O Termômetro Digital ADC Fast Read, modelo 418N, é um dispositivo inovador que combina tecnologia de ponta com praticidade, ideal para quem busca precisão e rapidez na medição da temperatura corporal. Com uma ponta flexível, este termômetro proporciona maior conforto e segurança durante o uso, sendo especialmente útil para crianças e adultos. O display LCD de grande dimensão, com retroiluminação colorida, facilita a leitura dos resultados, permitindo que os usuários identifiquem rapidamente se a temperatura está dentro da faixa normal ou se há necessidade de atenção médica.
Equipado com tecnologia preditiva proprietária, o ADC Fast Read realiza medições em apenas 8 segundos, garantindo resultados confiáveis e imediatos. A faixa de medição varia de 93.2°F a 109.9°F (34°C a 42.9°C), atendendo aos padrões de precisão exigidos pela norma ASTM E1112, com uma margem de erro de apenas ±0.2°F (±0.1°C). O termômetro também vem com uma capa protetora tipo bainha e cinco capas descartáveis para a ponta, assegurando a higiene necessária em cada uso. A bateria de 3V (CR2032) é substituível e permite até 2.000 medições, tornando o produto uma escolha econômica e sustentável.
1. Precisão e rapidez: Medições em apenas 8 segundos, permitindo um monitoramento eficiente da temperatura corporal.
2. Fácil interpretação dos resultados: Display LCD grande com retroiluminação colorida que indica rapidamente leituras normais e elevadas.
3. Faixa de medição abrangente: Adequado para diversas situações, garantindo precisão em diferentes faixas de temperatura.
4. Acessórios inclusos: Capa protetora e capas descartáveis para a ponta, promovendo higiene e segurança durante o uso.
5. Garantia de qualidade: Dois anos de garantia, assegurando durabilidade e confiabilidade do produto.
Para utilizar o Termômetro Digital ADC Fast Read, inicie removendo a capa protetora do dispositivo. Em seguida, ligue o termômetro pressionando o botão de ligar/desligar. Posicione a ponta flexível na área desejada para a medição, como sob a língua, na axila ou no reto, conforme a necessidade. Aguarde aproximadamente 8 segundos até que o resultado seja exibido no display LCD. Após a medição, limpe a ponta do termômetro com um lenço umedecido ou álcool 70% para garantir a higiene. Por fim, recoloque a capa protetora e verifique a necessidade de substituição da bateria CR2032 quando o desempenho do termômetro começar a diminuir.
jmw –
I’m a home care RN and have purchased several different digital thermometers that all registered between 95-97.8 on EVERY patient, even the ones I knew had a fever. This one is very accurate! Very easy to use and quick results! Wish I had purchased this one first! Highly recommend and you won’t need to return it!
ATappana –
This was a little pricier than other thermometers I have purchased but it has been worth every penny. It’s accurate, plus it has a display that is easy to read and has a backlight. I highly recommend this thermometer.
Dave D –
Have not used this for long so can’t speak to the long term usage. So far this is a great little oral thermometer to have for home use.
– 8 second read out
– Quality unit with flexible tip, comes with a hard plastic cover (and a set of disposable probe sleeves for safer usage)
– Display is large enough for the older members of our family to use. Shows the temp with coloring in green for temperatures below 99.5 degrees and red for 99.6 and higher. Not sure if this feature is necessary but it is different than other thermometers we’ve owned.
– 2 year warranty should cover long enough for a $10.50 item.
The Kid –
Works great, and has shown to be accurate compared to other thermometers we keep around the house.
Nanc –
John F –
Thermometer seems well made. The button and display are easy to use and see. Response is in the 6 – 10 second range.
As for accuracy, I’m not that concerned as when I receive this thermometer I recorded my “normal” temperature over several days. I now go by that number to determine if I have a fever.
FWIW I read an article that the “normal” body temperature is slowly decreasing.
DEBIE Paul –
Le mien indiquait environ 0,4 ° de trop, vérifié sur 3 autres thermomètres dont 1 à mercure.
Par contre retour et remboursement sans problème par Amazon (top service).
Amazon Customer –
This a a great thermometer. I have ordered 3 of them. They give a reading in 8 seconds and is very accurate. Would definitely recommend!
Tânia F –
Após muita procura, encontrei este termómetro com luz, ecrã grande e resultados fidedignos.
My wife has bought numerous thermometers for our son over his six years. Including at least two quite expensive ones (one was in-ear and one was a forehead thermometer). It’s always seemed like more guess work than need be on our part to determine if he REALLY has a fever or not and whether it’s mild or not. Well, since he started school this year he’s caught and brought home numerous and varied illnesses. We finally got fed up with the in-ear thermometer. It’s grown more even more fickle over time. And considering his latest illness was an ear infection, we decided it was time for something else. Enter the expensive forehead thermometer. While the in-ear thermometer was wishy-washy with its numbers, the forehead thermometer is basically a random number generator. Despite following instructions to the letter, that thing throws out wildly different numbers on back to back readings. We’ve tried on him and both of us. Even holding it perfectly still to your own forehead and taking two readings back to back without moving – it will vary as much as 4-5 degrees. Not tenths, but whole number degrees. Sometimes less, but never consistent with itself or the in-ear.
Fed up, I head to Amazon and start looking for oral thermometers (you can use it under the armpit as well). I’ve bought other medical equipment from ADC and was always satisfied with the quality. This thermometer has not let me down.
FINALLY we get numbers that are not only consistent but also line up to what we are expecting. (While we can’t predict his actual temperature – we do know that when he’s sweating from his head and complains of the chills elsewhere and is hot to the touch that he very likely has a fever – despite the other thermometers measuring temperature sometimes down to 96F. Likewise, we know that his temperature is not 107F as read by the forehead thermometer when he feels mildly warmer than normal but is displaying no other signs – the reading taken immediately after was 101.2F and then 99.4F all in the same location and within about 15 seconds total).
It’s quite a relief to finally have a thermometer that is consistent, and gives numbers that are within the range of reasonableness. All at a much lower price. It might not be quite as fast as the other two (but at 8 seconds it’s hardly slow) and it might not seem as convenient (or may even be seen as “outdated”). However, it actually does the function for which it was purchased – we trust that it gives us a reasonably accurate reading of our child’s temperature. Mine too for that matter as he’s passed several of these ailments on to me.