Termômetro Infravermelho Multifuncional Prove | Termômetro Infravermelho 4 em 1 | Indicador de Febre com Mudança de Cor
O Termômetro Infravermelho Multifuncional Prove é a solução ideal para quem busca precisão e praticidade na medição de temperatura. Com suas funcionalidades 4 em 1, ele permite medir a temperatura corporal, a temperatura ambiente, a temperatura de objetos e a temperatura de líquidos, tudo em um único dispositivo. Em apenas um segundo, você obtém resultados clinicamente precisos com um simples toque de botão, garantindo agilidade no monitoramento da saúde da sua família.
Uma das características mais inovadoras deste termômetro é seu indicador de febre que muda de cor. A tela LCD clara e colorida exibe a temperatura de forma intuitiva, e os alarmes sonoros e visuais alertam quando a temperatura atinge níveis febris, facilitando a identificação de febre alta. Você pode optar por silenciar esses alarmes, tornando o uso ainda mais conveniente, especialmente durante a noite.
O Prove Multifunction Infrared Thermometer é compacto e fácil de manusear. Com quatro modos de leitura disponíveis, você pode alternar entre os modos de medição de objeto/ambiente, ouvido e testa com apenas um toque. A tecnologia AMS (patenteada) permite que você mude entre as unidades de temperatura Celsius e Fahrenheit com um simples movimento de chave na parte de trás do dispositivo. Além disso, a memória interna armazena até 40 leituras, permitindo que você monitore as temperaturas ao longo do tempo de forma prática e organizada.
O que está incluído: (1) Termômetro Infravermelho Multifuncional Prove, (1) Bolsa de transporte, (1) Manual do usuário e (1) Guia de início rápido.
Nosso compromisso é oferecer produtos de qualidade que você pode confiar. Estamos totalmente dedicados à sua satisfação! Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação, entre em contato conosco e cuidaremos disso para você!
- Resultados clinicamente precisos em apenas um segundo, garantindo agilidade no monitoramento da saúde.
- Tela LCD colorida que muda de cor de acordo com a temperatura, facilitando a visualização e interpretação dos dados.
- Alarmes sonoros e visuais para febre, que ajudam a identificar rapidamente situações de risco.
- Modos de leitura multifuncionais que atendem a diversas necessidades, desde a medição de temperatura corporal até a de objetos e líquidos.
- Garantia de satisfação e suporte ao cliente, assegurando que você tenha uma experiência positiva com o produto.
Para utilizar o Termômetro Infravermelho Multifuncional Prove, aponte o dispositivo para a testa, ouvido ou o objeto/ambiente desejado e pressione o botão de medição. A temperatura será exibida na tela LCD colorida, que mudará de cor conforme os níveis de temperatura. Você pode alternar entre as unidades de temperatura (C° e F°) conforme necessário, utilizando a chave de alternância na parte de trás do termômetro. Lembre-se de consultar o manual do usuário para obter instruções detalhadas sobre o uso correto e eficaz do termômetro.
jsg –
Worked great
Amazon Customer –
I gave this 3 stars not really having used the product because honestly, it is too complicated. I bought this for my senior aged dad -who is pretty cool with gadgets–he uses an iPad and cell phone- and he gave it back to me because he said it was too difficult to use-simply to read a temperature. He decided to go back to the simple digital thermometer that he’s had for years. My husband and I decided to keep it hoping that it would be helpful during covid etc. Neither of us felt like it was worth the education necessary to operate simply to read a temp. There are so many different settings, memory buttons, etc that we weren’t ever sure whose temperature it was saving. We agreed with my Dad that its just not worth it. I’m sure someone who is familiar with these may disagree, and I wish I had more patience because I think it would be worth the $$. We plan to send it back.
M. Lloyd –
Ignore other reviews that complain about this thermometer requiring the device and person to be in the same room for 30 mins. Every single contactless IR thermometer has this requirement. You can’t take someone’s temperature when they’ve just come in from the snow without wearing a hat. Or they had an air conditioner blowing on their face prior to entering your building no matter what contactless IR thermometer you use.
This thermometer works great. It has a baby and non-baby mode when using the ear adapter and an regular forehead mode when the ear adapter is covered by the magnetic cover. It also has the added ability to take temperatures of any surface in your home just in case you want to try to figure out where that draft is coming from. The display is bright, easy to read and has the ability to recall the last 40 readings which is nice. The instructions could be a little better but I was able to figure out how it worked in 5 mins by just playing with the buttons, holding them down for a little bit to get to other functions like the recall feature. You can also select the temperature scale (F or C) easily with a switch in the battery compartment. I’m glad I got this.
Amazon Customer –
Works great on adults and babies
Daryl Jarman –
There’s a lot to love about this thermometer.
I wanted one that takes normal person batteries, not button cells. I chose this one for that reason alone, but the price was nice too. It takes two AAA batteries (included), and it’s easy to replace them.
It is incredibly easy to use and to read. One push of the button to turn it on, hold it close, push the button, and you’ve got your reading. It displays the number, but also conveniently shows a color behind the whole screen. Green for normal temps, red for fever, and yellow for elevated but not quite feverish.
It has several modes, and auto switches to ear mode when you remove the piece covering the probe. It does way more than I expected it to, and I’m very impressed.
Two things to note, it does heat up with rapid tests in succession. You have to wait a little bit between readings, which I guess is a common thing with this type of thermometer.
The other thing is my only real complaint, and is really a non-issue. You can mute it so it doesn’t beep, but it is unmuted when you turn it back on.
Lisa F. –
Originally When I First Tried to Use the Thermometer Out of the Box , after Reading the Directions ; I Could Not Figure Out How to get it to Work at All . I had to go back to My Amazon Acct , Look for My Order and Read all of the Thermometer Info to get it to Work for Us . I was Very Very Mad and Upset that Morning . I Almost Sent it Back to Amazon Because the Set Up Directions in the Box are Totally Confussing ?? Yes it is Very Easy to Use Once You Figure Out How to Use It and its Very Easy to See and to Read the temperatures . It has Nice Large #’s that are Totally Easy to Read Too . I Bought the Thermometer for Temperature Checks , that We have to do Before Online School Starts Everyday . We Luv how it Only takes a Few Seconds to Do a Temperature Check Every Morning Now . Thanks Amazon for having a Easy Product to Use and to be able to See and to Read the Temperatures Too . The Fisher Family
Essy –
I like that it changes color based on temp. reading. It changes yellow for mild fever, red for high fever, and green for normal temps. I like that you can use this for your forehead and for ear readings. It does have a temp limit of about 200 before it reads an error. This will not work for cooking and is strictly for body temp. I find it to be accurate and easy to use. It is intuitive and easy to change from F to C with a minimal menu design that I love.
allen –
Based on some of the negative reviews I was expecting a thermometer that had poor instructions and/or inaccurate readings. But the instructions were more than adequate – and important to read. Initially, my readings varied all over the place, and were quite different from my mercury thermometer so I thought yup – negative reviewers were right. But when I checked it against a room temperature object and a couple of other digital thermometers, they all agreed within 0.1 degrees. So I started recording three readings each time over the course of a week, and surprisingly, the readings got more consistent the more I used it. The forehead measurement appears to be more consistent than the ear measurement, and the three forehead readings I take now typically all the same, or vary from each other by no more than 0.1 degrees. My takeaway is that even though it is simple to use, a little practice and reading the instructions are in order.