Descrição do Produto: Tapete de Aterramento Hooga para Sono, Energia, Alívio da Dor, Inflamação, Equilíbrio e Bem-Estar
O Tapete de Aterramento Hooga é uma inovação que conecta seu corpo à energia natural da Terra, proporcionando uma experiência única de bem-estar e equilíbrio. Este tapete é projetado para neutralizar radicais livres prejudiciais, promovendo uma série de benefícios à saúde. Enquanto ficar descalço ao ar livre é uma forma de aterramento, o nosso tapete permite que você se conecte à Terra através de uma tomada elétrica aterrada, utilizando o sistema de fiação da sua casa. Quando você usa o tapete, a leve carga negativa da Terra flui pela tomada até a superfície condutiva do tapete, oferecendo potenciais benefícios como sono melhorado, alívio da dor e um aumento geral no bem-estar.
Os benefícios do aterramento são amplos e variados. O uso regular do Tapete de Aterramento Hooga pode resultar em sono mais profundo, alívio de dores, redução do estresse e aumento da energia. Ao começar a usar o tapete, é normal não sentir nada ou experimentar uma leve sensação de formigamento, ambas as reações são normais. O aterramento atua de forma sutil ao longo do tempo, assim como ficar descalço na grama, na areia ou em um corpo d’água. A paciência e o uso consistente podem levar a benefícios duradouros.
A configuração do Tapete de Aterramento Hooga é simples e rápida. Basta desenrolar o tapete, conectar o cabo de aterramento em um dos cantos e plugá-lo em uma tomada aterrada. Isso permite que a energia da Terra flua pelo cabo até a superfície condutiva do tapete, possibilitando que você experimente os benefícios do aterramento em ambientes internos. É importante ressaltar que o tapete não utiliza eletricidade; ele está ou não aterrada.
Você pode usar o Tapete de Aterramento Hooga sob sua mesa para descansar os pés, como um tapete de trabalho ou até mesmo enquanto relaxa no sofá. Seja em casa ou no escritório, você pode permanecer conectado à energia da Terra, ideal para o inverno ou qualquer momento em que estiver dentro de casa. Recomendamos pelo menos 30 minutos de aterramento diariamente, sem limite máximo.
Para testar a eficácia do tapete, assista ao nosso vídeo instrucional na barra lateral do produto, onde mostramos como verificar a condutividade e a voltagem do corpo. Esses testes demonstram a eficácia do tapete em aterrar o corpo. Também incluímos um manual, instruções de teste e um código QR na embalagem do seu tapete. Se você estiver testando com um multímetro, certifique-se de que ele suporte resistência de segurança de até 100.000 Ohms. Nossos cabos são projetados com uma resistência interna de 91.000 Ohms para sua segurança.
O Tapete de Aterramento Hooga é um presente ideal para amigos, familiares ou entes queridos que buscam relaxamento e um sono melhor. É perfeito para ocasiões especiais como aniversários, feriados ou como um gesto atencioso para alguém que está se recuperando de estresse ou lesão. Este presente único de bem-estar promove a saúde geral ao conectar o corpo à energia natural da Terra, apoiando a saúde e o equilíbrio a longo prazo.
– Melhora a qualidade do sono, proporcionando noites mais tranquilas.
– Alívio da dor, especialmente em condições crônicas.
– Redução do estresse e da ansiedade, promovendo um estado mental mais calmo.
– Aumento da energia e vitalidade, ajudando na produtividade diária.
– Conexão com a energia natural da Terra, promovendo um equilíbrio físico e emocional.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Tapete de Aterramento Hooga, recomenda-se utilizá-lo em um ambiente tranquilo e confortável. Desenrole o tapete em sua área de trabalho ou na sala de estar. Conecte o cabo de aterramento em uma tomada aterrada e posicione seus pés descalços sobre a superfície condutiva do tapete. Para melhores resultados, mantenha-se em contato com o tapete por pelo menos 30 minutos diariamente. Você pode usar o tapete enquanto trabalha, lê ou relaxa, garantindo que sua conexão com a energia da Terra seja contínua e eficaz.
R –
Yes, like many reviews have mentioned this did arrive with a terrible rubbery smell that requires a very long time to off-gas the odor or it can easily stink up a whole room. That aside, I could instantly tell that this was working. It might sound surprising or too good to be true, but you can “try this out” for yourself by standing barefoot in the grass outside and see how you feel (weather permitting). I can definitely feel when this is plugged into the ground with a bit of a tingling sensation, and the benefits are real. You might be surprised at the relief you can feel by grounding.
It’s unfortunate that there are so many products like these that are delivered with a significant off-gassing odor that you probably don’t want to be breathing. I would pay more for a product that didn’t have that problem. But aside from that, speaking for myself, grounding absolutely works.
