O termômetro EZY DOSE Kids para febre é perfeito para bebês e crianças pequenas. Com sua capacidade de medir a temperatura em segundos, é ideal para uso em viagens, pois pode ser facilmente guardado no bolso ou na bolsa para ser reutilizado posteriormente. Além disso, esse termômetro mede a temperatura tanto em Celsius quanto em Fahrenheit, proporcionando maior conveniência. Sua utilização é simples e prática, basta colocar o termômetro na testa e ele rapidamente faz a leitura da temperatura. Construído com materiais de qualidade, esse termômetro foi projetado para resistir ao uso repetido, garantindo durabilidade e confiabilidade. Os produtos Ezy Dose tornam a vida mais saudável de forma simples e fácil, e esse termômetro não é exceção.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Leitura rápida: Mede a temperatura em segundos, proporcionando resultados imediatos.
- Medição em Celsius e Fahrenheit: Oferece a opção de escolher a unidade de temperatura desejada.
- Fácil de usar: Basta colocar o termômetro na testa para obter a leitura da temperatura.
- Construção durável: Projetado para suportar o uso repetido, garantindo sua longevidade.
- Promove uma vida saudável: Os produtos Ezy Dose facilitam a adoção de hábitos saudáveis.
– Para utilizar o termômetro EZY DOSE Kids para febre, siga as seguintes instruções: 1) Ligue o termômetro pressionando o botão de energia; 2) Coloque o termômetro na testa, certificando-se de que esteja em contato com a pele; 3) Aguarde alguns segundos até que a leitura da temperatura seja concluída; 4) Anote a temperatura exibida no visor. Lembre-se de limpar o termômetro após cada uso para garantir a precisão das medições. Consulte o manual do usuário para obter informações mais detalhadas sobre o uso e a manutenção adequados do termômetro.
Amazon Customer –
Haven’t used yet but seem good
Francis –
Great item. It is really helpful with kids.
Tinker Bell –
This thermometer has been used since my first son was born many years ago. It has always been very accurate for me. Recently my youngest got sick and I was so tired being up all night that I misplaced it. I’m glad I was able to find a replacement. The great thing is I ended up finding the one I misplaced so now I have a back-up. It works great to get a reading an not have to wake up your child.
I wouldn’t recommend this. I had one of these temperature strips when my kids were little. This one doesn’t appear to work very well. I couldn’t read the temperature on it in the mirror and as soon as you remove it the temperature is gone. The temperature is very faint to begin with. I wasn’t able to use it.
Sooks –
Easy and accurate.
Steve Turek –
I like that it’s not some high-tech device that might not even work unless you spent $200.
LJ –
I had a similar thermometer when my kids were little and just bought this one after going through about 4 digital thermometers whose batteries kept dying at the worst times. This is easy to use and is accurate and no batteries to worry about. I won’t buy another digital thermometer again.
christie311 –
I ordered this thermometer to keep in my diaper bag and I really like it. I have a thermometer that you swipe across the forehead and read it digitally and I have an oral thermometer but I love having this for on the go or as a back to to confirm my digital. It’s super small and weighs nothing so I can easily keep it in my bag (plus it comes with a carrying case to keep it protected). Another thing I like about this is the simplicity, you just put it on the forehead and get a reading almost instantly. My mom is not totally comfortable using the digital thermometer so this is something she can use without second guessing herself if she is alone with my little one. I compared this to my digital and it seems very accurate, you don’t get an exact reading but it’s going to be enough to let you know if your child has an elevated temperature. One day we were visiting family 2 hours from home and I noticed she felt warm, I didn’t have a thermometer and neither did the home we were in so this would have been nice, sure enough when we got home she had a fever. For what I wanted I would give this 5 stars but if it’s the only thing you are using I would give it about 4 since it’s a bit harder to get an exact temp. It’s a perfect back up or for on the go. I am very happy with this.
I paid full price for this item.