Conheça o Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Mix, um pó para bebida completa de proteínas, carboidratos e eletrólitos, ideal para a recuperação pós-treino. Com 15 porções, sabor chocolate, é livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, além de ser vegano. Este mix foi desenvolvido pensando nos atletas, proporcionando uma solução perfeita para a recuperação após uma longa corrida, pedalada, sessão de musculação ou treino cruzado na academia, ou até mesmo após uma viagem de mochila. Basta colocar em uma garrafa, misturar com água e você está pronto para ir!
Este mix de bebida esportiva possui uma combinação perfeita de proteínas, carboidratos e eletrólitos para repor os estoques de glicogênio, reconstruir os músculos e restaurar a hidratação. Esses ingredientes ajudam a garantir uma recuperação completa pós-treino, para que você possa voltar mais forte para a sua próxima aventura.
Criamos uma fórmula que é compatível com uma variedade de dietas. É não transgênico, vegano e livre de glúten, soja e laticínios. Esse mix completo de proteína em pó com aminoácidos, gordura saudável e carboidratos também é totalmente equilibrado. Tudo o que você precisa. De verdade.
Nosso pó de recuperação está disponível em 4 sabores: chocolate, baunilha, café e caramelo salgado. Nosso mix de bebida de recuperação com café oferece 80 mg de cafeína proveniente de café 100% Arábica. Misture 1 porção com 16 oz. de água e beba 30 minutos após o exercício. Se o seu treino durou por um período prolongado, beba uma segunda porção 30 minutos depois.
Nós somos tão apaixonados pela recuperação pós-treino porque somos atletas. Desenvolvemos nossa bebida de recuperação para ser fácil de misturar e leve no estômago, ao mesmo tempo em que oferece excelente sabor e suporte para uma recuperação mais rápida.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Recuperação completa pós-treino
- Ingredientes limpos e compatíveis com diversas dietas
- Sabores deliciosos disponíveis
- Desenvolvido por atletas para atletas
- Fácil de misturar e leve no estômago
- Promove uma recuperação muscular eficaz, reduzindo a fadiga após treinos intensos.
- Reabastece rapidamente os níveis de energia, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais disposição.
- Hidrata o corpo com eletrólitos essenciais, prevenindo desidratação e cãibras.
- É uma opção saudável e prática, ideal para quem segue dietas restritivas ou veganas.
- Fácil de preparar, basta misturar com água, tornando-se uma solução conveniente para o pós-treino.
Misture 1 porção do Tailwind Nutrition Recovery Mix com 16 oz. de água e beba 30 minutos após o exercício. Se o seu treino durou por um período prolongado, beba uma segunda porção 30 minutos depois. Aproveite os benefícios dessa bebida completa de proteínas, carboidratos e eletrólitos para uma recuperação eficaz e saborosa!
Kevin –
This stuff is a hidden gem. My friend who races Ironmans turned me onto this stuff. I definitely feel replenished taking this after my long runs. I’ve only had the vanilla, but it tastes pretty good. This is my go to along with their endurance formula I take with me in my runs.
Rick S –
I love the taste, the consistency and how I feel after taking Tailwind Recovery.
Ken –
I’ve recently taken up cycling and have been riding a 60 mile route once a week, along with a smattering of shorter rides. At first, those 60 mile rides left my body battered afterwards and I really wasn’t able to ride again for at least another day or two, as my muscles were just too sore. I decided enough was enough and did some research into recovery mixes and Tailwind caught my eye and have been using since. Now perhaps it’s a combination of increasing my endurance as well as the Tailwind Recovery mix, but I do know that after my long rides now, I’m able to ride again the next day with no lingering effects. I’m not walking like a zombie the night after my ride and am basically functional again.
I love the ease of the mix. I just place two scoops in a mixing bottle, add water from a flask I bring, shake it up and done. It’s part of my post-ride ritual now and I look forward to getting to my car and just relaxing and drinking my Tailwind. The chocolate flavor is perfect, not too sweet, and definitely not chalky.
I can whole heartedly recommend this product and suggest you try it out to aid in your recovery process.
John Galt –
I have been taking this product for most of 2023 now after hard workouts or when I feel fatigued, and it seems to always make a difference for me. Mixed with some ice, it is very refreshing after hot runs. And it has a creamy feel and, in my opinion, good taste. I was actually surprised of the good taste when I first used it. My teenage daughter who tends to be picky liked it as well. The only thing I can think of that ‘might’ be something that could be improved is something to aid in absorbing the little iron that is within it and possible add more iron. I coach HS athletes and there seems to a high amount of HS girls, in particular, that have iron deficiencies. And I feel I have similar issues as an athlete approaching retirement age. In hearing from HS girls and parents, I learned that Calcium may work against Iron absorption and vitamin C may help. I am no doctor or scientist. And I don’t know if something may already exist in the product to aid in absorbing the iron within the product. If there is not, it would nice if an ingredient/vitamin/etc that aided in absorption of iron was added to the product, if would even be possible.
Anthony A –
All of the Tailwind products are elite, but I really enjoy using the post workout recovery drink the best. It taste great and I always feel a little bit better after I drink it. I consider it a must after every tough workout.
mark newton –
could be more affordable but the product works. use after a heavy workout.
scott haerbig –
Mixes well, great flavour. I love this product. I use four or five ice cubes with water. Wouldn’t change to anything else.
DY –
I have been looking for tasty post-run protein forever, and I finally found the right one for me. Tailwind Nutrition Rebuild Recovery Drink Mix is it. At my age (52), running daily, participating in long-distance races on monthly basis, and playing soccer in between them can be very exhausting and damaging to the body. Ever since I started drinking Tailwind Nutrition, however, I feel stronger and I recover quicker. The results say it all — I am faster than I was 15 years ago and I’ve qualified for Boston two years in a row. Also, I love the flavor — it tastes natural and has no nasty artificial aftertaste, and it is not overly sweet. I also love the fact that it’s easy on my stomach which tends to become sensitive after long grueling runs. Yes, it is a bit expensive compared to some protein mix that comes in buckets at Costco, but it is worth every penny, and I am not going back.
Anthony A –
I’ve ordered Tailwind on other occasions and I really like their products. Unfortunately this package arrived with the bottom cut open. I tried to return or refund the product, but neither option is available. So now I have a package that I won’t use. I won’t order again from Amazon on this.
Update 7/2/24: I’ve ordered again and this time the package was completely fine. Luckily it was packed in a cardboard box this time with some other purchases from another company. Flavor is good and definitely enjoy this powder post run.
Nathan –
I’ve been trying a handful of recovery mixes recently and am glad I tried this one. The nutrition balance (ingredients and carbs to protein ratio) is exactly what I was interested. The only downside of this purchase was that the flavor of the salted caramel was my least favorite of any nutrition I’ve tried. It’s tough to really make this a critique, since flavor is individual. However, I found it made me a little less likely to drink it after workouts, which meant I wasn’t getting it’s benefit as regularly as some if the competing mixes that I’ve preferred.