Descrição do Produto: Telomere Pro, 30 Cápsulas
Telomere Pro é um suplemento inovador projetado para apoiar a saúde celular, a produção de energia e o envelhecimento saudável. Com uma fórmula exclusiva que ativa a enzima Telomerase, Telomere Pro promove a rejuvenescimento celular, essencial para manter a vitalidade e a longevidade. A Telomerase é uma enzima naturalmente presente no organismo que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção dos telômeros, estruturas que protegem as extremidades dos cromossomos e que, com o tempo, tendem a encurtar, contribuindo para o envelhecimento celular.
Este suplemento é enriquecido com uma mistura de ingredientes botânicos cuidadosamente selecionados, como a raiz de astrágalo, extrato de semente de brócolis, extrato de rhodiola e vitamina D3. Cada um desses componentes foi escolhido por suas propriedades benéficas que influenciam positivamente a atividade da Telomerase, promovendo assim a saúde celular e o bem-estar geral. A combinação desses ingredientes não só ajuda a combater os efeitos do envelhecimento, mas também melhora a produção de energia, permitindo que você se sinta mais ativo e revitalizado ao longo do dia.
A Enzyme Science, responsável pela formulação do Telomere Pro, é dedicada à qualidade e à eficácia, oferecendo soluções excepcionais para a saúde digestiva e bem-estar. Com uma abordagem focada em misturas únicas de enzimas, a marca garante que cada cápsula de Telomere Pro seja uma contribuição valiosa para a sua saúde.
– Envelhecimento Saudável: Promove a rejuvenescimento celular e ajuda a manter a vitalidade ao longo dos anos.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a produção de energia, proporcionando mais disposição para as atividades diárias.
– Suporte à Saúde Celular: Contribui para a proteção dos telômeros, essenciais para a integridade celular.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com botânicos que favorecem a atividade da Telomerase, garantindo uma abordagem natural para a saúde.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido por uma marca reconhecida pela excelência em soluções de saúde e bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Telomere Pro diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias significativas na saúde celular e no bem-estar geral. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Wesley –
This supplement has good ingredients, just: astragalus, broccoli seed extract, and rhodiola. Unfortunately, it 1) Uses a proprietary blend, so you have no idea how much of each ingredient you are actually getting – and 2) Uses whole astragalus, not an extract, so it’s basically a filler ingredient and not strong enough to offer the health benefits of astragalus.
So basically the only functional ingredient in this supplement is the broccoli seed extract and rhodiola. And even then you don’t know how much of the extracts you are getting, or what the rhodiola is standardized to. So I don’t have a lot of confidence in regards to this supplement stimulating telomerase to a significant degree. You would be better off buying an astragalus supplement standardized to astragaloside IV, which is pretty much the gold standard for inducing telomerase. Then you could stack that with a rhodiola extract, standardized to 3% rosavins. That would make a much better product than this, and one that is actually strong enough to potentially confer some health benefits.
The ingredients of this supplement and the basic formulation are great – but by using a proprietary blend and not using standardized extracts – you don’t know what you are actually taking or how strong the extracts even are. Using whole astragalus root powder (not extract) just isn’t a smart choice, and it isn’t strong enough to offer any health benefits. You need a high quality astragalus extract.
K. Reed –
This is the kind of supplement that you wouldn’t know the results going in. I’m hoping for the best!
Amazon Customer –
So, first you have to wonder: What is a telomere? I found this definition. A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome. Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from becoming frayed or tangled. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become slightly shorter. Eventually, they become so short that the cell can no longer divide successfully, and the cell dies.
Some ways to maintain healthy telomeres include:
Maintaining a healthy weight with healthy eating.
Exercise regularly.
Quit smoking.
Get enough sleep.
Reduce or manage stress.
Eat a telomere-protective diet full of foods high in vitamin C, polyphenols, and anthocyanins.
If you don’t take good care of yourself your telomeres could shorten quicker leading to senescence, apoptosis, or oncogenic transformation of somatic cells, affecting the health and lifespan of an individual. Shorter telomeres have been associated with increased incidence of diseases and poor survival.
In researching the ingredients in this product I found the following information.
SGS Brocolli Seed Extract
SGSâ„¢ broccoli seed extract is obtained using a patented process to extract glucoraphanin (also known as sulforaphane glucosinolate or “sgsâ€) from its most concentrated cruciferous source—broccoli seeds. Glucoraphanin is enzymatically converted to the extensively researched isothiocyanate known as sulforaphane (SFN).
The benefits include detoxification and is good for the liver.
Astragalus is a large genus of over 3,000 species of herbs and small shrubs, belonging to the legume family Fabaceae and the subfamily Faboideae. It is the largest genus of plants in terms of described species. The genus is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
It contains antioxidants, which protect cells against damage. Astragalus is used to protect and support the immune system, preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, lowering blood pressure, treating diabetes, and protecting the liver. Astragalus has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Rhodiola Extract
Rhodiola is promoted to increase energy, stamina, strength, and mental capacity, improve athletic performance, resist the effects of stress, and help manage depression, anxiety, and other symptoms.
How would you know if, after using this product for some extended period of time, it is actually helping? Well, you could pay a laboratory to measure your telomeres before you start using it and then after. Also, I wonder how long you would have to regularly use it to see any notable difference. I couldn’t find the answer to that important question.
In summary, this formulation has ingredients that have been shown to benefit health and, in doing so, should theoretically slow down the shortening of your telomeres.
Don’t Panic –
This product claims to reduce aging through telomere growth. It does not reference any literature to support that claim. If it does so, it would be through the induction of NRF-2 via sulfourophane, which is the metabolite of glucoraphonin in the broccoli seed extract (assuming it also includes the myrosinase enzyme required for that conversion). I am not aware that telomere lengthening is a benefit of NRF2 induction, but it may be. I haven’t seen that literature. That being said, increased glutathione production and NRF2 activation is generally considered to be a good thing and there is quite good evidence on several other beneficial health outcomes in that regard. In addition to the broccoli seed the other ingredients (rhodiola, astragalus) do not have sufficient evidence for me to make any recommendations for their use. There is a negligible amount of Vitamin D in this product as well – not sure why.
Why I would possibly avoid this product:
– no independent third party testing
– high price
– proprietary blend
If you buy this product, the reason would be for the broccoli seed extract. This ingredient is not specified with a specific amount, and is buried in their proprietary blend, so for the one thing you actually want, they dont tell you how much there is. This is ALWAYS a bad thing. There may be 1mg (or 0 mg – without independent testing you just do not know). For that uncertainty you pay an astonishingly high price. For these reasons, I would unequivocally steer clear of this product. Giving it 2 stars because if it does actually contain any broccoli seed extract, that it likely a good thing to supplement.
Finally, you can get a reliable dose of sulfouraphane from eating broccoli sprouts, AND you can increase your telomere length through meditation which is well proven and free.