Descrição do Produto: Tampa Substituta para Shaker Bottle – Versão Atualizada 2021 – À Prova de Vazamentos
A tampa substituta para shaker bottle é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na hora de preparar suas bebidas proteicas. Compatível exclusivamente com garrafas shaker de 28oz de uma marca renomada, esta tampa foi projetada para se encaixar perfeitamente, garantindo que você não tenha que se preocupar com vazamentos indesejados. Imagine a liberdade de levar seu shake pós-treino para qualquer lugar, sem o medo de que ele se espalhe na sua mochila ou no carro. Com um design inovador e à prova de vazamentos, você pode focar no que realmente importa: alcançar seus objetivos de fitness.
Além de sua funcionalidade, esta tampa é uma escolha consciente para o meio ambiente. Ao invés de descartar sua garrafa shaker apenas porque a tampa se perdeu ou quebrou, você pode optar por uma solução sustentável e econômica. Fabricada com plástico livre de BPA e ftalatos, a tampa é segura para uso e pode ser lavada na parte superior da máquina de lavar louças, facilitando a limpeza e mantendo a higiene necessária para suas bebidas.
A Impeccable Lids se compromete com a qualidade de seus produtos, oferecendo uma garantia de 30 dias. Para garantir o melhor encaixe e funcionamento, recomenda-se lavar a tampa até quatro vezes antes do uso inicial, especialmente se você estiver utilizando uma garrafa nova. Com isso, você poderá desfrutar de um produto que não só atende às suas necessidades, mas que também melhora sua experiência no dia a dia.
– Compatibilidade Exclusiva: Projetada para se encaixar perfeitamente em garrafas shaker de 28oz de uma marca específica, evitando frustrações com encaixes inadequados.
– Design à Prova de Vazamentos: Permite que você transporte seu shake sem preocupações, mantendo sua mochila e seus pertences secos.
– Sustentabilidade: Reduz o desperdício de plástico, permitindo que você utilize sua garrafa existente em vez de comprar uma nova.
– Material Seguro: Fabricada com plástico livre de BPA e ftalatos, garantindo que suas bebidas permaneçam livres de substâncias nocivas.
– Fácil Limpeza: Pode ser lavada na máquina de lavar louças, tornando a manutenção simples e prática.
Para utilizar a tampa substituta, comece lavando-a em água morna com sabão neutro antes do primeiro uso. Após a limpeza inicial, encaixe a tampa firmemente na garrafa shaker de 28oz, certificando-se de que está bem ajustada para evitar vazamentos. Ao preparar seu shake, adicione os ingredientes desejados, feche a tampa e agite vigorosamente. Para garantir um desempenho ideal, recomenda-se lavar a tampa até quatro vezes antes de usá-la pela primeira vez e, se a garrafa for nova, lave-a 2-3 vezes na máquina de lavar louças. Isso garantirá um encaixe suave e eficiente, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo sua experiência de treino.
ThatGuy –
My wife started recycling my blender bottles that have been in the back of the cabinet that are missing lids. The lids would crack or break by I hated to throw out the whole bottle and shaker. I found these replacements and thought I’d give them a try. At first I was not impressed. I tested the lids when they arrived on my bottles with water over the sink. The thread is slightly off so they did not screw on all the way and leaked drips of water. I put them through the dish washer and tried again. After the dish washer the thread seemed to tighten up and the fit better. No leaks. The white tap that covers the mouth hole is stiff so I suggest cycling it a few times before use.
I have used the lid 4-5 times now with protein and pre work outs at the gym. No leaks. You can tell it doesn’t screw on 100% so don’t over tighten.
Overall they work so far, no perfect fit but good replacement with no leaks. I highly recommend running through dish washer before first use for fitment before writing a review. Will update if I run into any issues.
Hope this review helps someone.
J. Smith –
Just my opinion but the company that makes Bottles that Blend would probably make a killing in replacement parts but I guess they only want to sell complete sets. That’s okay. They would likely charge out the thing they charge out of anyway.
This is a great replacement, at least in theory. Only one color but that’s okay. I took the advice of other reviewers and ran them through the dishwasher a couple times and they fit perfectly.
So take the advice of other reviewers and you will successfully replace that which a company I can’t name wishes you not to replace.
Josh –
They’re alright. Fits some cups well while not fitting others too well. Depending on cup, it will screw on, but leak out the side. Overall, it was underwhelming and only partially works.
Justin Lasut –
My lids came in slightly warped, but they are flexible enough to where it engaged the threads just fine. A little tight, but it works so far, and $3.50 for a replacement lid that isn’t perfect is way cheaper than $8.00 for an entire bottle just because the lid is broken.
Updated by lowering rating. One lid is warped to the point where it is more than a little tight after all of two washings. At the end of the day, you get what you pay for.
Amanda Anderson –
I love blender bottles and I have 1 for every day of the week. Unfortunately, over the years the lids and caps would split and then I’d have a bottle with no lid and that sucks. One day just for S&G’s I decided to search for replacement blender bottle caps, and I came across this product. The price wasn’t too steep, so I deemed it worth the try. They arrived in 2 days, and after a dishwasher cycle, they were ready for use.
Basically, they work as expected. They fit, they don’t leak, and they’re seemingly at least as durable as the originals. If you’re missing blender bottle caps, these will absolutely suit for replacements, and I encourage you to try them.
Neil –
I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with a shaker bottle lid, but here I am, waxing poetic about the Impeccable Lids Shaker Bottle Replacement Lid Cap Top. First of all, the name says it all—impeccable! This lid has breathed new life into my old shaker bottles, which were basically on life support thanks to cracked lids and mystery leaks.
The seal on this thing? Tighter than my jeans after cheat day. Not a single drop escapes, no matter how vigorously I shake my protein concoction. It’s like a tiny Fort Knox for your beverages! And the flip-top lid snaps shut with the satisfying authority of a mic drop. Boom.
Plus, it’s easy to clean—no more hunting for rogue protein powder stuck in nooks and crannies. (Seriously, who designs lids with more hiding spots than a game of hide-and-seek?)
If you’re on the fence, just know this lid doesn’t just replace—it upgrades. It’s like going from a clunky old flip phone to the latest smartphone but for your shaker bottle. So go ahead, give your bottles a glow-up. Impeccable Lids: keeping your shakes contained and your day on point! 🥤✨
Timothy Hinson –
so close, but don’t fit the spout hole or the screw-on cap.
Bryan R Craker –
They sort of work but they’re pretty bad, they don’t quite fit so they leak. Especially bad because these are meant to be used with a bottle that you shake full of liquid.