Braun Termômetro de Testa Sem Contato – Resultados Rápidos, Confiáveis e Precisos
Este termômetro de testa sem contato da Braun permite que você faça leituras clinicamente precisas e confiáveis a uma distância de 2 polegadas, sem acordar uma criança dormindo. Ele também pode ser usado como um termômetro de testa tradicional.
É simples de usar este termômetro sem toque. O sistema de posicionamento na tela confirma a distância adequada e a luz de orientação direciona para uma mira precisa. A tela com código de cores brilhará em verde, amarelo ou vermelho para apresentar a leitura da temperatura.
Quando se trata de verificar a febre em casa, você deseja usar um termômetro confiável e preciso. Os termômetros Braun são os mais recomendados pelos pediatras.*
A orientação de temperatura com código de cores ajuda a obter leituras de relance e a entendê-las facilmente. Uma tela verde sugere uma temperatura normal, amarelo indica uma temperatura elevada e uma tela vermelha indica uma temperatura alta.
A Braun é uma marca em que você pode confiar. Os termômetros Braun são os mais recomendados pelos pediatras.* A saúde da sua família é de extrema importância, e nós fabricamos termômetros sem contato e termômetros digitais nos quais você pode confiar.
A tecnologia patenteada captura o dobro do calor corporal para garantir resultados precisos. O sistema de posicionamento reduz erros do usuário. A luz LED suave e os indicadores na tela garantem resultados precisos. A tela grande e fácil de ler facilita a visualização. A orientação de febre com código de cores permite acompanhar a progressão da febre.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Leituras precisas e confiáveis a uma distância de 2 polegadas
- Fácil de usar, com sistema de posicionamento e luz de orientação
- Termômetros mais recomendados pelos pediatras*
- Orientação de temperatura com código de cores para facilitar a compreensão
- Marca confiável e de qualidade
Para usar o termômetro Braun de testa sem contato, siga estas etapas:
- Remova a tampa protetora.
- Posicione o termômetro a uma distância de 2 polegadas da testa.
- Pressione o botão de medição e mantenha-o pressionado.
- Mova o termômetro lentamente em direção à testa até ouvir um bipe.
- Leia a temperatura na tela com código de cores.
- Limpe o termômetro com um pano macio e seco antes de guardar.
David R. –
Doesn’t give accurate temperature compared to a mouth reading. Off by about a degree or more
Keith & Myia –
I’ve purchased other devices out of need while being away from home – the digital captures from a couple other brands are just not great at all. I’ve had this for over 5 years, it still works, it’s an accurate read and super reliable. I’ve only used in my daycare, with my children (even now as adults), and for myself. The temp will be about .5 degrees off because it’s a forehead read, but that’s normal. You just have to keep that in mind when reading the temp. Great product, great price, last a long time so you get your monies worth, and always great to have around.
Henry Lee –
This is an excellent improvement from the Exergen, which I had for a long time before the Exergen lost its calibration somehow and started giving readings about 2 degrees lower than actual. The Exergen requires a swipe across the forehead. This one requires a single point of about 1 or 2 seconds between your eyebrows — no swiping. The no-touch option is also a great feature, but honestly I haven’t had the need to use it. It’s so quick and gentle that my 4 month old barely notices it. And my 3 year old toddler thinks it’s “fun” and likes the beep and likes to read the result. The only thing I discovered was I think the thermometer’s calibration is significantly dependent on ambient temperature. One time I left it in my pocket and held it there with my warm hands for about 20 minutes before I started using it. The readings were low by about 2 degrees (it said I was 96 degrees). I then let the thermometer cool down to room temperature and the readings seemed accurate again. It’s unclear to me what would happen if I left the thermometer in a cold area (like garage or car overnight) and tried to use it again. It’d be nice if someone made a thermometer with manual calibration adjustments.
M. Quinn –
Great Little product. Purchased for School Welfare Office. It works a treat. No need to interfere with anyone’s ears or to have stick on thermometers that fall off. It’s as accurate as you can get. We love it!
Michael Davidson –
Don’t waste your time with the identical cheapy ones. They are not accurate and don’t work. This one works. Worth the extra 20 bucks
Carrie H. –
I am a nurse of 42 years. Bought this to use in the field working home health. I loved it so much I bought a second one to use for my family at home. It’s highly accurate and batteries last a long time. The thermometer is extremely durable. Nurses pick! 🩺🩺🩻⚕️💊🚑😷
mivon –
Brilliant. Easy to use, accurate and no need to upset a child by placing something in their ear. Would recommend.
Austin –
Our last version of this thermometer lasted about a decade. It still works but seems to be intermittent. We went ahead and ordered a replacement. Hoping for another decade with a new one!
Patricia A. Hayes –
This is the greatest thermometer. So easy to use. Accurate. Just takes seconds.
d54 –
Before we get to the the Influenster nonsense, please note that, per Amazon, it’s sold through Health and Beauty Aids and you will not be able to return this when it doesn’t work.
And it won’t work. Trust me. It’s a great concept, and every loving parent dreams of the idea of sneaking in quietly to check on that sick child without disturbing him. But keep dreaming. Go buy a neat Lego set for your kid when he gets better instead of wasting your $50 on this, or just get the similarly priced Braun Thermoscan Ear Thermometer that actually tells you the kid’s temperature.
Read the one star reviews from people who actually bought it to use vs. the influencers who got it as a free toy to pack a product’s review section with OMIGOD BEST THING EVER five star reviews.
I paid to overnight it because my child was just coming down with a fever and he’s at that in-between stage where the rectal is no longer really an option but under-tongue ones aren’t, either. This one had 200+ positive reviews, and most of those were five star reviews, and it looked like the answers to our “which one comes next?” question.
We tried it. And tried it. And tried it. It registered an accurate temperature only one single time in four to five dozen attempts.
It was consistently 2-2.5 low on the feverish child, and 1-1.5 low on healthy adults. There’s a big difference between 100.5 and 102.5 in a toddler, so we went back to the reliable method. When his fever was gone we tried at least twenty more times because we *really* wanted this thermometer to work. 1-1.5 low on the now-healthy child, same as adults. I could see where this could be possibly used as an indicator after establishing a trend of how inaccurate it is and by how much, but the palm of your hand works just as well and is $50 cheaper.
I’m a tech guy and computer geek since the days of 2400 baud modems, and I restore motorcycles as a hobby. I I know how to use tools and electronics, and how to figure out how best to use those tools and electronics. The one star reviews are not from operator error. This is junk. Avoid.
Influenster- You should be ashamed for allowing these reviews to remain, Amazon.
It’s right there in the name. Influence. Someone just got a fairly expensive and neat toy that they didn’t need for free, and it looks pretty awesome and is a great idea. Now all they have to do to keep getting awesome looking and fairly expensive neat toys that they don’t need for free is write a review about the fairly expensive neat toy that they didn’t need and they just got for free that looks pretty awesome.
Buyer beware.