PonyGirl –
So I ordered this because I recently had surgery and I’m trying everything to help myself recover. When I first started using this I absolutely felt a tingling in my legs and up into my abdomen ( I had abdominal surgery) it was not at all uncomfortable just interesting. I have it on the couch and my bare lower legs and bare feet are on it. I definitely am sleeping better. But interestingly my little Pom who usually sleeps just over my shoulder on my pillow when I’m on the couch has taken up residence on the mat she is definitely feeling a benefit from it which makes me happy because she’s 13. I was having back pain and I’m not sure it it’s the mat or not but it’s better too. Definitely worth trying!
Amy Lane –
So simple and works so well. Less aches and pains, sleep better and happier overall. This is perfect when I am not outside and barefoot. Well worth the money.
LadyWriter –
Excellent quality grounding mat, easy to use.
I purchased a tester to check it was fully working and all good!
Not used it enough yet to comment on effectiveness of grounding but may itself is great !
Working A Puzzle –
How do you know it’s doing anything? Listen, I’ll update if I see anything, but though they say it’s normal not to feel anything, that leaves any benefits in the air. One thing I take exception to and will leave stars off for. They say: Complete User Manual & Set-Up Guide: Comes with a detailed user manual, set-up instructions, and troubleshooting guide. It’s normal not to feel immediate sensations when using the grounding mat, as it works just like standing barefoot on the earth.
This is not true. There is a page about grounding, another about all the testing you can do to see if it’s working. Seriously, do YOU keep an outlet tester on hand? I know my outlet is working if things turn on when plugged in. There was another page showing an outlet, but it was not detailed. Detailed would tell me that this is not a normal plug and it’s safe to just plug that one prong in. Detailed would tell me if it has to be an outlet on the wall or a power bar.
UPDATE: I’m keeping the above so you can see how I felt. I still wish it had a buzz or something, but, it DOES work. I’ve had two of the best sleeps ever this weekend which saw us fall back an hour and that usually puts me off my sleep. My left leg is always the worst, but today, I can feel loose skin AND my ankle is not swollen and sore as it is most of the time. Best of all, my pain in my legs and my knees was always at about an 8, but is now down to … maybe a 3?
It works. It really works.
sharon bowen –
Kein Strom-Anschluss für Deutschland erklärt bzw. beiliegend, deshalb ist auch keine abschließende Bewertung möglich. So kann man das Produkt auf jeden Fall nicht verwenden.
Nadia Lingier –
Worked only 1 day
Rmelt –
Ok so while some products on this site may not work as intended this mat does. i also bought the earthing rod to use wit the mat.
I put this at the foot of my bed, above the sheet so my mid calfs/ankles and feet rest on it skin to mat.
I connected the mat to the grounding wire, stuck the rod in the socket and ran the wire outside my bedroom window and stuck it deep into the ground.
First night i had weird dreams, typically i dont dream and if i do i never remember them.
2nd night and every night after no dreams, yay. just slumber, yay. i look at my fitbit every day to see if my sleep is altered and it is, i have gained about an hour of more deeper sleep every day, less waking up at night as well. (iwill point out that sleep isn’t an issue for me, it is my friend and typically strive to get enough of it.)
I noticed that when on the mat it relaxes me right out, kinda like when u drink a glass of wine, that same feeling i get, super relaxed, and less stressed.
I don’t have any major illnesses, my health is good so all i need is this size mat, don’t need anything bigger, i just sleep with it every night.
The other major thing i noticed is that it moves my lymph like no bodies business! i was actually seeing someone at my chiropractors office for homeopathic lymph treatment n accupuncture, i started that 3/4 wks before i got the mat and it was slow going, it did help so ikept going. i noticed that while at the chiro office they used a grounding mat under my feet so from that i thought i would look into getting one for myself at home. I did and by the 2nd nite the lymph was back to normal, zero lymph issues infact. Loving that part alone, that and the improved sleep.
the other thing it helped was it removed any stiffness and slight achiness, i was taking a supplement for that daily that worked but i found i don’t need to take the supplement for that any longer. so that’s cool.
One more thing, i read that some individuals can feel a lil tingling, well im one of them, so that’s pretty cool, i only feel it in my feet and lower leg area, ever so subtle, lil zaps of something or other, which i didn’t think i would feel anything, but who knew.
Unfortunately i do not get outside in this hot FL weather, i simply love the beach but am not outside that much so this helps tremedously. When i do go out though i will def remove the shoes and let the earth do it’s work.
PonyGirl –
I actually put this in my storefront after purchasing it and doing a solid week of “clinical” testing on my daughter and DIL who both suffer with anxiety and ADHD. The first day my daughter used it for an hour then slept for 9 hours straight. She used it while studying and said she was able to focus. My DIL also felt a sense of calm and relaxation. These were their own comments:
DAY 1: feet touching mat | 15 min
SETTING: sitting in chair with blanket, watching Netflix
Felt very relaxed, comfortable and centered
Felt connected to my body
I like the texture of the mat- smooth and soft
Felt like I could focus on my breathing a lot more
Up next I’ll be testing it on my nonverbal autistic 13 yo son —fingers crossed he has the same results!
Working A Puzzle –
El enchufe que estabe dentro del paquete no puedo utilisar porque no es conforme, entonces no
puedo utilisar el alfombrilla. es una pena