Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Recuperação Completa Após o Treino: Nosso mix de recuperação foi desenvolvido pensando nos atletas. Seja após uma corrida longa, um treino de musculação, uma sessão de ioga ou qualquer outra atividade física intensa, nosso mix de recuperação é perfeito para você. Basta misturá-lo com água em uma garrafa e pronto!
- Reposição Nutricional: A combinação perfeita de proteínas, carboidratos e eletrólitos permite que essa bebida de recuperação esportiva reponha os estoques de glicogênio, reconstrua os músculos e restaure a hidratação. Proteínas, carboidratos e eletrólitos são essenciais para uma recuperação completa após o exercício.
- Ingredientes de Qualidade: Criamos uma fórmula compatível com uma variedade de dietas. Nossa bebida de recuperação é não transgênica, vegana e livre de glúten, soja e laticínios. A combinação de proteínas, gorduras saudáveis, aminoácidos e carboidratos é totalmente equilibrada. Tudo o que você precisa, de verdade.
- Sabores Deliciosos: Nosso mix de recuperação está disponível em 3 sabores: chocolate, baunilha, café e caramelo salgado. Nosso mix de proteína de café contém 80 mg de cafeína proveniente de café 100% Arábica. Misture 1 porção com 16 oz. de água dentro de 30 minutos após o exercício. Se o seu treino durou por um período prolongado, tome uma segunda porção 30 minutos depois.
- Desenvolvido por Atletas para Atletas: Somos tão apaixonados pela recuperação após o treino porque somos atletas. Desenvolvemos nossa bebida de recuperação para oferecer excelente sabor e uma recuperação mais rápida, além de ser fácil de misturar e leve para o estômago.
Amazon Customer –
52 yr old, recently started back running, specifically trail running. I’ve been building mileage (up to 30 per week)in preparation for an Ultra Trail Marathon, and needed something for hydration, electrolyte replacement, and as an older runner, something for recovery. I’ve tried Gatorade but found that it caused some stomach issues during lengthy runs. Hammer products didn’t dissolve well in cold water and most of the drink tablets were too carbonated and didn’t taste very good (IMO). Then a fellow ultra runner recommended Tailwind. Delicious, dissolves quickly; no gritty undisolved clumps, and very easy on my stomach. Not cheap but worth it. It’s my go to for long workouts and recovery. Amazing product.
Adriana Santa –
despues de una actividad fisica de mucha demande energetica este producto ayuda a recuperar mas rapido
lo uso despues de correr mas de 15 kilometros o caminatas de mas de 4 horas
B. Lawson –
Regardless of how I try, I never consume enough nutrition for my long runs and ultra races, so while I’m not a medical expert, this is a nice extra bit of food I can get onboard fast after exertion in addition to my normal foods and hydration. There are lots of scientifically based articles explaining how you have a limited time after a hard workout to quickly help your body recover depleted energy/glycogen stores, so adding this in helps me feel like I’m perhaps putting myself on a quick path to recovery for the next future run.
I don’t have a sensitive stomach (lucky me), but both of these flavors work great for me and I imagine they’re pretty mild for even those with a picky body.
And the pouches travel great!
Susan –
Bought this pack for my boys who run XC. One was looking to add more protein and does higher mileage. The other is out on the water all day immediately after XC practice and was getting fatigued. Both really liked all flavors, chocolate first, then salted caramel, and vanilla last but they said all tasted good. They weren’t expecting to be blown away since they’ve tried other similar powders like this before but this is the best one they’ve tried for consistency (not chalky) and flavor and it gives them good energy so they can do a second run, work or sail all day. I bought this to try all the flavors and have bought the large pack of chocolate 2x since. The individual portions are good for travel.
Sara Nadzri –
The product was amazing but the packages were unfortunately torn and powder was coming out. Otherwise I would order it again. Really liked both flavors chocolate and vanilla. It was nice enjoyed cold or room temperature.
Caroline G –
Tailwind is one of the best running products in the market, and these recovery drinks are no exception. Work well to help kickstart recovery, easy to blend at the end of the trail or at your car, and the flavor is great. Prefer vanilla to the chocolate, post workout, as it is a bit more subtle for my exhausted body, but the chocolate tastes very chocolatey and authentic. Recommend for anyone new to longer distances (marathon training, ultra), who have recognized a need for recovery fuel. Checkout their training products as well, they are fantastic and obviate the need to carry gels, etc. – so much better than gels!
Tater –
Good way to try flavors without committing to any single one. Vanilla was good, Chocolate was ok, and I was not a fan of the salted caramel. Maybe I mixed with too much water.
Bethany London –
These pouches are super handy to pop in a purse, bike bag, or pocket for whenever you need an energy boost. I don’t drink all the junk that’s out there with the artificially speeding you up ingredients. Tailwinds has real sugar to get electrolytes into your cells, and these Rebuild Recovery mixes are delicious. I use them after rides and after times of stress or sickness when I haven’t kept up with eating or need to restore myself. My favorite is the salted caramel, but they’re all tasty!