Curamin da Terry Naturally é um suplemento de alívio da dor seguro, eficaz e não viciante. Ele reduz de forma segura e eficaz a dor muscular ocasional devido ao exercício ou ao uso excessivo. Com mais de 85 estudos publicados, apresenta o curcumino de absorção aprimorada mais clinicamente estudado do mundo. O curcumino BCM-95 contém óleo essencial de cúrcuma com ar-turmerona e é melhor absorvido do que a cúrcuma comum. É a marca número 1 em vendas, com milhões de frascos de Curamin vendidos em todo o mundo por um motivo simples: ele funciona. Junte-se aos clientes satisfeitos do Curamin e experimente um alívio seguro e eficaz da dor em que você pode confiar. Curamin combina curcumina e boswellia clinicamente comprovadas com DLPA e nattokinase para criar um produto reconhecido em toda a indústria de alimentos saudáveis para o alívio da dor. Todos os produtos da Terry Naturally são fabricados de acordo com as rigorosas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP) estabelecidas pela FDA e são produzidos com ingredientes da mais alta qualidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio seguro e eficaz da dor
- Mais de 85 estudos publicados comprovando sua eficácia
- Marca número 1 em vendas
- Combinação de quatro ingredientes poderosos
- Produtos fabricados de acordo com as Boas Práticas de Fabricação
– Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Curamin duas vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, tome com alimentos. Terry Naturally Curamin – 120 Cápsulas – Suplemento de Alívio da Dor Não Viciante com Curcumina da Cúrcuma, Boswellia, DLPA é a escolha ideal para quem busca um alívio seguro e eficaz da dor muscular ocasional. Com mais de 85 estudos publicados, o curcumino BCM-95 presente neste suplemento é o mais clinicamente estudado e possui melhor absorção do que a cúrcuma comum. Sendo a marca número 1 em vendas, milhões de frascos de Curamin já foram vendidos em todo o mundo, comprovando sua eficácia. Sua fórmula combina curcumina e boswellia clinicamente comprovadas com DLPA e nattokinase, ingredientes reconhecidos na indústria de alimentos saudáveis pelo seu poder de alívio da dor. Além disso, todos os produtos da Terry Naturally são fabricados de acordo com as rigorosas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP) estabelecidas pela FDA, garantindo a mais alta qualidade. Experimente Curamin e desfrute de um alívio seguro e eficaz da dor que você pode confiar.
Las compré lo que pasa es que el.jengibre es como la cúrcuma a mi no me caen bien. No obstante ñas va a usar mi esposo y les cuento.
Robyn Mc –
Had a bad fall resulting in a broken ankle, broken wrist and later we discovered torn rotator cuff. I was in pretty bad pain which was even worse after surgery. Don’t like opioids but took them before surgery and for about a week and half after surgery. After under three weeks of taking the opioids, I started noticing anxiety between doses. I can see how people get so addicted. Freaked me out, so I switched to Curamin along with 1 capsule of bromelain 500 mg, three times a day along with two Tylenol. This stuff saved me from the opioids. I am familiar with supplements and herbs and understand bromelain works best for pain taken well BETWEEN meals. Otherwise. the enzyme gets used for digestion. That was the trick for getting that to work for me. Later, when we discovered the torn rotator cuff, I ramped up to three times a day with the curamin and Bromelain again, along with some other supplements for tissue and ligament repair. Avoided surgery on the rotator, which is now healed—even though my GP was pretty sure I needed surgery. It takes time, but guess what? The surgery is about the same recovery time as it took to heal naturally. I still take the Curamin and bromelain anywhere from one-three times a day depending on where I am at pain-wise, as I have ongoing back issues with bulging discs. I occasionally take Tylenol and Prescription Roboxin if I have a bad spell, but mostly not. I can’t recommend Curamin along with Bromelain enough. I also do supportive therapy for back, chiropractic and various stretches, etc. and am slowly getting my life back after that fall and degenerative back issues which resulted in pain, numbness and nerve pain making it impossible to walk without a cane. I never allow myself to run out of Curamin. I see reviews complaining about the price. YES, this stuff is expensive, but the ingredients are standardized, well-researched and optimized for absorption, along with being thoroughly tested for heavy metals and other contaminants. I would be very cautious taking a cheap alternative. Have tried that with various supplements over the years and have found you really do get what you pay for—China and India have flooded the market with cheap and dangerous herbs/supplements. I spend a lot on quality supplements, but they work. Prescriptions mostly come with bad side-effects and do nothing to correct the problem. One of the leading causes of death in the USA is prescription meds. I also want to say (because I have seen many people claiming “safety” because something is “natural”), that just because something is “natural” doesn’t make it safe. Always check for reactions to meds and with a healthcare professional as many supplements and herbs can interact with OTC and prescription drugs. I always start with low doses of anything new, because just like foods and drugs, everyone reacts differently. My use of bromelain and Curamin were not only approved, but encouraged by my GP. Curamin works for me.
