Tanner’s Tasty Paste – Pasta de Dente Infantil Sabor Chocolate Cha Cha
A Tanner’s Tasty Paste Cha Cha Chocolate Flavored é a solução perfeita para transformar a rotina de escovação dos pequenos em um momento divertido e saboroso. Desenvolvida pela Dr. Janelle Holden, uma mãe e dentista pediátrica, esta pasta de dente infantil foi criada com o objetivo de tornar a higiene bucal uma experiência agradável. Com um irresistível sabor de chocolate, que lembra um delicioso sorvete, as crianças vão adorar escovar os dentes, garantindo que a saúde bucal não seja apenas uma obrigação, mas uma parte divertida do dia a dia.
Além de seu sabor incrível, a Tanner’s Tasty Paste é formulada com flúor, um mineral essencial que ajuda a prevenir cáries, protegendo os dentes em desenvolvimento das crianças. A pasta é segura para os pequenos, especialmente para aqueles que podem ser sensíveis a sabores mais fortes, como menta ou canela. Com uma composição livre de açúcar, glúten, sacarina, lauril sulfato de sódio e corantes artificiais, a Tanner’s Tasty Paste é adoçada com xilitol natural, um ingrediente encontrado em frutas e vegetais, que não apenas proporciona um sabor doce, mas também contribui para a saúde dental.
A embalagem de 120g é prática e ideal para o uso diário, permitindo que os pais tenham sempre à mão uma pasta de dente que não só cuida dos dentes das crianças, mas também as incentiva a manter uma boa higiene bucal. Com a Tanner’s Tasty Paste, escovar os dentes se torna uma atividade esperada e divertida, ajudando a estabelecer hábitos saudáveis desde cedo.
– Sabor delicioso de chocolate que as crianças adoram, tornando a escovação mais atrativa.
– Segura para crianças com sensibilidade a sabores de menta, evitando desconfortos.
– Livre de açúcar, glúten, sacarina, lauril sulfato de sódio e corantes artificiais, garantindo uma fórmula mais saudável.
– Contém flúor, essencial para a prevenção de cáries e proteção dos dentes em desenvolvimento.
– Criada por uma mãe e dentista pediátrica, assegurando que o produto atenda às necessidades das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças escovem os dentes pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite. Aplique uma quantidade adequada de Tanner’s Tasty Paste na escova de dentes e escove suavemente os dentes e as gengivas em movimentos circulares por dois minutos. Após a escovação, enxágue bem a boca para remover qualquer resíduo da pasta. Este ritual diário não só ajuda a manter os dentes limpos e saudáveis, mas também promove a formação de hábitos de higiene bucal desde cedo.
LadyKay –
I never leave reviews but need to on this one. The kids freaking love this toothpaste. It smells delicious and tastes wonderful. Also I have no kids. I am the kids. I’m a grown ass woman pushing 50 using chocolate freaking toothpaste.
I hate how minty toothpaste tastes and it burns the hell out of my mouth. This doesn’t have a weird frothy thing like some other non minty toothpastes sometimes have.
If you struggle to get your kids to brush their teeth then try this. It’s ridiculously expensive but it’s a full size tube. Or if you’re just a chocoholic like me then do yourself a favor and buy this stuff. You won’t be disappointed. Like if there was an award for the most indulgent ridiculousness that you can buy, this would be it. This is the stuff of legends. Seriously, just try it. OMG it’s so good. If I would have had this as a kid I would never have had any cavities. And after you brush your teeth in the morning, your coffee or water or whatever doesn’t taste like crap. You can’t beat that. If this is ever discontinued I’ll be devastated.
Or for all you healthy people out there trying to cut calories and avoid the sweets, it’s almost as good as actually eating a gigantic Toblerone.
It’s really me –
I’m happy with it. Tastes like chocolate to me. It helps me with my sweet tooth at night. I just brush my teeth with this and it gives me the sensation of having something sweet in my mouth.
Rany W –
Tastes great and cleans teeth effectively for those of us who do not enjoy mint toothpastes.
Tube arrived sealed but without a cover. If this had been my first purchase from this brand I would have returned it. Since I trust the brand somewhat, I kept it. I am a little bit skeptical of future purchases.
Diane Peltier –
Do you or your child want to brush their teeth with brownie batter? This is for you. Horrifying to me, a delight for the senses to my 7 year old.
Jay Cue –
I’m an adult who’s sensitive to mint / spearmint toothpastes, they make the insides of my mouth hurt when I brush. I’ve been on a hunt for a non-mint toothpaste for a while and finally found this one that has flouride and also tastes good. It doesn’t hurt my mouth and I love the orange creamsicle flavor.
Tammaka –
My oldest child has autism so he’s super picky about brushing his teeth. If you know, you know. He hates most flavors of toothpaste and had been talking about trying to find one to taste like chocolate ice cream. When we saw this I knew we had to get it. Upon arrival he loves it! It leaves his teeth feeling fresh and clean. Not only that but he loves the taste!! He has been asking to brush his teeth since this came in the mail. It’s an absolute must have for any picky child!
Rebecca Wells –
Now listen, I’m not interested is brushing my teeth with chocolate milk, however my 3 yr old daughter thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world. Yes tastes exactly like chocolate milk, no weird aftertaste. It’s made brushing her teeth a more enjoyable experience for all involved….way less stress and pushback from her since getting the “chocolate paste” if your on the fence just get it
Wanda –
If you want your kids to brush their teeth without you shouting or begging them, get them this toothpaste. It has a sweet flavour with the recommended fluoride.
Rany W –
The first time I tried this toothpaste, I had to remind myself not to swallow it because it tastes so good.
Texture is fine, color is not the prettiest but I wouldn’t want it to be pink either.
Left my mouth feeling clean.
Michelle Alan –
The kids love the taste. It is too chocolate for me. I have no idea how well it will work for cavities. We will see on the next dentist appointment. It is pricey for the size. Kids do brush longer do we will see h0w it will work for whiteness in 3 months