Descrição do Produto: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder, 1 Lb
O pó de raiz de ashwagandha da Terrasoul Superfoods é um adaptógeno poderoso, conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a combater o estresse e a promover um sono reparador. Com 16 onças de pura energia natural, este produto é 100% orgânico, não contém OGM, é cru, sem glúten e vegano, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor que a natureza tem a oferecer. A ashwagandha, uma erva tradicional da medicina ayurvédica, é amplamente reconhecida por sua capacidade de ajudar o corpo a se adaptar ao estresse, proporcionando um equilíbrio emocional e físico.
A Terrasoul Superfoods se compromete com a qualidade, realizando testes laboratoriais rigorosos para garantir que cada lote de pó de ashwagandha atenda aos mais altos padrões. Além disso, a empresa se dedica a oferecer preços acessíveis, garantindo que os agricultores e funcionários recebam salários justos. Com uma garantia de satisfação de 100% e um excelente atendimento ao cliente, você pode experimentar os benefícios da ashwagandha sem preocupações.
- Terrasoul Superfoods Ashwagandha Root Powder, 16-ounce Pouch
- 100% Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
- 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee – We stand behind our products and offer a 30-day money back guarantee, backed by an outstanding customer service team.
- Terrasoul Superfoods sources the freshest and highest quality superfoods from all over the planet. Our mission is to make these amazing, healthy foods available to you at the lowest prices possible while paying our growers and employees fair wages.
1. Redução do Estresse: A ashwagandha é conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando a regular os níveis de cortisol e a reduzir a sensação de estresse.
2. Melhora do Sono: O consumo regular do pó de ashwagandha pode contribuir para um sono mais profundo e reparador, ideal para quem sofre de insônia ou distúrbios do sono.
3. Aumento da Energia: Este superalimento pode ajudar a aumentar a resistência física e mental, proporcionando mais energia para o dia a dia.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A ashwagandha possui propriedades antioxidantes que podem fortalecer o sistema imunológico e melhorar a saúde geral.
5. Equilíbrio Emocional: O uso contínuo pode ajudar a estabilizar o humor e a promover uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do pó de raiz de ashwagandha, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5 gramas) do pó em smoothies, sucos, ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e sopas. Para um efeito calmante, misture o pó em uma xícara de leite quente ou bebida vegetal antes de dormir. É importante começar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente conforme a tolerância. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Ben –
Excellent Stuff!!! I get this because of my wife who originally got it for her thyroid issues to help normalize it during her pregnancy (at specified doses give by her midwife of course) HOWEVER she not only used it for that but has continued to use it ALL THE TIME NOW and so do I.
ANY TIME WE FEEL RUN DOWN or if THE KIDS ARE SICK or we have BEEN EXPOSED TO SICKNESS we take HALF A TEASPOON IN WATER (just a little water) CHASED BY SOME JUICE (because the taste is awful BUT TOTALLY WORTH ALL OF THE AWFUL TASTE TO STAY HEALTHY) just before bed and in the morning again daily/nightly until risks of illness are gone and it never fails to keep us from getting sick even if we feel a ting of sickness coming on this nips it in the bud. She has tried to get the kids to take it but they can’t seem to get past the taste since they gagged and sputtered and made awful faces at it when she did get them to take it and now they straight out refuse to take it and run. Maybe she will figure out a way to get them to take it eventually but for now the kids aren’t budging.
Ginger S. –
I love this product. I discovered ashwagandha many years ago, and was fortunate to have a supplier direct from the source selling it in the pure powder form. It has some great benefits, and the best for me is the sense of calming and disappearance of anxiety. When I could no longer purchase from my first supplier, I tried several different brands from different stores and online, that sold bottled ashwagandha in capsules. I was unsatisfied with all of them, so I quit taking it for a period of time. I missed the benefits from taking a quality form of ashwagandha, so did a search for the product again. I came across Terrasoul Superfoods Ashwagandha and decided to give it a try. As soon as I received it and opened the bag, I knew it was a quality product. Good quality ashwagandha has a distinct taste, smell, and color. If that is not present you have wasted your money. Taking ashwagandha in the bulk powder form sold in a bag as Terrasoul Superfoods does, vs. the bottled capsule form is far superior in my opinion. I choose to consume the correctly measured amount straight from the spoon, swallow with a water chaser, and then take a dab of coconut oil for best bioavailability of the ashwagandha. This bag also lasts a long time! Thank you Terrasoul Superfoods for offering a superior product. I will continue to purchase ashwagandha from you and look forward to trying some of your other products.
Holly Banks –
My health has never been better! Do your own research and heal yourself!
LD –
I am always looking for natural products to help any ailments I may be having before turning to any sort of modern medicine. I, like the majority of the population, suffer with anxiety. While I was searching for some natural remedies I came across Ashwagandha Root. This is an ayurvedic medicial herb that can aid in many different things, the main being anxiety and depression. I took this about three days in a row at night and immediately noticed a difference in my overall mental state. It was nothing crazy or even that obviously noticeable, but i did feel a stronger ability to “detatch” from my current issues that made me feel stressed or concerned enough to have a real calm approach. This is definitely something that needs to be taken everyday to feel those long term results since it is a natural remedy. So don’t get discouraged if your immediate feeling isn’t like mine! I will warn you though that this does not taste good at all. It has a very strong earthy, bitter, grass like taste that is really hard to disguise.
One night i made a little tonic of whole milk, cinnamon, coconut butter and a teaspoon of this Ashwagandha which made it tolerable. I have actually ordered some vegan empty capsules to fill and take that way because the flavor is just that difficult. I would still highly suggest this brand and item! Just know that you may want to fill your own capsules!
JD –
I love what I got and the company and what’s in the package appears to be exactly what it says it is in terms of the company’s mission statement. As a long time discerning buyer and researcher in finding quality, simple, safe food and herbal supplement choices for wellness in a varied approach to health, I feel like the product is uniform and potent.
I don’t have a lot of experience with Ashwaghanda previously other than through conversations with more knowledgeable colleagues and reaading about it. Before having bought any to try to affordable use a quality option I read reviews on many products in powder and capsule form. With this said I will advise those not accustomed to powerful herbs or clean natural diets looking for a quick fix, accounts for the many reviews across many products that say ‘it did nothing’. In this respect many factors contribute to what things like this can provide immediately.
On a similar note, those saying it taste horrible and or made me sick(across many ashwaghanda products including this one). That in part could be the quality of some of these products and the amount these folks are taking and in what context their mind and body and diet and taste pallet already is.
My suggestion for this product or others is get more professional guidance and use it sparingly to start, it is a powerful herb.
Finally with all that said, I am super happy with this company and it’s Ashwaghanda supplement and it’s quality is on par. I won’t be looking elsewhere for a bulk version anytime soon.
Benefits are helpful with depression and general mood energy uptake to help your body help itself. In kind this seems to benefit me In hormonal gains and balance as a recently 40 yr + male. It’s seems a nice clean kickstart as well as aiding in physical training recovery etc..all of which are claimed benefits of the root.
I simply dissolve it in hot(filtered) water and drink plain, or with lemon and or with a collagen supplement. Excellent Product.