O Termômetro de Banho Flutuante Dreambaby Crocodilo é a solução ideal para pais que buscam segurança e diversão durante o banho de seus pequenos. Com um design encantador em forma de crocodilo, este termômetro não apenas monitora a temperatura da água, mas também transforma o momento do banho em uma experiência lúdica. Ele exibe a temperatura em Fahrenheit, permitindo que os pais tenham uma leitura clara e precisa. A flutuabilidade do termômetro garante que ele permaneça à superfície da água, facilitando a visualização e o monitoramento constante.
Achive the Ideal Temperature: O Dreambaby Room & Bath Thermometer é um versátil termômetro de banho para bebês projetado para garantir a máxima segurança. Esse termômetro flutuante não apenas adiciona um toque divertido à banheira, mas também é uma medida confiável de segurança para monitorar a temperatura da água.
Seguro, Rápido e Preciso: Combinando fofura com durabilidade, nosso termômetro não é apenas o brinquedo favorito do seu filho, mas também seu companheiro confiável. Testado de acordo com o padrão EN71 e livre de BPA, ele fornece leituras precisas de temperatura digital que são atualizadas a cada 10 segundos.
Indicador de Cores para Segurança: Este termômetro de água para bebês vai além das leituras precisas de temperatura. Submerso na água, ele exibe um indicador vermelho para água quente e um indicador verde para água fria. Isso ajuda a garantir uma experiência de banho mais segura. Alterne entre Celsius e Fahrenheit para maior conveniência.
Monitor de Temperatura para o Quarto do Bebê: A versatilidade é fundamental; use o Termômetro Dreambaby tanto na banheira quanto no quarto do seu bebê. Com leituras consistentes de temperatura, ele ajuda a ajustar o termostato para um ambiente confortável. Mantenha o quarto do seu bebê na temperatura ideal sem esforço.
Pronto para Uso com Baterias Incluídas: Nosso Termômetro de Quarto e Banho vem com baterias incluídas, permitindo que você o use imediatamente. Possui desligamento automático de 30 minutos para preservação da bateria.
- Segurança garantida para o banho do seu bebê, evitando queimaduras e desconforto.
- Leituras precisas e atualizadas a cada 10 segundos, proporcionando confiança aos pais.
- Indicador de cores para água quente e fria, facilitando a identificação da temperatura ideal.
- Uso versátil no banho e no quarto do bebê, adaptando-se às necessidades do dia a dia.
- Pronto para uso com baterias incluídas, eliminando a necessidade de preparativos adicionais.
Courtney Black –
Stopped working after few uses
John –
Quick reading. Automatic when it hits water. Easy indicator.
Sydnee Meyer –
Love the quality and ability of this cute animal water thermometer. We have two, one in each bathroom. The seal reads quicker than this alligator but the temperature reads on the screen and a light flashed to help notify if the water is too hot or too cold. There are also a ton of cute animals to choose from.
Rachael Westphal –
Before buying this little guy I had gotten one of those rubber ducks that says if it’s hot or not. Well they really don’t work that great and you can’t tell how much “too hot” the water is with them. I burned my little brother’s foot as a kid trying to give him a bath so I’ve always worried about doing it to my little one as a result.
This little guy will tell you and you can see it without having to flip it over like the ducks, as well as having a light to let you know. Plus you can turn it on in the room ahead of time to know if the room is too cold to do the bath in or not.
Probably my favorite baby purchase for bath time.
Miu miu –
A nuestra hija le encanta. Cumple su función y estéticamente es muy chulo. Juega con él y además lo usa a veces de mordedor.
We bought this one after I misplaced the turtle one we had got at my baby shower with my first and It was a great choice! There is the option of having the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius, and it displays the temperature as soon as you put it in the water. It also alerts you if the water is too hot or too cold and gives you a green light when it’s perfect.
It’s made of BPA materials and the battery seems to last for a LONG time (well over a year for us and we used it every day). I would also recommend using one of these when pregnant. For a long time I thought my baths were the right temperature but I was mistaken, they were 10 degrees F over the recommended limit!
My daughters loved playing with this in the bath too.
KatyH –
This thermometer works as intended, and provides peace of mind for me as a new mother. I can feel confident that my baby’s bath water is a safe and comfortable temperature.
I did see other reviews that some units are top heavy and don’t stay upright in the water, but that’s not the case with the alligator. Works great!
Phillip Sutton –
This thermometer is very cute looking, and easy to use.
My overall 5 star rating is because it is really very cute, it appears to be well made, it does its job, and its very easy to use. Simple button push to change between F and C, and another button to turn it on (or it turns on automatically when in water), and you can even change what the high temp alarm is ( between 99-100 ºF).
This is the first time I’ve done a review where Amazon asked me to rate additional factors, like “how fun is this toy?” I put 5 stars because while it’s not a toy, its definitely fun. As for educational value… well these ratings don’t suit the item.
Despite the other ratings, the product is great. I think it’s an easy 5 stars.
8/14/13 ** EDIT **
I still feel like this is a great product, and I would still rate it 5 stars.
1) I have also been using this to check air temperature, and it seems to measure VERY closely (occasionally one degree different) to a much more expensive room thermometer that I used to check this against. I don’t have anything else to check water temperature, so I can’t verify this, but I can’t imagine it would be different.
2) I have found one item worth mentioning: you should try to avoid submerging this thermometer completely in water. While I didn’t do it on purpose, I regularly let it float under the stream of water filling the tub which pushes it underwater. The thermometer part in the center is actually just a press-fit into the plastic alligator/crocodile part on the outside. In the inside of the alligator part is a small hole, which will let water in if submerged (I imagine the water pressure becomes high enough to break the press-fit seal between the thermometer and the alligator). It’s not a huge deal, but it is hard to get the water out (and doesn’t really evaporate out well, being such a small hole), and it will cause the thermometer to float unevenly due to the water that’s inside of it. I believe that just floating on the top of the water, it would never get any in there.
I think if you’re pro-active, a dab of 100% silicone would prevent this from ever being a problem (100% silicone should be baby safe once it’s dried).
Amazon Kunde –
Es funktioniert super und es ist sehr niedlich
Amazon Customer –
A very cute and useful item