Apex Temp-Quik Forehead Strip Thermometer
O Apex Temp-Quik Forehead Strip Thermometer é um termômetro de tira para a testa que oferece uma medição rápida e precisa da temperatura corporal. Com um design compacto e reutilizável, este termômetro é ideal para quem busca conveniência e eficiência no monitoramento da saúde. Sua tecnologia avançada permite que a temperatura seja medida em apenas 15 segundos, garantindo resultados confiáveis e instantâneos. Além disso, a ausência de contato direto com a pele torna o uso seguro, especialmente para crianças e pessoas sensíveis.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Precisão e rapidez
O Apex Temp-Quik é projetado para fornecer resultados precisos em apenas 15 segundos, permitindo que você tenha confiança nas medições realizadas.
2. Segurança e conveniência
Por não exigir contato direto com a pele, este termômetro é seguro para todas as idades, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para famílias.
3. Durabilidade e economia
Inquebrável e reutilizável, o Apex Temp-Quik oferece uma solução econômica e sustentável, eliminando a necessidade de substituições frequentes.
4. Fácil de usar
Com uma interface intuitiva, o termômetro é simples de operar, permitindo que qualquer pessoa obtenha a leitura da temperatura sem complicações.
5. Versatilidade
Ideal para uso em casa, no trabalho ou durante viagens, o Apex Temp-Quik é um termômetro prático que se adapta a diversas situações do dia a dia.
O Apex Temp-Quik oferece uma série de benefícios que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Primeiramente, a medição rápida e precisa ajuda na detecção precoce de febres, permitindo intervenções rápidas. Em segundo lugar, a segurança do uso sem contato direto minimiza o risco de contaminação, especialmente em ambientes com crianças. Além disso, a durabilidade do produto reduz custos a longo prazo, enquanto a facilidade de uso garante que qualquer pessoa possa operar o termômetro sem dificuldades. Por fim, sua portabilidade torna-o um aliado indispensável em viagens e situações cotidianas.
Para utilizar o Apex Temp-Quik Forehead Strip Thermometer, siga as etapas abaixo:
- Limpe a testa para remover qualquer sujeira ou suor, garantindo uma medição precisa.
- Retire a tira do termômetro da embalagem com cuidado.
- Coloque a tira na testa, pressionando levemente para assegurar um bom contato.
- Aguarde 15 segundos para obter a leitura da temperatura.
- Anote a temperatura ou registre-a conforme necessário para acompanhamento.
- Limpe a tira com um pano macio e seco antes de guardar, preservando sua funcionalidade.
Tabitha Grace –
If you’re making kits for grab-n-go, more than a keep-in-place type medical kit, then this is a good way to go. Forehead thermometers are the lightest ones you can carry, and so thin, they don’t take up any noticeable space in the kit. As a result, I find you have no excuse for going into the field without one.
Temp Quik has been around for quite a while, and they make a reliable item. It may be hard to read in direct sun, but you will want to try to get your patient out of direct sun, if you think there’s a reason to check their temp in the first place (to include creating a hasty out of some sticks and your heat sheet, if you have no natural cover). I’m glad I was able to find them, again, as there are some other brands out there that are much harder to read (smaller temp band markings, and less severe color changes). Don’t expect a forehead thermometer to replace a hard thermometer of the glass (mercury or alcohol) type or the digital (probe) type. But, again, for a field med kit, this is a must.
One note- as with ANY forehead thermometer, these do require two people to use, because if you wanted to use it on yourself, by the time you got it off your own head, and turned it around to read it, you’ve lost a good reading just in that time. It’s very sensitive.
Susan Hammerschmidt –
These little gems are super to tuck into a wallet or cosmetic bag. As another reviewer pointed out, they’re intended to be put on another person. If you use on yourself, then you need to look into a mirror to get the reading. Great for travel and for and emergency kit.
Tabitha Grace –
I didnt know about this forehead thermometer until I met my husband 11 years ago. His grandmother only used this whenever anyone in their family was not feeling well. My husband’s mother also swore by it. She would let me borrow hers whenever my kids were sick. I searched the internet for the longest time trying to find the exact one she had, which is this EXACT one. We had digital ones however there was always a stinking issue with it reading correctly or the batteries. Anyway, I’ve FINALLY found it and I am tempted to buy another one for backup. This is the only thermometer that has never failed me. It ALWAYS gives me a correct reading. And best part is no batteries needed. This is definitely a must-have especially for parents! *Oh, and remember to read the instructions before giving up on this thermometer. There is a certain way to read the temp / colors.*
HappySpoiledWife –
My mother used one just like this when I was little, I tended to spike scary high fevers in my sleep so this was perfect. When I saw this I knew I had to have it, and brand and it looks the same, although the old one came in a snap close plastic shell so it never escaped from it’s packaging. It works relatively quick, is easy to read (keep the packaging for color meaning) and easy to use. My only complaint is that it is much more narrow than the one that my mother used so it makes it sightly now clumsy to use, but still easy. I compared to others we have and it is spot on accurate. I love it, recommend it and will be buying one for the first aide kit and one as a back up
Pat Rowe –
A picture can be worth a thousand words. And it can be used to deceive a thousand fools.
This product is tiny. In the picture, it looks like it might be 5-6″ long, since the small print would be almost unreadable at a smaller size. But there’s no pictures included of actual USE of the product – in fact it’s about half that size, and a lot easier to lose in a medicine cabinet or camping first-aid bag.
Yes, those were my intended uses when I ordered them, and just last week, I finally needed to use one for the first time. My son came down with a fever (we could tell by the good old wrist-on-the-forehead) and – of course – we wanted to know just how severe it really was. Opened up the package, held the strip to my son’s forehead and got an alarming reading of 103!
Having been through the rigors of ear-type thermometers and digital thermometers, I knew there were sometimes issues with accuracy. So off went my wife on a late-night run to the drugstore to get a REAL thermometer.
Lo and behold, it was only 102. Still pretty high, so we watched it closely and did a few things to bring it down. But a full degree higher would have been close to a mad-dash-to-an-ER scenario. Accuracy counts. And for medical matters, it counts a lot.
Sure, it’s practically indestructible, it’s small and reads quickly. But it also sends your spouse out in the middle of the night because it reads so far off.
I’ll leave this one in the camping kit, just to give a general idea of temperature in an emergency. Back to the tried and true glass thermometer!
Goldfinch –
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Great little thermometer! It is small making it useful even for baby foreheads. Still very useable and (to me) readable for adult foreheads. Be sure to read the directions! I feel like some reviewers did not do that. See my video for how it’s used. When used *according to the directions * which were on the paper in which the strip was enclosed, it works great. It’s accurate. Your temp will show either green (true reading according to the scale), tan (subtract a degree) or blue (add a degree). So if the thermometer changes color on 100 degrees, if it’s green the temp is 100. If it’s tan it’s 99. If it’s blue it’s 101. It reads true while it’s on the forehead so if you are taking your own temp look in a mirror. For a kid just put it on the forehead and read. This is a must have if you have kids and want a quick temp and it’s great for adults too.
Quality Reviews –
I already have one of these I didn’t realize it was the same one. So I did not need to open the box. I notated that on my return reason and they are not letting me return it so I’ll have to call Amazon customer service. I opted for one that is solar charge because I need these for emergency packs. Not a fan of not being able to return some thing especially if it’s not been opened or used.
As for the one that I have purchased previously from a store, it’s OK it’s not as good as the ones from the 80s but if you need something it would work if you don’t have batteries and the other ones or something like that. So unless you can get the solar powered Then I would say go with this one for an emergency pack.