Descrição do Produto: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Triphala Powder – 1 Pound
O Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Triphala Powder é um suplemento natural de alta qualidade, composto por uma mistura equilibrada de três frutas tradicionais da medicina ayurvédica: Amla, Haritaki e Bibhitaki. Este pó orgânico é cuidadosamente elaborado a partir de ingredientes 100% puros e não contém aditivos, conservantes ou ingredientes artificiais. Com um peso de 1 libra, o produto é ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios do Triphala na dieta diária. O Triphala é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a promover a saúde digestiva, a desintoxicação do organismo e o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Além disso, seu sabor levemente ácido e adstringente torna-o uma adição versátil a smoothies, sucos, chás e receitas de sobremesas saudáveis.
1. Saúde Digestiva: O Triphala é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades que promovem a regularidade intestinal e aliviam problemas digestivos, como constipação e indigestão.
2. Desintoxicação Natural: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna que pode resultar em mais energia e bem-estar geral.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os antioxidantes presentes no Triphala fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
4. Equilíbrio do Peso: Pode auxiliar na perda de peso, pois melhora a digestão e o metabolismo, contribuindo para um controle mais eficaz do apetite.
5. Saúde da Pele: Os compostos antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórios do Triphala podem melhorar a saúde da pele, promovendo um aspecto mais radiante e saudável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Triphala Powder, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de chá do pó em um copo de água morna, suco ou smoothie, uma vez ao dia. Para um efeito desintoxicante mais intenso, pode-se aumentar a dosagem gradualmente, sempre respeitando a tolerância individual. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e observar como o corpo reage. O uso regular pode potencializar os efeitos benéficos do Triphala, promovendo uma saúde digestiva otimizada e um bem-estar geral.
MyOpinion –
This product is a great anti-inflammatory agent and also used to improve bowel health. I have been taking 3 capsules (“00” capsules) that I pack myself and take randomly when I need help controlling my moderate nagging joint pain. So far I’ve had very good results with it. I am unable to tolerate any of the NSAIDS, including chewable baby aspirin, so this has been great for pain relief without the stomach pain of OTC NSAIDS or the typical drowsy affect in using opioids! Highly recommended for those who get good relief from NSAID’s but are unable to tolerate them due to the GI distress they frequently cause. The only issue I had with it was some mild to moderate indigestion when taken it on an empty stomach in capsule form; I think taking it as a tea or with food would alleviate that problem, at least for me. I’d suggest checking for medication incompatibility and also if you have a condition that would contraindicate using it!
B.Hinojosa –
No taste. I only use a 1/4 teaspoon. I put in in my oatmeal. I can definitely tell when I don’t take it.
haha –
It smells like hibiscus tea , like a flower and tastes slightly tart. Such a wonderful tea. I think because of its cleansing properties, it cuts my appetite or craving for junk food. This gives the effect like the solution of water and apple cider vinegar when you go on a cleansing program. It doesn’t make you hungry. This should be labeled slimming tea! It feels very soothing like ginger tea. I use it to fill my hiking bottle. You really need to stir it in very hot water because it doesn’t dilute easily. I would make a batch and let it sit all day. Wonderful tea…a good change for me.
LG –
It’s not the best tasting drink, but it does work for me to help with constipation.
I usually mix with about 4 oz of water and have a drink of water ready to chase it down with. In my opinion this is natural medicine and sometimes medicine doesn’t taste good, but if it works, it’s worth that few minutes of bad taste. This stuff works and I don’t even get cramps or stomach pain. I’ve used so many products before with no success. I’ve been trying to find what works for me. So far this is working and if it stops, I’ll start searching again.
mkemama –
I bought this brand based on reviews and it has delivered. The taste is bitter but I stir it in warm water and drink it when I’m congested or feel a cold coming on and it’s absolutely tolerable. It’s okay if you drink it down quick and you can take it several times a day if needed. I like it better than cold medicine because there aren’t any side effects.
It’s not something I use every day. I have read that it’s more of a remedy than a supplement.
It’s a lot of product for the money. I don’t know if I will use it all before it gets stale, but I’m happy so far!
J in NYC –
I read an article on a science blog about mice living 60% longer when fed triphala and probiotics together. (Google it, you will find it.) Researchers were shocked, and cautioned that this may not correlate exactly with humans but they were still impressed.
Of course I immediately jumped onto Amazon and ordered this because it seemed after reading a few honest reviews that the powdered version (as opposed to pills) was more potent and better for you. Someone said this brand was legit and didn’t put additives in it.
After a week of once/twice daily doses when I can remember, I do feel a lot more energy and my digestive tracks is umm… very very happy! Whoa. Enough said on that topic. I added a strong probiotic pill and we’ll see what happens. I might start squeaking like a mouse.
So… as you’ll read elsewhere, yes, this tastes vile. Vile. But, I have learned a trick to it. I drop a teaspoon of the powder in an empty (small!) juice glass, add a small bit of water, and mix this with a spoon until it’s dissolved — this trick works with many difficult-to-dissolve powders btw, matcha also for example, using warm water even better— but anyhow once the powder is dissolved I add enough water to fill the small juice glass about HALF full or less. Choose the amount you can swallow in one or two gulps. Chug this down as quickly as you can as if it were sewer sludge. You’re left with a disgusting dirt taste in your mouth but now the trick: chase it with a small bit of water and then wow… savor it. The small bit of triphala left will taste actually quite sweet and fruity! It’s nice. So apparently triphala is very pleasant in SMALL concentrations… a dash or two etc per glass. But small concentrations aren’t as medicinal, so… you can’t win. Still, taking it in a gulp and chasing it with water helps a lot.
Hope this helped. Enjoy.
Travis Magus –
This is some of the best stuff you can take for yourself. It has been used for thousands of years and assists with spiritual growth. To achieve proper spiritual development, the physical vessel needs to be in a favorable condition.
You are what you eat.
This will be the best thing you can take if you’re getting into yoga, meditation or any transformative spiritual practice.
It even does wonders for beginners.
It doesn’t taste good, but if you can be strong you will see the results in only a few days.
Be consistent!!!
ReviewMama –
I think this is a great quality product. The packaging is really nice and the presentation is professional. I’ve been using Triphala pressed tablets for years (and I won’t be without it) so I thought I’d try the powder and save some money, right! No. Believe the reviews warning that it tastes like dirt…cuz it do. I pride myself in being able to choke down all things nasty tasting and acclimate. This I can’t even. The taste is yes “earthy” which would be ok if it didn’t completely cancel out the flavor of everything I’ve added it to. I’ve even pounded a shot glass of it, teaspoon at a time, which I have to do 4 times–freaking torture if you ask me. It leaves my mouth dry and I find myself not taking it on-account-a I just can’t make myself. I’ve returned to the pressed tabs and my body is much happier. But hey you might like it, don’t let my experience stop you.