Bob C –
This product is amazing, no hype here. It is literally giving me my life back. For over 40 years I have lived with chronic back pain and muscle spasms. With osteoarthritis and scoliosis thrown in. I have lived with chiropractic, rofling, massage and muscle relaxants just to keep functioning. Things got so bad I had to retire from carpentry. Just kept throwing my back out. When I had hernia surgery in Feb, my back locked up so bad from sitting around recovering I could hardly move for 3 months!. Nothing I did helped. Chiropractor couldn’t break it loose it was so tight. I was taking tumeric but wasn’t helping much. Then my wife found this at a health foods store and they said this was the best stuff available and has helped a lot of people. I started taking it and 3 months later I am out of pain and feel great: not perfect yet but 100% better. I take 1 capsule 3x a day- breakfast, lunch, dinner to spread out the effectiveness. My inflammation is cut way down which seems to be the root cause of all my problems. I no longer feel like I’m going to pull something if I move the wrong way- muscles are working more normal for the first time in years.
It has also served to lower my blood pressure and I have to monitor taking my blood pressure medicine closer now or it gets too low. I’d recommend reading “Curcumin the 21st century cure” available here to understand what this does and why to take this particular product. It’s doing exactly what the author says it does. Our friends that have tried it have reported great results, especially with long term issues. Don’t just get any old cheap curcumin at the store-won’t do the job. Thank you Terry Naturally.
Tropics Lifestyle –
A miracle product! After finding that the firm’s Curamed product helped me with my inflammation issues almost immediately, I bought this as I knew it would help a senior family member who has bad rheumatoid arthritis. She tried it, and within 2 days felt relief! Now it is the only pain med she uses every day to control pain in her back and knees; her RA doc said if it works, continue using it. This beats taking Aleve or another OTC pain reliever every day. And has extra benefits of boosting immune system, etc. She told her senior friends in Florida and Ohio about this product, and was surprised to learn most of them already have been using it for many years! She wishes they had shared the secret with her; oh well. Now she is an evangelist for it. Truly does so much for your health without complications. I use Curamed daily for maintenance. Used this for 2 days, though, when I had pain in my wrist, and this broke the pain cycle within 24 hours. So now I keep both Curamin and Curamed in my home always!
Oldme –
This product is amazing. Had lower back pain Dr’s wanted to do fusion – but got cortizone injections instead. when they start to wear off (in about 3 or 4 months) that’s when I started taking the Curamin. It really helps prolong the time between Cortizone injections – by reducing inflamation and therefore pain. It’s a wonderful product. I now take 2 in a.m. and 2 in late afternoon. It’s been 6 months between injections and can probably go for the rest of the year this way. Worried a lot about NSAIDS since they’re not particularly good for you if you take on a regular basis so Curamin fits the bill for me. Got a great price at Amazon – the product is worth a try – can’t hurt you and also has other benefits for your health.