A Terra de Diatomáceas Alimentar Lumino Home, 1,5 libra, é um produto puro e natural, ideal para uso doméstico. Composta por fósseis de algas microscópicas, essa terra é rica em sílica, oferecendo uma série de benefícios tanto para a saúde quanto para a limpeza do lar. Sua textura fina e leve permite que seja facilmente incorporada em diversas aplicações, tornando-se uma solução versátil e ecológica para quem busca alternativas sustentáveis em casa.
Uma das principais características da Terra de Diatomáceas é sua capacidade de atuar como um inseticida natural. Ela ajuda a controlar pragas indesejadas, como pulgões e baratas, sem a necessidade de produtos químicos nocivos, garantindo um ambiente mais seguro para a família e os animais de estimação. Além disso, é segura para uso em animais, podendo ser adicionada à alimentação como um suplemento nutricional, contribuindo para a saúde dos ossos, pele e cabelo.
Outro benefício importante é sua propriedade absorvente, que auxilia na desodorização e controle de umidade em ambientes fechados. Isso a torna uma excelente opção para quem deseja manter a casa limpa e livre de odores desagradáveis. Com dimensões compactas de 10,922 cm de comprimento, 17,272 cm de largura e 22,098 cm de altura, a Terra de Diatomáceas é fácil de armazenar e manusear, ocupando pouco espaço em armários ou prateleiras.
– Natural e Seguro: Produto 100% puro, sem aditivos químicos, ideal para ambientes que requerem segurança alimentar.
– Controle de Pragas: Eficaz no combate a insetos indesejados, como pulgões e baratas, sem o uso de pesticidas tóxicos.
– Suplemento Nutricional: Rico em sílica, contribui para a saúde dos ossos, pele e cabelo, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado em diversas aplicações, desde a alimentação de animais até a limpeza de superfícies.
– Fácil Armazenamento: Suas dimensões compactas facilitam o armazenamento em qualquer ambiente, sem ocupar muito espaço.
Para utilizar a Terra de Diatomáceas Alimentar Lumino Home, recomenda-se começar com uma colher de sopa misturada em alimentos secos ou úmidos para animais, garantindo que a dosagem não exceda 1% do peso total da ração. Para controle de pragas, aplique uma camada fina do produto nas áreas afetadas, como ao redor de janelas e portas, e em locais onde os insetos costumam se esconder. Para uso como suplemento nutricional, adicione uma pequena quantidade à sua dieta diária, sempre consultando um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A Terra de Diatomáceas é uma solução prática e eficaz que pode transformar a sua rotina, trazendo benefícios para a saúde e o bem-estar do seu lar.
Elaine Checkley –
I love this stuff – give it to ALL my pets every day in their food – I have no more joint pain or popping of the knees when squatting down. Yes, it does taste a bit chalky but I buy fresh lemons in mass quantity and 1/2 a fresh squeezed lemon in the 8 oz glass of water with a tablespoon of DE and it goes down easy peasy. Gets rid of parasites in our guts and our pets gut. My neighbors has a older dog who had loose stools for over a year and all the antibiotics the vet gave them never did a thing. I gave him some DE to give to the dogs, two days later normal stools and no problems since then. A few of my dogs are 9 to 10 years old and DE helps keep their joints healthy along with a squirt of Hemp Oil every day. I’ve gotten about 20 people taking this so far.
Excelente la entrega, gracias. –
Excelente los productos y la entrega. Gracias.
E. Mitchell –
I tried prescription meds ( Albenza and ivermectin) and they gave me symptom relief for 12-24 hours. The Garlic, coconut oil, vinegar and parasite cleanse helped minimally with the discomfort, but the symptoms continued to worsen. Five days ago I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE! that evening I took my last dose of Ivermectin, expecting 18 to 24 hours of relief, and I began this. My first dose was only a teaspoonful in a glass of water (as a test for aide effects). The next day I took a heaping tablespoon in orange juice twice, as my symptoms were beginning to return with a vengeance. By 3 days after that first test dose I had no symptoms 80% of the time. Now I only have symptoms which are much less severe and last a minute or two one at night, and once or twice during the day. I am doing the environment cleaning as well (bath twice a day, tight underwear changed frequently, clean sheets every other day, spray my sheets with alcohol on the Opposite Day, cleaning with vinegar or alcohol, washing hands frequently)
It is important you do not inhale this as it can lead to long term lung damage. I put it in hard plastic jars with lids, and whenever I open it I wear a surgical mask. When I first got it I tried holding my breath when I worked with it, but I still ended up with a cough and sinus headache.
Jackie Sullivan –
Love this company–they have very good quality DE. This can be used for so many things: helping to eradicate parasite infections in both people and animals, as well as cure flea outbreaks in dogs: sprinkle a light coating on their fur and work in, being careful to avoid them breathing it in (use a bandana to cover their eyes and nose as you do it) as it can irritate lungs. Cures fleas and other bugs in the house in carpets and crevices.
sara –
The first couple times me and my man felt like choked up after using a table spoon. We also felt kind of weird but that is because I think it was working, I am down a few pounds already after just a few uses (diet is important too). We would feel sick to our stomachs then poop and feel immediately relieved. It didn’t really help as a pest killer so far- black or white ants. I like brushing my teeth with it too, shines them and makes them whiter however I don’t recommend brushing your tongue with it. I would give it 5 stars if it solved my ant problem better.
S.Bergman –
clean, restore, party , repeat. this stuff will alkalize your blood in moments. screw malox and tums. countless applications, my garden, my sketchy rentals at times ( think bugs ) . maybe im just brand loyal because lumino charges a little more than most. but for peats sake i eat this stuff and at this quantity, its pennies a dose. and i know how this stuff makes me feel. clean up your act! dont overdo this stuff as it is a laxative and consider it as a microscopic scrubby on your insides. go in cycles or when you feel like you need the ph Up. you will know. practice. love. forgive. live more.
Fgbowen –
If I could Double Triple the stars, I would.
I Love this stuff – Very Fine Grain, and Just Performs Well.
Franceska –
this is my favorite FGDE and will continue with Lumino Home. they say all DE is the same, well it isn’t to me. this one mixes much better and it’s not gritty. it’s easier to drink and the taste is better. my dog gets a teaspoon everyday also. it did rid him of a parasite that was just under his skin, so it does work. it also works to rub on their coat for flea control. thank you for a fine product.
Cheryl Mohat –
Diatomaceous earth is a great product for cleansing your body. Everyone should know about this just make sure you get food grade.
I also used it on my dog when she got ticks because it kills any bugs that have an external skeleton. Very safe in your garden to put around your compost or your fruit trees to protect them from ants and critters you don’t want in there
ohayan –