Descrição do Produto:
As pastilhas Retainer Brite são a solução ideal para quem utiliza aparelhos dentários removíveis, como alinhadores, contenções, protetores bucais esportivos e placas de mordida. Com um total de 96 pastilhas individualmente embaladas, este produto garante um suprimento para três meses, permitindo que você mantenha seus aparelhos sempre limpos, brilhantes e livres de odores. As pastilhas Retainer Brite são projetadas para eliminar o filme turvo e o acúmulo de placa bacteriana, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz ao imergir seus aparelhos diariamente.
Fácil de usar e de ação rápida, cada pastilha dissolve-se em água, criando uma solução que penetra em todas as áreas dos seus dispositivos dentários, garantindo uma limpeza profunda. É importante ressaltar que as pastilhas são destinadas exclusivamente a pacientes que utilizam aparelhos dentários removíveis e não são adequadas para dentes artificiais ou dentaduras parciais. Com Retainer Brite, você pode ter a certeza de que seus aparelhos estarão sempre em ótimas condições, prontos para uso e com um frescor duradouro.
– Limpeza Profunda: Remove eficazmente sujeira, manchas e acúmulo de placa, mantendo seus aparelhos em condições ideais.
– Frescor Duradouro: Elimina odores desagradáveis, proporcionando uma experiência mais agradável ao usar seus aparelhos.
– Fácil Aplicação: O processo de limpeza é simples e rápido, ideal para a rotina diária.
– Suprimento Prolongado: Com 96 pastilhas, você tem um fornecimento para três meses, garantindo economia e praticidade.
– Saúde Bucal Aprimorada: A limpeza regular dos aparelhos contribui para a saúde bucal geral, prevenindo problemas como cáries e gengivite.
Para utilizar as pastilhas Retainer Brite, comece enchendo um recipiente com água morna suficiente para cobrir completamente o aparelho dentário que deseja limpar. Em seguida, adicione uma pastilha Retainer Brite à água e aguarde até que ela se dissolva completamente. Coloque o aparelho na solução e deixe de molho por aproximadamente 15 a 30 minutos. Após o tempo de imersão, retire o aparelho, enxágue bem com água corrente e deixe secar antes de usar novamente. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se realizar esse procedimento diariamente.
Gerald –
Does the needed job
M –
Yo uso Invisalign y para limpiar los retenedores, estaba usando de Corega las tabletas blanqueadoras, pero no acaban de quedar limpios. Con este producto es inmediato y muy visible la limpieza de los retenedores. Quedan casi que transparentes como originalmente están de nuevos. Unicamente los pongo 15 minutos en un vaso con agua y luego los cepillo un poco, los enjuago y listo! Muy recomendable.
Muna AlAmeri –
وصلتني سليمه تماما الحمدلله جا ببالي اجربها، استخدمتها مع المثبت مرتين لحد الان. سهلة طريقتها: ارموها بكاس ماء (ليس حار) وخلال الفوران ارموا المثبت بالكاس وركبوا المؤقت. وللي خايف من هذا المنتج او عنده حساسيه بامكانه يستخدم الخل الابيض الطبيعي (عن تجربة) ممتاز ينظف ويلمع المثبت، الطريقة: كاس خل نضيف عليه ماء (ليس حار انتبهوا) ثم غطسوا المثبت ربع ساعه، ولو لازال باقي بقعه بامكانكم استخدام الفرشه الناعمه بعد التغطيس بالخل والله النتائج مذهله. عموما نرجع لتقييم هذا المنتج اعطيه خمسه لان البائع اوصله لي في حالة ممتازة، وتاريخ الانتهاء مطول. شكرا للبائع
Sylvain –
Excellent product
Does what does cleans and freshen
Great value
Easy to use
keaira –
They worked well to clean retainers.
