So off to another gastroenterologist. This one suggested an elimination diet for gluten intolerance and I agreed. My husband did not agree. He’s on the road driving and always picks up random foods to snack on so he said he didn’t want to do it, it would be to diffuclt for him and his lifestyle. So for my poo husband the pains for him just kept coming… with no real answerss. Now he’s suffering joint pains, migranes, sleep issued and severe stomach pains daily and I became desperate to help him. I found this pruduct online. I thought well if we dont get any answers we are out some money…. whatever both him and I are desperate. Husband wasn’t happy when it showed up at the door and especially when i told him how much it cost lol. Then I told him I was gonna poke him with a needle (i’m a phlebotomist) and get his blood for the card and he said no. I talked him into it and I so glad I did! When the results came back we found he had average reactivity levels for lots of different foods…..except the milk allergy was high seemed a bit higher! At this moment I knew we had found it!!! I had never even known a milk allergy was a thing! Being lactose intollerant myself I always assumed that that is was it was, just lastose intolerance… but the stomach issuses continued. Drinking lastaid milk had never helped with his stomach aches! That very day I stocked up the house with almond milk becuase my lastose milk actually still has milk product he was reacting to in it! Sure enough he hasn’t had stomach ache since!!!! I’m so happy we found out what it was. He was suffereing with this his whole life (he’s 32 years) and we never knew. I’m so excited to find if this will help with other things I had read amount: migranes, joint pain, feeling less fatigue, weight gain (he cant gain ANY weight) sleeping problems and his ADHD. Beyond glad I got this for him and he is to!! Buy it! It could be the answer youve been looking for you whole life!
Kim B –
The results were very helpful in identifying foods to avoid or allow. For years I thought I had a food sensitivity to corn, so I ate it only rarely. I was surprised that corn was not identified in my results as a food to avoid. I have added it back in my diet and my body tolerates it with no issues. There were other foods that were identified to avoid and by restricting those foods with high and moderate sensitivity from my diet, many of my digestive issues are gone or minimal.