Termômetro Digital para Banheira de Bebê – Segurança na Temperatura da Água do Banho – Brinquedo Flutuante para Banho – Presente para Crianças Recém-Nascidas e Mães – Marca: Baby Bath
O Baby Bath Bathtub Thermometer é um termômetro digital projetado especialmente para garantir a segurança e o conforto do seu bebê durante o banho. Com um design encantador que flutua na água, este termômetro não apenas mede a temperatura da água, mas também se transforma em um brinquedo divertido para os pequenos. Equipado com uma luz de temperatura piscante, ele permite que os pais monitorem facilmente se a água está na temperatura ideal, proporcionando um banho seguro e agradável. Com a certeza de que a água está na temperatura correta, os pais podem relaxar e aproveitar esse momento especial com seus filhos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Termômetro Fofo: O termômetro mede rapidamente a temperatura da água, permitindo que você acompanhe as mudanças de forma prática. Além disso, pode ser utilizado como um medidor de temperatura ambiente.
2. Função de Luz Piscante: Quando a água está muito fria ou quente, a tela de LED exibe as palavras “FRIO/QUENTE” e pisca como um aviso. Quando a temperatura está adequada, a luz verde acende, garantindo tranquilidade aos pais.
3. Preciso e Rápido: O termômetro pode ser facilmente alternado entre as escalas Fahrenheit (℉) e Celsius (℃), ajudando as mães a garantir a temperatura correta da banheira.
4. Seguro e à Prova d’Água: Com um acabamento de alta qualidade e superfície lisa, sem rebarbas, este termômetro é o brinquedo flutuante ideal para bebês brincarem em banheiras e piscinas.
5. Presente Ideal: O termômetro de banho é um item indispensável para bebês, recém-nascidos e crianças pequenas, além de ser um brinquedo de banho favorito que proporciona diversão e segurança.
– Segurança em Primeiro Lugar: Garante que a temperatura da água esteja sempre adequada, evitando queimaduras ou desconforto.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com um design intuitivo, é simples de operar, permitindo que qualquer pessoa possa utilizá-lo sem dificuldades.
– Versatilidade: Além de medir a temperatura da água, pode ser usado como um brinquedo flutuante, tornando o banho mais divertido.
– Acompanhamento Visual: A luz piscante e as indicações visuais facilitam a identificação rápida da temperatura, proporcionando maior segurança.
– Durabilidade: Feito com materiais de alta qualidade, é resistente e seguro para o uso diário, garantindo um investimento a longo prazo.
Para utilizar o termômetro de banheira para bebê, basta colocá-lo na água da banheira ou piscina e aguardar alguns segundos até que a temperatura seja medida. A tela de LED exibirá a temperatura atual da água. Se a temperatura estiver fora da faixa ideal, o dispositivo emitirá um aviso visual com luz piscante. Após o uso, é importante limpar o termômetro e armazená-lo em um local seguro. Lembre-se de nunca deixar o bebê sozinho durante o banho, garantindo sempre a supervisão adequada.
K2 –
It’s an update review. After posting it’s broken within 2 months, the seller reached out to me immediately, to offer full refund. It shows they care their customers and make an effort to build trust. Then he/she offered new replacement as second option. I was in between two options since it’s so cute and my baby liked playing with it, but I ended up asking for full refund. The seller immediately replied and started the refund process.
Because of this experience, I will not hesitate to try other products from the same seller, or maybe buy this one again to try.
After using it for 2 months, about couple times a week, it broke. I changed battery, didn’t work. I thought it was the mineral, so soaked it in vinegar water, didn’t work.
If you plan to use it for a short period of time, it’s cute. Baby likes it. But you expect to use it regularly, I suggest to use other brand.
K. Mac –
Works great
Nicola –
Great quality & love that it’s cute!
Mikala Glunt –
This item worked great at first. We loved it. Used it every night I wiped it off and set it out to dry every night after use. Thought the batteries were just dead so we changed them but now. This thing doesn’t turn on at all anymore and I know it was cheap but it’s still very annoying that it only lasted a few days past a month after purchase. That is ridiculous.
Customer service contacted me and offered me a refund or replacement. I chose a replacement and got it very quickly! Fingers crossed this one lasts! But customer service was amazing and I am very impressed! Changing to a 5 star as we are now almost 2 months in and my new one they sent me is going strong and we love it!
Barney T –
Been using it for 4 months and then the display started to not show up clearly. Thinking it was the battery and changed it but the temperature gauge was no longer working accurately or showing up clearly.
Seller reached out and provided feedback and makegood. I was told that it was most likely due to the failure in the circuit board or other components after I’ve provide detailed pictures of the issue. They’re willing to make good and provide me with a product replacement. I’ve opt-out for the time being as I’m trying another thermometer. They have refunded me for the product so at least knowing that, you shouldn’t have to worry about losing anything with going with this product as the seller is trying to make customers happy.
I might still reconsider getting this product again since it is smaller and easy on the eyes when it comes to temperature reading. I’ll see what happens in the future.
Jacqueline Zamzow –
great for baby
Barney T –
Difficult to change battery/get to work
Jon R. –
This digital temperature gauge has lasted longer than any other electronic water item I’ve purchased or used. The screw for the battery cover shows a little bit of rust discoloration, but I have been using it for almost 2 years! I have used two different elephant soft sprayers and they lasted only around 5 months. This is a great buy if you want or need something that is easy to read and built to last. It has even survived a few wall impacts from my child without losing buoyancy or effectiveness!
Roger S –
Not a particularly user friendly device but as it’s set and forget thats not really an issue.
Water ingress after ten months of use probably three times a week and subsequent complete failure is an issue. Remained factory sealed and never opened – not even the battery compartment. Never fully submerged and always removed from the bath and air dried after use. No exposure to bath oils or other unusual liquids – just warm water and soap suds.
In summary not worth it for the usage it got – would not buy again.
gk –
Works exactly as expected, it does not have buttons as it stated but turns on automatically when placed in water. It came with extra batteries which is handy. Appearance is exactly what was expected, looks just like the photos. So far it seems to be accurate though 102 seems too hot and it still shows up green, I still like to do an elbow check to be sure but I trust the accuracy!