O termômetro de testa infravermelho sem contato Berrcom JXB-178 é um produto 3 em 1 que se destaca pela sua versatilidade e praticidade, sendo ideal para medir a temperatura de bebês, crianças e adultos. Com tecnologia avançada, ele realiza medições rápidas e precisas, sem a necessidade de contato físico, o que é especialmente benéfico para os pequenos, que podem se sentir desconfortáveis com termômetros tradicionais. A tela LCD retroiluminada permite uma leitura fácil, mesmo em ambientes com pouca luz, e o dispositivo conta com uma função de memória que armazena as últimas 32 medições, facilitando o acompanhamento da saúde da família.
O termômetro Berrcom JXB-178 também possui um alarme de febre que indica a temperatura corporal através de um sistema de cores: verde para temperatura normal, laranja para leve febre e vermelho para febre alta, acompanhado de um alerta sonoro. Essa funcionalidade é crucial para que os pais possam agir rapidamente em caso de febre. Além disso, o termômetro é capaz de medir não apenas a temperatura corporal, mas também a temperatura do leite, dos alimentos e do ambiente, tornando-o um aliado indispensável no dia a dia.
Com um design que prioriza a segurança e a higiene, o termômetro evita o contato direto com o corpo, garantindo uma medição mais segura para toda a família. Para utilizá-lo, basta posicioná-lo a uma distância de 3 a 5 cm da testa e pressionar o botão de medição, obtendo a leitura em apenas um segundo. O desligamento automático após 30 segundos de inatividade ajuda a economizar energia, tornando o dispositivo ainda mais prático.
1. Medição versátil: Permite medir a temperatura corporal, do leite, dos alimentos e do ambiente.
2. Alarme de febre: Identificação rápida de alterações na temperatura corporal, garantindo uma resposta imediata.
3. Tecnologia avançada: Medições precisas e confiáveis em apenas um segundo, facilitando o uso em crianças e adultos.
4. Memória e desligamento automático: Acompanhamento das últimas 32 medições e economia de energia com desligamento automático.
5. Seguro e higiênico: Design sem contato que evita a transmissão de germes, tornando-o ideal para uso familiar.
Para utilizar o termômetro Berrcom JXB-178, posicione o dispositivo a uma distância de 3 a 5 cm da testa da pessoa a ser medida. Pressione o botão de medição e aguarde um segundo para que a leitura da temperatura seja exibida na tela. É importante garantir que a superfície do termômetro esteja limpa antes e depois de cada uso para assegurar a precisão das medições. Lembre-se de que este termômetro é uma ferramenta auxiliar e não substitui a consulta médica.
Dave N –
The instructions that came in the box did not include steps to calibrate the device.
I figured out how to setup and calibrate the device which I’ll summarize below.
Overall the thermometer is both accurate and produced consistent Body temperature readings by scanning 3-5cm from the forehead.
I tested consistency by scanning my temperature 10 times over an hour and yielded the same temperature each time.
Model No.: JXB-178
Open the box indoors.
Do not touch the infrared reader which is the barrel of the scanner.
Read the instructions to familiarize yourself with the buttons.
Install 2 AA batteries at the base of the handle with one oriented + and the other – according to the signs on the inside of the lid.
Pull the trigger to turn on the thermometer.
Let the thermometer stand out of the box for 15 minutes so that the device temperature reaches equilibrium with the ambient room temperature.
After 15 minutes, pull the trigger to turn on the device.
Select Body mode by pressing the MODE button.
Press and hold the MODE button for 2 seconds. You should hear 1 beep and see a flashing F-1.
Press the MODE button to toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit units.
Press the MEM button to select the high temperature alarm threshold. You should hear 1 beep and see a flashing F-2 on the display.
Press the MEM button again to select the temperature offset. You should see a flashing F-4 and then the current offset will be displayed.
Press and hold the MODE button to change the temperature offset until you reach your desired offset. The offset will run through a range of values from -5.0 to +5.0 by 0.1 increments. I set mine to 1.4.
Press MEM to save.
Hold the scanner 3-5cm away from your forehead.
Pull the trigger once to turn it on.
Pull the trigger again to scan your temperature.
Use it on someone at rest who you know is healthy with a normal body temperature as a reference of 98.6 F.
Recalibrate by adjusting the offset until the reading is 98.6 F.
Rose –
Works great
Chandra Shekhar Pandey –
Loved that there was no assembly and it’s so easy to use. Great quality for the affordable price
Dave N –
I have 2 kids and they generally get fever due to weather. I had to purchase different themometers since they die out after 6 months. I even purchased one from Costco but it was not good. Finally i purchase this one during covid, its been 3 years and it works great. Easy to use and comfortable for kids. You just press and it gives right temperature immediately. We are using this for us too 🙂
Runner –
This works great. No issues. Very easy to use.
Aimsie –
I have had this thermometer for just under 2 years. We don’t get sick that often so don’t use it a lot. However, when you need a thermometer, you need it to work at that time, not later when you can get more batteries or after you fiddle with it a lot.
I can’t speak to the accuracy, as who really knows if a thermometer is accurate or not if we aren’t scientists in a lab?
But it’s very easy to use and I’ve liked it a lot. Over the past 4 months I’ve had two issues with it. First, I got a lot battery indicator so changed them. I didn’t use the battery tester that time so can’t draw conclusions. However, recently I could not turn on the device so took out the batteries. Cleaned them off, inserted, removed, repeated and finally could get it to work. Then the next time it again gave the low battery indication. REmoved them and tested the batteries. They were like new on the tester! Put them back in and again can’t turn the device on.
It’s just not reliable to turn on or not. But when it works, I’m satisfied with it.
As with any thermometer, you should use it when you are healthy and figure out your baseline temperature. This will be different on each individual thermometer so it’s important to know your baseline on each. Only knowing that can you determine when you are running a low fever. Note that not everyone (or actually very few people) are 98.6 degrees when healthy.
☽ ❦Sunny❧ ☾ –
Seems like it works right. Temperature may be 1 degree or so off but I usually do multiple readings to get close to the correct one. It’s cool you can do room temperature as well and surface. Easy to use.
Michael Goddard Jr. –
Bought during covid. not always right.
Michelle –
We ordered it for ease of use and this fits the bill. Appears to be accurate, it was reasonably priced, and again, very easy to use.
Rockabetty –
It sure beats a mouth thermometer! Was to use and I found it accurate and only takes seconds. I love it!