Terry Naturally Curamin – Suplemento de Curcumina para Circulação
O Terry Naturally Curamin é um suplemento inovador que combina o poder da curcumina com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados para promover a saúde muscular e a circulação. Formulado com BCM-95, uma forma altamente biodisponível de curcumina, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam suporte durante e após atividades físicas intensas. A curcumina é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, ajudando o corpo a responder de maneira eficaz ao desconforto muscular ocasional causado por exercícios ou sobrecarga.
Além disso, o Curamin contém BOS-10, uma forma de boswellia que complementa a curcumina, promovendo uma circulação saudável e contribuindo para a atividade saudável de endorfinas e enkephalinas, substâncias que ajudam a regular a sensação de bem-estar. Este suplemento é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja manter a saúde muscular e a vitalidade, especialmente em momentos de esforço físico.
O uso deste suplemento é simples e prático: recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula três vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. A fórmula do Curamin é livre de alérgenos comuns, como açúcar, sal, levedura, trigo, glúten, milho, laticínios, corantes artificiais, aromatizantes artificiais e conservantes artificiais, tornando-o uma opção segura e acessível para todos.
– Suporte à Circulação e Exercício: Ajuda a aliviar o desconforto muscular após atividades físicas.
– Apoio à Saúde Muscular: A curcumina e a boswellia trabalham em sinergia para promover a saúde dos músculos.
– Regulação do Bem-Estar: Contribui para a atividade saudável de endorfinas, melhorando o humor e a sensação de bem-estar.
– Fórmula Sem Alergênicos: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois não contém ingredientes comuns que causam alergias.
– Base Científica e Natural: Combina o melhor da ciência e da natureza para oferecer um suporte eficaz à saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Terry Naturally Curamin, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre armazene fora do alcance de crianças.
Bella the FNP –
These are not ibuprofen. That is the first thing you need to know. That is important to know because if you are expecting for something to simply “block” the pain receptors sending messages of pain to the brain, then this is not your product. However, if you want the underlying problem addressed, then these are perfect. These work similar to ibuprofen in that as it addresses the inflammation (your real problem), it also decreases the pain. However, as with any other medication, this requires you to build up a therapeutic dose in your system. That means you have to take it for a couple days to start feeling the benefits. Therefore, I would say, try it! It works for my husband and does not have a black box warning. I say this as a healthcare professional! These work exceptionally well.
Chris –
I bought this supplement after weight loss surgery. My rapid body weight loss (320 – 170# in about 15 months) resulted in dramatic posture changes that cause muscles to rub on bones they previously couldn’t get to through my fat. My piriformis muscles in my buttocks were screaming and required constant stretching. My hips themselves were loose from years of obesity. My rhomboid muscles ached from standing upright instead of slouching to support a belly.
Anyone that has had bariatric surgery knows you cannot take NSAIDS (Advil or Aleve) afterwards due to potential GI problems, so I searched for an alternative. I found Curamin, and thank God I did. If you read around the internet, the suggested program is to load on it for a week then taper back until it loses effectiveness and adjust from there. I did that, and within a month the inflammation was tolerable.
It spiked again after a couple months, which coincided with my gallbladder deciding it needed an early retirement package, and I had to stop the Curamin for the surgery (can inhibit clotting). The full fury of the inflammation came back, so bad that when they put me out I was begging for it. After healing, I resumed the Curamin regimen and remain on it to this day. I have been on it for about a year with no discernible ill side effects, and amazing results.
Johnny Weissman –
THis stuff IMO reduces joint pain–unfortunately, because I’d rather not need anything, but hey. Peep who expect a headache to vanish probably will not experience that. THis stuff isn’t aspirin, and nothing is–that stuff is great but with a price, wearing down the gastric walls, etc–but I think the health benefits of Curamin really overlap into various body areas. The boswella extract in Curamin is for joints, and that’s what this stuff does best. It really is different than regular curcumin with Bioperin, used to “enhance absorption”.
But the problem I have with this product is that the main ingredient as listed first on the lable, is Dl-Phenylalanine, and you have to wonder if this is what is working. I have taken straight curcumin products, with phytosome formulations, and it did not work as well as Curamin. Dl-Phenylalanine, as I read online here and there, may not be good for all things and sundry–and may be dangerous for peep with cancer, for example–or as good as curcumin is supposed to be. So, experiment with other products, and never take the same thing for months as a time–switch around for safety.
Dorothy Silk –
GREAT love it!!
Amazon Customer –
Being riddled with arthritis at 55 due to a 36 year NY union construction career and an long term auto immune illness that’s caused me to replace my hips, I find if a run out and wait more than a couple of days to replenish, my hands and hips ache deeply. I’ve recommended this product THOUSANDS of times to my coworkers and friends. It was recommended by my Indian Vedic advisor at my local health food store around 6 years ago. It was recommended to rotate this brand’s choices as you finish a bottle to get the most out of the product.
M. Chandler –
I have used Curamin for about 2 years for body pain and headaches. It works very well and there is no problem with side effects as there is in the regular over the counter pain relievers. It says to take it on a daily basis, but I only take it when I am having the pain and will continue for a day or so after the pain is gone. This may not be the case for others who might need to take it on an ongoing basis. It really does work.
Jane Bullard –
This is the best pain reliever I’ve ever used.
Sayan S. –
Bought this for my dad who has spinal stenosis and spondylosis in the cervical region. He usually takes Aleve everyday, but since those over the counter meds aren’t great for your liver/stomach, we’re trying to find something all-natural.
I know curcumin is an OUTSTANDING anti-inflammatory, since I use it myself for post-workout pain (a different brand from Curamin though). But for more severe conditions, it seems that it won’t do the trick.
Even with this Curamin brand, I expected much more especially when they claim its “20x more effective than regular curcumin”.
Long story short: it’s not that’s great.
I had my dad try both a regular curcumin supplement for 1 month, and then this Curamin supplement for about 1 month.
He got the SAME result from both.
So while I’m sure this product has an effect, it’s mild at best. I suppose if will work for some conditions, but it’s far from the super effective supplement it claims to be.