Lucy –
I recently started clear aligner orthodontics and didn’t get much direction from my orthodontist. His advice was to rinse them under cold water. Sooooooo, if you’re going to have an appliance in your mouth for up to three weeks (the timeline of my aligner wear per tray) that doesn’t sound very hygienic to me. You’re not supposed to brush your aligners with a toothbrush and toothpaste because that can lead to a hazy look on the aligner AND create tiny little abrasions where bacteria can grow. That means at best you’ll have bad breath, at worst, cavities! Thanks to the internet I heard about Retainer Brite (you can’t use denture tablets with aligners/retainers/bite guards, by the way…I discovered that when I was thinking that would be a viable solution, dangit!) After reading about this product on a couple of orthodontist’s websites I looked for it, or something like it, at Target, but no luck. Thank goodness for Amazon, because I wanted something to keep my aligners clean and I wanted it fast! I use these probably more than necessary, but they have kept my aligners SPARKLING clean! I use one tablet twice per day (I use cold water as opposed to the recommended warm water, so that it doesn’t warp my aligners) and I am beyond pleased with the results. It’s super easy and takes very little time. As soon as I remove my aligners before a meal I pop them into a glass with the tablet, add just enough water to cover them and when I come back after breakfast or dinner…VOILA! I am greeted with FRESH TO DEATH aligners! As a side note, when my orthodontist handed me my first three trays at the beginning of my treatment he said: “They’ll only look this clear for the first couple of days. After that they’ll be more visible.” Meaning, because they would become discolored/hazy and they would be more noticeable by other people. Well, thanks to using the Retainer Brite my trays look almost as clear as when they were brand new! Retainer Brite ALSO allowed me to eat/drink a few things I never would have risked otherwise. Because you’re not supposed to have the trays out more than 2-4 hours per day (and my goal is 2 hours max) it’s hard to eat enough not to be starving and I also didn’t want to waste time with them out on non-clear beverages. Now, I can treat myself to some jello (easy to eat with them in), or a few bites of mashed potatoes or iced tea (which I was really missing!), etc….as long as shortly after I pop the in the Retainer Brite and brush my teeth. That way the only time out for the trays is the time spent brushing my teeth, as opposed to having a snack AND brushing my teeth. I realize this is still probably not ideal, but it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY, because I was having a hard time getting enough to eat each day and still hit my two hour goal. I’m going to add a photo with my first set (used for three weeks and cleaned daily with Retainer Brite) and one of my unused (BRAND NEW!) trays to show just how clear they have remained. For reference, I will put the used tray on top and the unused tray on the bottom. BOTTOM LINE: The results speak for themselves. Retainer Brite was a godsend for me! HIGHLY recommend! Worth every penny!
LP –
Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential, especially when it comes to caring for retainers. As someone who wears retainers regularly, I have found Retainer Brite Tablets to be an invaluable tool in keeping my retainers fresh and clean.
One of the standout features of Retainer Brite Tablets is their effectiveness in removing stubborn stains and odors from retainers. After using these tablets according to the instructions, I noticed a significant improvement in the cleanliness of my retainers. They not only look cleaner but also feel fresher, contributing to a more pleasant wearing experience.
The convenience of using Retainer Brite Tablets is another highlight. The simple and straightforward process of dropping a tablet into water and immersing the retainer makes cleaning quick and hassle-free. The effervescent action of the tablets ensures thorough cleaning, reaching even the most difficult-to-access areas of the retainer.
I appreciate that Retainer Brite Tablets are gentle yet powerful in their cleaning action. They effectively remove plaque buildup and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria without causing any damage to the retainer material. This gentle approach is crucial for maintaining the longevity and integrity of the retainer.
Furthermore, the fresh minty scent left behind after cleaning with Retainer Brite Tablets adds an extra layer of cleanliness and freshness to the retainer. It’s a small detail, but it enhances the overall experience of wearing the retainer.
In terms of value, Retainer Brite Tablets are reasonably priced considering the benefits they offer. A single box contains an ample supply of tablets, making it a cost-effective solution for keeping retainers clean and hygienic.
In conclusion, I highly recommend Retainer Brite Tablets to anyone looking to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of their retainers. With their effective cleaning power, convenience, gentle formulation, and value for money, these tablets are a must-have for anyone who wears retainers. Keep your retainers in top condition with Retainer Brite Tablets and enjoy a cleaner, fresher smile every day.
Lucy –
As pastilhas Retainer Brite fazem um ótimo trabalho na limpeza dos nossos diversos aparelhos ortodônticos e protetores bucais.